Nancy Pelosi: Continuing To Be The GOP's Best Friend


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
In 2011 the Obama Administration did a little "smoke and mirrors" with the payroll tax, adding (on average) about $40 per paycheck. Then House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi praised Obama and exclaiming "victory for all Americans," adding, "160 million Americans will continue to receive their payroll tax cut, nearly $40 per paycheck in the pockets of the average family. I salute the work of the unified House Democratic caucus on behalf of the American people."

Gaffe prone Nancy Pelosi is without a doubt the best reason why average Americans will vote Republican come this November. Certainly the President's economic policies of lowering taxes and rising paychecks is what people usually vote for.

However Pelosi's continued verbal blunders from referencing the President's massive tax cuts as "unpatriotic" to labeling the hundreds of bonuses handed out by employers to their employees, (averaging $1,000) as "crumbs" simply illustrates clearly just how "out of touch" the 78-year old Minority Leader is. To make matters worse for Democrats, not one voted for the massive tax reductions, eliminating putative mandates or reducing tax rates across the board for working Americans.

Remarkably if the unthinkable should happen and Nancy recaptures the leadership, she's promised to repeal the Presidents tax cuts, which is extremely popular in America. In fact a just-released New York Times poll (not exactly a friend of Trump) shows a majority of Americans (51%) support the Presidents tax cuts.

Currently over 3-million working Americans have received substantial bonuses averaging $1,000, and in some cases over $3,000, and with rising wages. To date, almost 300 companies around the country have given out bonuses to their workers.

Moreover because of the reduction in the corporate tax rates, businesses can now invest more of their earnings back into their businesses, allowing them to expand and reinvest in their workers.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate just how out-of-touch Pelosi is, was with the incredible May "Jobs Report" that economists had forecasted around 193,000 new jobs would be created. However, when the actual numbers began coming in the tally exceeded even the most optimistic prediction, ending with just over 223,000 new jobs with black unemployment breaking records, the lowest in recorded history, with a 3.8% unemployment rate.

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