name the person most responsible for the economy 's issues

Order of responsibility for this crisis:
1 - Bill Clinton - signed nearly every part of this into law.
2 - Democrats in congress, Barney Frank & Chris Dodd
3 - Congressional Black Caucus
4 - Republicans in congress
5 - Alan Greenspan / Ben Bernanke
6 - Frank Raines of Fannie Mae
7 - Phil Gramm - derivatives & swaps
8 - Chris Cox - Lax SEC regulation
9 - Hank Paulson - US Treasury
10- Sandy Weill of Citigroup
12- Jimmy Carter - started the CRA
13- George Bush - did not push hard enough to stop this.
14- Marion and Herb Sandler invent Wells Fargo option ARM
15- Kathleen Corbet S&P AAA ratings
16- Lew Ranieri coined MBS securitization
17- Barack Obama - CBC, ACORN, Against GSE regulation, pushed CRA.
18- Joe Cassano of AIG
19- Realestate Appraisers
20- Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide
21- Dick Fuld of Lehman
22- Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns
23- Stan O'Neal of Merrill Lynch
24- Homebuilders & Ian McCarthy
25- National Association of Realtors - David Lereah
26- US Home Buyers & Consumer loans
27- Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme
29- Hedge funds & John Devaney
29- Fred Goodwin of Royal Bank of Scotland
30- Carleton Sheets no money down infomercial
31- HGTV & Burton Jablin
32- Easy credit from foreign govs China & Iceland
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