NAACP Diversity Blindness...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Gee, it seems the top guy in the NAACP, Benjamin Todd Jealous, is mad at CNN because their evening anchors are minus a person of color. Said the Jealous one, "The NAACP is deeply concerned with the lack of African American journalists in prime time news, both on cable and national news shows."

And he should know because he's obviously been keeping an eye on things. "We have come to expect this from the likes of Fox News, but not other networks."

Hmmm...wonder why his eye hasn't wandered over to MSNBC? They've been as lily white in their evening lineup for as long as I can remember, yet for some reason the Color Cop hasn't "come to expect" it from that bastion of lefty lunacy.

And wasn't there some famous speech once about content of character vs. color of skin?

NAACP Blasts Lack of Diversity in Prime Time News - Speakeasy - WSJ
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My Building Super is white....we should have someone look into that.
Hmmmm So is my Doctor and Dentist.

Someone call the Justice Dept. to look into this.

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