*NAACP = Racist; NWACP: Where RU?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Any questions?
2. I got a few, anyone else?
3. Why does the NAACP go about proping up fellow black ego's?
4. If we whites did it, then we would be classified as racist bastards, each and everyone.
5. Anyone see a problem with this except me?:confused::confused:
6. Link: The 42nd NAACP Image Awards - Home

"The NAACP Image Awards is the nation's premier multi-cultural awards show celebrating the outstanding achievements and performances of people of color in the arts (television, recording, literature, motion picture and writing & directing), as well as those individuals or groups who promote social justice through their creative endeavors. "

6. How many multiculture black people are there?
7. I find that amusing.:lol:

Why do the handicapped get their own olympics?
Sorry bout that,

Why do the handicapped get their own olympics?

1. To give them hope I would say.
2. Do black people need hope too?
3. Are black people less than whites needing this back stroking?
4. Ego boosting?
5. Some one might say they are, "All around self serving bastards".:eek:

The only people who have to accept multiculturalism and diversity are European Americans.

The others get to retain their culture and race and get special protection to do so, as well as organizations like the NAACP and La Raza (means "the race") that receives funding from taxes, special entertainment channels like BET, student groups like MEChA, award shows, magazines, scholarships, a whole conference of colleges, etc., etc., etc. All geared to preserve their race and culture and NOT accept multiculturalism and diversity.
Sorry bout that,

The only people who have to accept multiculturalism and diversity are European Americans.

The others get to retain their culture and race and get special protection to do so, as well as organizations like the NAACP and La Raza (means "the race") that receives funding from taxes, special entertainment channels like BET, student groups like MEChA, award shows, magazines, scholarships, a whole conference of colleges, etc., etc., etc. All geared to preserve their race and culture and NOT accept multiculturalism and diversity.

1. Yes, why is it I as a white Englishman/German American have no awards specifically designed to stroke my ego, and no other race?
2. Lets call it, *The National English German America Association For Protecting Englishmen German White Culture*
3. Short, *The NEGAAPEGWC*.
4. Hows that work for you black posters here?

The only people who have to accept multiculturalism and diversity are European Americans.

The others get to retain their culture and race and get special protection to do so, as well as organizations like the NAACP and La Raza (means "the race") that receives funding from taxes, special entertainment channels like BET, student groups like MEChA, award shows, magazines, scholarships, a whole conference of colleges, etc., etc., etc. All geared to preserve their race and culture and NOT accept multiculturalism and diversity.

All true... meanwhile, whites are a MINORITY in four states and D.C. They will be minority overall in 2042.
Sorry bout that,

Why do the handicapped get their own olympics?

1. To give them hope I would say.
2. Do black people need hope too?
3. Are black people less than whites needing this back stroking?
4. Ego boosting?
5. Some one might say they are, "All around self serving bastards".:eek:


I'd say that your #5 describes the overwhelming majority of the blacks who still consider themselves as victims in spite of the fact that they have a semi-black charlatan as Prez, and practically every police chief in all the big cities is black just to pacify the paranoid racist blacks who use their blatant racism as an excuse for their paranoia.

And, you are absolutely correct in that NAACP is fucking Racist Organization.....absolutely no doubt about that.
As a white I am saddened that we do not have an organization to bring our people out of poverty, who will help the impoverished white masses of Beverly Hills and Greenwich Connecticut? Why must us whities be held down for so long?
As a white I am saddened that we do not have an organization to bring our people out of poverty, who will help the impoverished white masses of Beverly Hills and Greenwich Connecticut? Why must us whities be held down for so long?

Or Appalachia?

To even suggest either 1. non-whites are the only poor ones in this country OR 2. non-whites are being "held down" by the man in 2011 is dumb.
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Any organization that separates us by race in it's title is racist. Common sense. NAACP, BET, La Raza are defined by mostly eliminating others.

All people should take their lot in life and move on. Improve on it and stop waiting for handouts and stroking of the ego. Make your own place in the sun by your own endeavors, hard work and integrity. Don't rely on groups or the government.

It's the same whether you come from Harlem or Appalachia.
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As a white I am saddened that we do not have an organization to bring our people out of poverty, who will help the impoverished white masses of Beverly Hills and Greenwich Connecticut? Why must us whities be held down for so long?

Or Appalachia?

To even suggest either 1. non-whites are the only poor ones in this country OR 2. non-whites are being "held down" by the man in 2011 is dumb.

To suggest that a people who had to deal with Jim Crow laws less than 50 years ago should not have an advocacy group is dumb.
To suggest that a people who had to deal with Jim Crow laws less than 50 years ago should not have an advocacy group is dumb.

To suggest the Jim Crow laws were universal across America, were like the Black Codes, or that whites didn't have to deal with Jim Crow laws ("separate but equal" affected whites too) is dumb.
To suggest that a people who had to deal with Jim Crow laws less than 50 years ago should not have an advocacy group is dumb.

To suggest the Jim Crow laws were universal across America, were like the Black Codes, or that whites didn't have to deal with Jim Crow laws ("separate but equal" affected whites too) is dumb.
Please tell us how whites were "affected" by Jim Crow laws.
To suggest that a people who had to deal with Jim Crow laws less than 50 years ago should not have an advocacy group is dumb.

To suggest the Jim Crow laws were universal across America, were like the Black Codes, or that whites didn't have to deal with Jim Crow laws ("separate but equal" affected whites too) is dumb.
Please tell us how whites were "affected" by Jim Crow laws.





Do you think whites could go to the Lenox theater, be a member of that city hall, or sit on that beach? No. Jim Crow laws segregated people, obviously affecting whites too.
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To suggest the Jim Crow laws were universal across America, were like the Black Codes, or that whites didn't have to deal with Jim Crow laws ("separate but equal" affected whites too) is dumb.
Please tell us how whites were "affected" by Jim Crow laws.





Do you think whites could go to the Lenox theater, be a member of that city hall, or sit on that beach? No. Jim Crow laws segregated people, obviously affecting whites too.

So, you are contending that whites were negatively impacted by Jim Crow laws?

Surely you're not attempting to draw any sort of equivalence, right? Right?
So, you are contending that whites were negatively impacted by Jim Crow laws?

Surely you're not attempting to draw any sort of equivalence, right? Right?

Yes, I'm contending there was lots of negative impact on whites due to Jim Crow laws. wouldn't you agree that separating people has negative effects for both groups?

I'm in no way saying I agree with the laws or that they were always applied equally in public places. We've all seen the nice whites only drinking fountain next to the garden hose for the colored. Everyone knows a lot of white companies wouldn't hire blacks. Etc. But, don't you think there were some black companies that wouldn't hire whites? Of course there were. Blacks were free to develop entire communities for themselves with shops, city halls, golf courses, businesses, etc. and could exclude whites from all of it.

Additionally these laws were often local laws and certainly were not representative of the nation as a whole and were not the same as the Black Codes.

Poor whites in Appalachia couldn't vote. Where is their NAAPWAP?
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Oh, and isn't that what all these black magazines, black newspapers, black beauty pageants, TV channels, organizations, etc. are doing? Separating people. These things are the Jim Crow laws of today.
To suggest that a people who had to deal with Jim Crow laws less than 50 years ago should not have an advocacy group is dumb.

To suggest the Jim Crow laws were universal across America, were like the Black Codes, or that whites didn't have to deal with Jim Crow laws ("separate but equal" affected whites too) is dumb.

So you are actually saying Jim Crow laws negatively affected the every day lives of white people?
So, you are contending that whites were negatively impacted by Jim Crow laws?

Surely you're not attempting to draw any sort of equivalence, right? Right?

Yes, I'm contending there was lots of negative impact on whites due to Jim Crow laws.
And I'm saying that there is absolutely no equivalency whatsoever. There is simply no measure by which one could conclude that there were "lots" of negative impacts on whites - especially since whites at the time were the dominant force enforcing the segregation. They wanted the segregation because they felt they benefited from it.

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