NAACP Report Shows Tea Party Ties To White Supremacist Groups

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
NAACP Report Shows Tea Party Ties To White Supremacist Groups | News One

I suggest you rightwing monkeys read real carefully before you chimp out and start attacking the NAACP like a wild pack of baboons. Ben Jealous said:

Ben Jealous, the President of the NAACP defended the report on a call with reporters:

We have no problem with the Tea Party expressing its views in the great debates in our great democracy. We do, however, have a problem when prominent Tea Party members who have direct ties to organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens, are allowed to use Tea Party events to recruit people for those white supremacist groups. … And most importantly, we have a problem when the majority of the Tea Parties stand silent and doesn’t loudly condemn that sort of behavior.

Notice that the NAACP and Ben Jealous are not making a blanket indictment about all Teabaggers, they're speaking about specific people amongst the Teabaggers


Anyone GIVE A SHIT what the Naacp has to say.

70% of Blacks are born out of wedlock.
40% drop out of High School.
1 in 15 of all Blacks are in Jail.

But Black people know that would require them to look at themselves instead of blame others so what do they do? They shout; "The Klan is in the Trees!"

If I hated Blacks, why would I bother wasting any time joining the Klan or a White Supremacist group when Blacks just oppress themselves? :lol:
NAACP Report Shows Tea Party Ties To White Supremacist Groups | News One

I suggest you rightwing monkeys read real carefully before you chimp out and start attacking the NAACP like a wild pack of baboons. Ben Jealous said:

Ben Jealous, the President of the NAACP defended the report on a call with reporters:

We have no problem with the Tea Party expressing its views in the great debates in our great democracy. We do, however, have a problem when prominent Tea Party members who have direct ties to organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens, are allowed to use Tea Party events to recruit people for those white supremacist groups. … And most importantly, we have a problem when the majority of the Tea Parties stand silent and doesn’t loudly condemn that sort of behavior.

NAACP Report Shows Tea Party Ties To....

NNOOO shit...No, really? seriously? get -out the - fug- out- of- here!

NO wayyy I mean just NOOOOO effing way!!!!!!!!!!!

:rolleyes: only someone with the IQ of a flat spare tire didn't see this coming....pat your self on the back why don't you?

Notice that the NAACP and Ben Jealous are not making a blanket indictment about all Teabaggers, they're speaking about specific people amongst the Teabaggers

thank you for asking, why yes Bass, yes I did notice that as the atypical race-baiting weasel who doesn't have the nuts to just tell it like he feels it cause he has to protect himself from possible any slander or libel that he went girly man ...bravo......yes indeed...:lol:


to those who are sentient and actually employ logic- is this a good thing? Really? Any list, castiagtion etc. put out by a grp. who purports to represents the "under represented" should probably refrain from creating a enemies list. They let others to engage along these of lines they don't lower themselves into the pit, they speak without pejorative and welcome everyone......

I was reading a piece over at Pajamas today, I will quote roger Simon if I may......

"There is, however, a serious issue represented by this report. We have come to a moment in our national development when identity based organizations like the NAACP have a strong vested interest in impeding progress, especially for the groups they purport to represent. If things get better for black people, the NAACP has no reason for being — or must devolve into some kind of social club".

Roger L. Simon Why I Won’t Be Reading the NAACP’s Report on Tea Party Racism
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You Fauxnew jockeys are not going to get the pleasure of getting me to refute your strawmen arguments and rightwing Tourette's Syndrome like stupidity so just give it up, if it isn't on topic don't expect a response. There, you plan has been deepsixxed, I would hope others with an intelligent mind will not take your bait.
The NAACP is a liberal wing of the Democrat Party and serves no other purpose. It has squat to do with civil rights.

You can safely ignore anything they have to spew, irrelevant.
You Fauxnew jockeys are not going to get the pleasure of getting me to refute your strawmen arguments and rightwing Tourette's Syndrome like stupidity so just give it up, if it isn't on topic don't expect a response. There, you plan has been deepsixxed, I would hope others with an intelligent mind will not take your bait.

:lol::lol:no, you just lack the mental acuity to see how self defeating this trash is and cannot make a go of it....the worst kept secret here.:rolleyes:
[ame=""]We are all Laughing at You[/ame]
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Anderson Cooper had Ben Jealous stuttering the other night when he grilled Jealous over the hack partisan nature of this report.
That was good enough for me.
NAACP Report Shows Tea Party Ties To White Supremacist Groups | News One


I suggest you rightwing monkeys read real carefully before you chimp out and start attacking the NAACP like a wild pack of baboons. Ben Jealous said:

Ben Jealous, the President of the NAACP defended the report on a call with reporters:

We have no problem with the Tea Party expressing its views in the great debates in our great democracy. We do, however, have a problem when prominent Tea Party members who have direct ties to organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens, are allowed to use Tea Party events to recruit people for those white supremacist groups. … And most importantly, we have a problem when the majority of the Tea Parties stand silent and doesn’t loudly condemn that sort of behavior.

Notice that the NAACP and Ben Jealous are not making a blanket indictment about all Teabaggers, they're speaking about specific people amongst the Teabaggers
This is disturbing.



Anyone GIVE A SHIT what the Naacp has to say.


I suppose a WHITE SUPREMACIST wouldn't.:eusa_whistle:
I totally agree with Mr. Jealous and those who believe in equality for all would not condone the remarks and the actions of some of the members of the Tea party, I do not understand. If any group arises to to say that minorities need more attention due to the generational lack of opportunity they are labled racist and trouble makers. however this group of largely whit people say they want thier country and the underline tones of hatred for all others, other than the people who look like them then yes mr. jealous is right in his characterization of the main characters o\f this party. Why is their so much hate in these people who claim to love and fear God.


Anyone GIVE A SHIT what the Naacp has to say.


I do. I wouldn't get up out of bed and take the bus to work unless the National African-American Communist Party told me to.

Sorry...I just think that's funny as hell, and it fits...

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