Name Change


Sep 23, 2010
Way back in June of 2009 I posted this message on another board —— after Hussein said America was not considered a Christian nation, but was one of the largest Muslim countries in the world:

Mr. President is the accepted form of address when speaking directly to a president. I have it on good authority that Obama prefers Your Holiness or Your Highness. To date, those forms of address have not caught on with anyone except his inner-circle and liberal journalists doing an interview.

The evolution of how to address Barack Hussein Obama in print is unique in the annals of presidential names and nicknames.

Much has been made of Obama’s name over the course of his time in the limelight. Since he moved into the White House some call him Barry while others prefer Barack. The recalcitrant among us insist on calling him President Obama even though the question of his eligibility remains unanswered.

The evolution of Obama’s name began when Senator Kennedy called Barack Hussein Obama by the name Osama. By the time Obama got the nomination the wags stopped referring to the nominee as Osama, and the press dropped Hussein altogether.

Obama’s supporters have always been in search of a universally accepted nickname. Joining that exclusive club with TR, FDR, JFK, LBJ, and RR seems unlikely. Let’s face it —— BHO, or simply BO, conjures up an odor that is offensive in polite society.

With no chance of joining the initials-only elite, the best Obama can hope for is membership in the one-name-only club alongside Eleanor, Hillary, Madonna, and Cher.

As for me, after Kennedy’s little slip of the tongue, I wrote “Osama Obama” in my posts. Later on, I switched to Barack H. Obama. For some months now, I’ve used plain Obama in my messages.

At long last the evolutionary trail has come to an end for me. Now that Obama has taken America out of the Muslim closet, I will refer to him as Hussein.

I must add that I have no intention of converting to Islam. With or without Hussein’s permission, I will remain a member of the Christian minority in a Muslim country.

From June of 2009 to this day he was Hussein in my messages. Happily, the number of liberals that flipped out was a bonus I never anticipated.

Yesterday I said this in another thread:

As I said in the OP “The Democrat party has been the party of liars since Woodrow Wilson.” That has been a fact for so long it has fallen off the radar screen. On the other hand nobody seems to notice that Hussein singlehandedly implemented Islam’s justification for lying ——Taqiyya, (telling an outright lie) and —— Kitman (lies of omission):

From this day forward I will refer to the messiah as Barack Taqiyya.

Just for the record the name change was prompted by the lies Democrats are telling in the fight over the immigration bill, plus the astronomical number of lies Democrats must tell to keep the Affordable Care Act from being repealed once that fight gets underway. Basically, repeatedly calling each Democrat a liar every time they lie is like water rolling off a duck’s back; so I thought I would bundle the liars under one name. After all, Barack Taqiyya is the biggest liar of them all.

Finally, the elections in 2014 must be about one thing and one thing only —— repealing the Affordable Care Act. Tea Party conservatives must concentrate on increasing the number of conservative seats in the House as well as taking the Senate in 2014. Democrats held onto the Senate in 2012 because establishment Republicans failed to make repeal the primary issue.

In just the past few months details about the ACA are surfacing, Not one detail is good for private sector Americans while millions of parasites are drooling over the jobs they will get if the ACA is not repealed. Every one of those jobs will be paid for by private sectors workers and passed on to the backs of the elderly. Not one of those jobs will improve the quality of healthcare, nor will they make a dent in the number of uninsured.

Worst of all, the country will never get rid of those parasites after they are seated at the public trough. If you think it’s tough to fire IRS big shots when they break the law just you wait until millions of new parasites in the healthcare industry are protected by Barack Taqiyya’s Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

One thing is clear. Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are going to need all of the help they can get when the MSM goes on the attack defending the ACA and Democrats. Without that help, conservatives willing to lead the fight for repeal don’t stand a chance.
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Michele Bachmann gets it right.

* Don’t count on the House to stop amnesty.

* And, if amnesty passes it will end our constitutional republic as we know it.

Barack Taqiyya deliberately lies whenever he calls America a democracy. When he visited India he went further than the usual lie when he said America was the oldest democracy in the world. As a constitutional scholar he knows the truth but always, always, chooses the lie. That’s taqiyya on steroids.

NOTE: Tea Party conservatives PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, click on the following link and listen to everything Michele says in the video about the immigration bill:

'The Republic is at stake'
Bachmann says amnesty would end America as we know it
By Garth Kant

?The Republic is at stake?

Think what you will about Michele but she knows exactly how the House plans on screwing the American people. Democrats know that the immigration bill is so destructive to this country they won't give Americans a chance to repeal the ACA after 20 million illegal aliens get the vote along with amnesty. And it is 20, not the 11 million the Democrats and the media lie about.

Sad to say, the 20 million already here is only the beginning. The borders will not be secured today anymore than they were secured when Democrats lied to President Reagan. The only thing the first amnesty did was open the floodgate for today’s 20 million illegal aliens. Think what a second amnesty is going to trigger.
Update on Michele trying to stop amnesty for illegals:


She and other conservative lawmakers are pressing fellow Republican and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, to pledge to abide by the “Hastert rule.”

That is the understanding which requires a majority of fellow party members in the House of Representatives support legislation before it is allowed to make it to the floor.

Bachmann confronts Boehner
Wants to stop amnesty 'Trojan horse'Published: 11 hours ago

Bachmann confronts Boehner

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