Nancy & Harry Doomed the Obama Presidency

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is there any doubt that the last 2 two years of the Bush presidency would have been far more successful if Harry and Nancy would have been more concerned with their economic oversight duties rather than their parties political ambitions?

Is there also any doubt that if they (Pelosi & Reid) would have been far more concerned with the economy and jobs in Obama's first two years and onward rather that force feeding the American people "Obamacare" that Obama would not have been such an utter failure as President?
We had virtual full employment of around 5% when Pelosi took control. Her first act was to jack up minimum wage by about 40%, over the cries of those who said it would destroy jobs.

"The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery, their transition into productive members of society could be put on hold for an extended period of time.

And worse, without a clear economic recovery plan aimed at creating entry-level jobs, the odds of many of these young adults -- aged 16 to 24, excluding students -- getting a job and moving out of their parents' houses are long. Young workers have been among the hardest hit during the current recession -- in which a total of 9.5 million jobs have been lost. "

Elections have consequences.
Is there any doubt that the last 2 two years of the Bush presidency would have been far more successful if Harry and Nancy would have been more concerned with their economic oversight duties rather than their parties political ambitions?

Is there also any doubt that if they (Pelosi & Reid) would have been far more concerned with the economy and jobs in Obama's first two years and onward rather that force feeding the American people "Obamacare" that Obama would not have been such an utter failure as President?

Is there any doubt that the ambitions of those two Liberals, could have done anything without Obama's blessing? They knew that newbie would be easy for he had no experience and he was soft and let them have their way with him and the taxpayer's dollars and from what I notice, he still is.
Is there any doubt that the last 2 two years of the Bush presidency would have been far more successful if Harry and Nancy would have been more concerned with their economic oversight duties rather than their parties political ambitions?

Is there also any doubt that if they (Pelosi & Reid) would have been far more concerned with the economy and jobs in Obama's first two years and onward rather that force feeding the American people "Obamacare" that Obama would not have been such an utter failure as President?

Is there any doubt that the ambitions of those two Liberals, could have done anything without Obama's blessing? They knew that newbie would be easy for he had no experience and he was soft and let them have their way with him and the taxpayer's dollars and from what I notice, he still is.

Are you sayin.... Obama was/is their "bitch"...:disbelief:.

Is there any doubt that the last 2 two years of the Bush presidency would have been far more successful if Harry and Nancy would have been more concerned with their economic oversight duties rather than their parties political ambitions?

Is there also any doubt that if they (Pelosi & Reid) would have been far more concerned with the economy and jobs in Obama's first two years and onward rather that force feeding the American people "Obamacare" that Obama would not have been such an utter failure as President?

Is there any doubt that the ambitions of those two Liberals, could have done anything without Obama's blessing? They knew that newbie would be easy for he had no experience and he was soft and let them have their way with him and the taxpayer's dollars and from what I notice, he still is.

Are you sayin.... Obama was/is their "bitch"...:disbelief:.


Yes, and many others: To wit:





And of course, Valerie Jarrett, without whom, Axelrod and Obama would be lost in space, which is their destination on Nov. 6th.

Obama is sending a message a desperate message to anyone who can read:

In his latest fundraising email to supporters, President Barack Obama says, "Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens" in the election. Instead, Obama's trying to win the contest "for our country and middle-class families."

Here's the full pitch:

I don't want to lose this election.

Not because of what losing would mean for me -- Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens.

But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families.

This race is very close.

I'm not willing to watch the progress you and I worked so hard to achieve be undone.

Time is running out to make an impact -- please don't wait any longer. Donate $5 or more today:

I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we fight harder than ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we can't lose.

Thank you,


P.S. -- I don't know what Election Night will hold, but I'd like you to be a part of the event here in Chicago. Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to meet me -- airfare and hotel for you and a guest are covered.
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Is there any doubt that the ambitions of those two Liberals, could have done anything without Obama's blessing? They knew that newbie would be easy for he had no experience and he was soft and let them have their way with him and the taxpayer's dollars and from what I notice, he still is.

Are you sayin.... Obama was/is their "bitch"...:disbelief:.


Yes, and many others: To wit:





And of course, Valerie Jarrett, without whom, Axelrod and Obama would be lost in space, which is their destination on Nov. 6th.

Obama is sending a message a desperate message to anyone who can read:

In his latest fundraising email to supporters, President Barack Obama says, "Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens" in the election. Instead, Obama's trying to win the contest "for our country and middle-class families."

Here's the full pitch:

I don't want to lose this election.

Not because of what losing would mean for me -- Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens.

But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families.

This race is very close.

I'm not willing to watch the progress you and I worked so hard to achieve be undone.

Time is running out to make an impact -- please don't wait any longer. Donate $5 or more today:

I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we fight harder than ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we can't lose.

Thank you,


P.S. -- I don't know what Election Night will hold, but I'd like you to be a part of the event here in Chicago. Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to meet me -- airfare and hotel for you and a guest are covered.

Obama: 'Michelle and I Will Be Fine No Matter What Happens' in the Election | The Weekly Standard

Obama as the booby prize... interesting
We had virtual full employment of around 5% when Pelosi took control. Her first act was to jack up minimum wage by about 40%, over the cries of those who said it would destroy jobs.

"The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery, their transition into productive members of society could be put on hold for an extended period of time.

And worse, without a clear economic recovery plan aimed at creating entry-level jobs, the odds of many of these young adults -- aged 16 to 24, excluding students -- getting a job and moving out of their parents' houses are long. Young workers have been among the hardest hit during the current recession -- in which a total of 9.5 million jobs have been lost. "

The dead end kids -

Elections have consequences.
Did you happen to check the date on that article? September 27, 2009.
And you're inaccurately quoting it. While it implies the UE rate was 52.2%, it's actually more carefully worded to say "The number of young Americans without a job has exploded to 53.4 percent " Without a job is not the same thing as unemployed. And the UE rate is percent of the Labor Force, not percent of the population, in any case.

Looking back at the August 209 numbers:
16-24 Population : 37,594,000
Employed: 17,453,000 (employment-population ratio of 46.4%
Unemployed: 3,882,000 (10.3% of the population, 18.2% of the Labor Force..the official rate)
Not in the Labor Force (meaning not looking or not available for work): 16,259,000 (43.2% of the population)

For September 2012, the employment population ratio is actually a little lower, at 46.2%, but the Unemployment rate is down to 15.5% Basically more kids staying in school, going back to school, or just not trying to get a job while in school.
Why can't Democrats place the blame where it belongs..?

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