My VA Benefits


Oct 17, 2010

I served from 1983 to 1986 in the Army. I recently turned 46 and it's time for me to get health insurance. I contacted the VA to see if I could get VA Benefits. They told me I make too much money for benefits.

Does anyone know if I can pay for VA Health Care Benefits? Either partially or wholly? I really would prefer that I have VA Health Care as our facility here in Asheville, NC is one of the best in the country.

Or, is there a private insurance company that caters to Vets?


Rob Caldwell
highred, you need to speak to an Advocate at the VA hospital. You most certainly can sign up for health care at the VA hospitals. I don't know who told you that your earnings were a factor but they are wrong. The way the VA hospitals/medical care are set up is it's divided between two factors, those being service related and non-service related medical issues. If your health condition is not service related, there is a very small co-fee you pay and you will be charged something like $9 for each prescription you need. If your medical condition is deemed "catastrophic" even if it is non-service related, you pay nothing even for hospitalization. That said, Obama care has eeked into the VA health system. Take care to note they too are withholding valid medical treatments if Obama's committee deems you should be standing in the medical kill off line and they will deliberately withhold proper medical treatments from you -- unless you have a Nurse in the family, or the Advocate, who will go to bat for you. Your Advocate at the VA can stop that guff. Keep in mind Obama is making a shambles of medical care all across the country, and patients are dying from what that man and his idiot compadres are doing. They have also cut deals with private health insurance companies not to insure anyone they want to sign up for the Medicare fraud. Medicare is now a horrific death march, not medical care. I am sorry to say this is as real as it gets right now. Obama, by the way, funded that stupid kill committee with a trillion dollars, and the stated goal? They were to "save" something like 3 million dollars. Doesn't make sense, does it? Nope. This is medical murder on a grand scale, and don't think it isn't.

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