NAFTA Mexico City, Feb 25th (A Sunday, wow), do your part please (long message again)...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So this is only for those of you who give a damn about America. I repeat for the 1000th time, I don't hate Canada, the lying, self serving security apparatus hates me and I'm too stubborn to let them destroy me without me returning their serve. I am exposing and getting justice, the same justice they denied my family for a decade. They are exploiting American workers and businesses, and I am doing my part, gone too far to turn back now.

If you can guys can, reach out to your governors and mayors. Let them know that Canada is exploiting America on NAFTA. Hell, send them to my posts, have them PM me, I'm dead serious. I will chat with them on phone, by email, skype, in person whatever they want.

You should also be reaching out to the reps. in Washington and ask them to reject Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne's efforts to schmooze them and squeeze U.S taxpayer money. I know most of you don't appreciate my experiences here, but rest assured, in regards to American sustainability and capitalism, Canada cannot continue these activities. I am open to the same offer for them, and there is alot going on as we put excessive effort to continue with U.S subsidies.

The efforts from Ontario are particularly absurd, we are demanding (that's the best word here) that you NOT go forward with America First procurement. These attempted to demand changes already failed in Texas (happy to hear this, because it's my favourite state and I reached out to them some time ago), however, New York buckled and gave in. I was not happy as I emailed multiple times and made some phone calls.

What these America First policies require is that any tax funded government contract over $1M MUST be given to a local business, within state and I believe possibly nation wide, but definitely NOT foreign (which has Ontario pissed, as we like to pretend a private company is competing, when really it's just covert government patsy or a closely related/connected business). Ontario says it will retaliate, this is an empty promise. Ontario will lose plenty of revenue if this Bill passes, this will force changes for liberty and efficient free markets, not exploitive, oppression, nepotism as some have experienced.

She is there because there is a second attempt coming up in New York, and Cuomo needs to know that he cannot turn his back again. He acquiesced the first time, but I think he realizes now that it's bad business to reject this a second time. Our Premier will be working OT to convince New York and many other states that Ontario does major business with that this is a bad idea, she will invoke "free markets", when I and she both know this is comical. Ontario is near communist.

As she meets them to twist their arm I will be reaching out to them to speak the truth they aren't aware and suggest they reject her offer. Ditto for the meeting in Mexico, I will be calling long distance there and also reach out to some of the negotiators. Always great to reach out when they are out of town in Mexico, as they actively check their emails and messages.

Please help me in these efforts with a quick email to governors, or a voice message. It all helps. You don't have to refer to some random guy on the US Message forum if you don't want, but at least show some support for U.S First policies. Don't worry, I'm not crazy, just heavily invested and I'm confident my efforts are bearing fruit, even if quietly.

This is what has allowed Americans to be so free for so long, you care about your liberty and details, you're not helpless pawns. These politicians need to know regular people care and understand what's going on.

Next Round of Nafta Talks to Move Up a Day, Sources Say

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