My life, and the Spirit of Hope’ Hello and greetings to you

Only time? So you don't put any money in the collection plate...shame on you...

No, the Church I go to don't have an offering plate. We believe tithing isn't just putting money on a plate, it's what you do in the course of your daily lives that benefits others, whether it's donating to charity (which conservatives do more of than liberals) or helping a neighbor out when his barn burns down.... etc. But these things I would do whether or not I believed in God so none of it's a waste of money.

So you're a cheap bastard that doesn't give to his church, hypocrite. Charity has nothing to do with polotics...nice strawman (maybe except that the richest of the rich are Republican and they give money away to self profiting charities to dodge taxes).
Myself, I'm a registered Democrat that falls closer to an Independent when voting, gives to 2 disabled vets charities, special Olympics, lost children locating foundations and a couple of environmental groups, plus 2 Atheist organizations. Your stereotyping doesn't work in my case...nice try.

Wasn't stereotyping, just giving you the facts.

BTW you have no idea what I give or don't give to church or to charity. As Jesus says in Matthew 6 instructs us to not seek glory from men in doing our acts of righteousness. We are not to be like the religious hypocrites who broadcast their righteous acts (as you have done) so that they are acknowledged by men. Jesus goes on to say that those that seek their reward from men will receive no reward in heaven since they have already received their reward on earth.

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