My wood greenhouse


May 27, 2013
Hello member,

Its time to close my greenhouse this year....

Winter coming soon...
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You're not using your greenhouse to grow lettuce and tomatoes in the winter? Hopefully, you will provide a picture of your greenhouse when it was full of green pretty things. :)

I've always dreamed of having a greenhouse... where butterflies float around all year. This one seems to have an orangerie, which would be nice here, since we're about 100 miles too north of where you could have lemons. limes, grapefruits, and oranges make it through the winter.

Termite Angel

Your greenhouse looks prime for photography. I like the photos you provided. You know what they say, a good photo is worth many tales, especially if you're a fan of Mother Nature.

One note of caution:

Since your greenhouse is made of wood material, do you worry about the threat of termites (those pesky little insects that chew through many kinds of wood)?

There's no harm in prepping your greenhouse for the termite trumpet.


Termite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Seems like rot/mold would be the bigger concern than termites with a wood greenhouse.
I don't have a "green house", I have a garden house....a lot of glass but also some wood & a metal roof. It houses all of my porch plants during the winter, provides a place to start various veggies and I'm always starting new plants from cuttings when I prune.
Down here, termites are more a worry than rot...or both!

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