My Sweet Baby Dog


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
died yesterday morning. I have a big empty place this morning. Buster, JRT. sweetest, smartest doggie that ever lived. The last thing he did before we left for the vet was go to the fence, ruffles up his fur, bark, and fall down. Poor old man.
I know how much you love your furry friends Willow, and how Buster was a part of your family.

It's so sad and heartbreaking when you lose a pet.

Sorry to hear about Buster, but at least he was loved during his time here.
died yesterday morning. I have a big empty place this morning. Buster, JRT. sweetest, smartest doggie that ever lived. The last thing he did before we left for the vet was go to the fence, ruffles up his fur, bark, and fall down. Poor old man.

WillowTree, I am so sorry for this huge loss. Our pets are often our best buds, and it hurts when they leave us. It is heartbreaking for sure and it leaves a sadness that can only be helped with time. Buster loved you, this I know. (((W)))
We have special relationships with our pets that we don't have with other people. Pets have given us unconditional love and companionship asking nothing in return but some love and care. It is truly a violent and heart wrenching affair to lose one of these great little buddies. I am so sorry for your lose WT. The lose of my buddy of almost twenty years earlier last year is still fresh in my mind, so I know exactly what you're going through. It's tough. My prayers are with you.
died yesterday morning. I have a big empty place this morning. Buster, JRT. sweetest, smartest doggie that ever lived. The last thing he did before we left for the vet was go to the fence, ruffles up his fur, bark, and fall down. Poor old man.
Sorry for your loss, WillowTree. Your sweet man passed doing his job, that's so precious.

<<< hugs>>>
We went through that not that long ago. We try to make it better by remembering all the love and joy they give us and tell ourselves that it is worth it when we finally have to tell them goodbye. But at the time it isn't. It hurts. And all we can do is just care and wait for the sun to come out again. Sending Willow a virtual comforting (((hug)))).
$loss of dog.jpg

You have a good sweet memory of him, to keep with you always.
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Oh Willow, I'm so sorry. I have tears in my eyes as I'm typing this . . . it's so hard when it's their time to go. How wonderful you got 13 years with him! I hope we're as lucky with our dogs. {{{hugs}}}
My sincerest condolences, WT. My folks lost our JRT late last year, too. They're wonderful dogs. Been there, and I know it's not easy.
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I am so deeply sorry to hear of your loss. We love them so much and they are with us for such a short time.
Dogs' lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you're going to lose a dog, and there's going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy, or delight in her innocence, because you can't support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There's such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is the way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.

Dean Koontz

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