Nancy Pelosi Hires Former Terrorist Fundraiser


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

In 2000, he oversaw a week of events that raised money for Islamic terrorists murdering Jews. From 2005 until the present, he oversaw a left-wing blog whose contributors used language that even he admitted was anti-Semitic. And now Faiz Shakir is about to become a senior advisor to the Democratic Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.

What happens to a top left-wing operative when he loses control of a media operation so badly that the White House has to distance itself from its allied think tank? He gets a job offer from Nancy Pelosi.

After the use of bigoted language by ThinkProgress contributors turned into a growing scandal, the White House publicly distanced itself from ThinkProgress, an outlet of the Center for American Progress, which Time Magazine called the think tank with the largest influence on the Obama administration. Jarrod Bernstein, the White House’s liaison to the Jewish community, described the events there as troubling and stated that the Center for American Progress’s attitude was not that of the Obama administration

The Center for American Progress’s Jewish Conspiracy Theory

According to the Center for American Progress, the reason that nearly half of all Americans have a negative view of Islam is because of three and a half Jews and an Irishman. If such an allegation were being made by a Saudi cleric or an Egyptian newspaper, we could laugh it off along with the aphrodisiac gum, the GPS shark and other regional conspiracy theories about the Jews. But that’s not the case here.

Time Magazine described the Center for American Progress as the most influential outside group in the Obama Administration. Run by Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, and funded by shady billionaires, the growing influence of the shadowy organization on the Democratic Party has troubled even the mainstream media

“It is difficult to overstate the influence in Obamaland of CAP,” Time wrote. It is even more difficult to overstate its influence on the media, which relies on talking points created by the Center and its blog, ThinkProgress. And that makes the CAP’s descent into scapegoating all the more disturbing.

The Muslim world often blames its problems on the Jews. And “Fear Inc“, the CAP report, does the same thing by claiming that five men, three of whom are Jews (while a fourth is employed by a Jew – as the report notes — and receives underwriting from two more Jews), have turned Americans against Islam. But is the 49 percent negative rating for Islam really attributable to a handful of terrorism experts who managed to convince a fourth of the country to change its view of Islam? Or is it attributable to years of terrorism, war, blood curdling incitements from assorted imams and thousands of dead Americans?

The Center for American Progress
The anti-semetic talk occuring on the left lately is disturbing. And it would be just as disturbing if it was coming from the right as well.
The anti-semetic talk occuring on the left lately is disturbing. And it would be just as disturbing if it was coming from the right as well.

Right wing Jew haters wouldn't have connections to a Republican president and that fact be ignored by the main stream media.
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What stood out to me, aside from the left embracing this group, is how they blame Jews for the unpopularity of Muslims. The article did hit on the truth, which is years of radical Muslims carrying out countless terrorist attacks. No one needs to convince many Americans that it's difficult to trust a religion that harbors terrorists and doesn't speak out against them. We're left not knowing who is who. Only they know and they aren't about to separate themselves from the radicals among them.

The media looks the other way on some of the most scandalous stories.

Doesn't surprise me that Pelosi would hire this guy. She is a desperate, ignorant hag trying to salvage her career. I think she misses having the power. Power to spend our money like a drunken sailor and abuse her privleges, like the private jet and the apprarently endless food and alcohol budget.
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Obama propaganda arm MSNBC's 'New star" A race baiter Jew hater..

MSNBC Gives a Violent Racist a TV Show


Imagine if MSNBC gave a TV show to a violent racist who led angry mobs against Jewish and Asian communities and businesses. Mobs that gathered outside a Jewish synagogue chanting “Heil Hitler” and “Death to the Jews.”

Unimaginable, right? Wrong. After years of accusing FOX News of racism, MSNBC gave a violent racist his own show. Of course MSNBC would never give a white racist like David Duke his own show. But they have no problem giving one to Al Sharpton

MSNBC Gives a Violent Racist a TV Show | FrontPage Magazine
If the guy allegedly raised money for terrorists groups during 2000.

Why didn't the Bush administration arrest him?

Or is the OP just a bunch of hysterical non sense.
Same reason those behind "Fast and Furious" don't get arrested.
Same reason there are no arrests in the MF Global scandal:

Gov't Corruption.
If the guy allegedly raised money for terrorists groups during 2000.

Why didn't the Bush administration arrest him?

Or is the OP just a bunch of hysterical non sense.

I"d like to see the whole of CAIR arrested. But there has to be more than just fundraising.

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