My first day of High School Hell

Semper Fi

VIP Member
Nov 25, 2003
Yup, today, I, Semper Fi, entered 9th grade. My first class I was assigned some homework (woohoo), and was in it with a bunch of sophomores, I do think I was the only 'frosh' there. I ate lunch in the corner of the commons with some of my frosh buddies. Basically I stuck to myself and my pals, and all the 9 foot tall seniors make me feel small. Agg, only a few hundred more months.
Hold that head up high. Don't LET them make you feel anything else but the good kid you are. You know I think you're great. You'll do/be just fine.
Dude, just be yourself and be confident in who you are. That will gain you more respect and friendship among your peers than anything else you can do.
Ditto--My son was a freshman last year and is very short for his age. You'll be fine if you don't take yourself out of the running by hiding.

do this down the halls :dance:
Semper Fi said:
Yup, today, I, Semper Fi, entered 9th grade. My first class I was assigned some homework (woohoo), and was in it with a bunch of sophomores, I do think I was the only 'frosh' there. I ate lunch in the corner of the commons with some of my frosh buddies. Basically I stuck to myself and my pals, and all the 9 foot tall seniors make me feel small. Agg, only a few hundred more months.

What it would be like to be young again!

Semper, I remember being in your shoes - walking in the halls and watching all the seniors walk by. You can't sit and worry about them, or feel small around them - REMEMBER, they sat in your shoes one time too, and most of them, probably felt the way you did. The next couple of years are going to go by so fast, and then what? College? or enter the real world immediately? Now is the time to fully ENJOY the time that you have there. Yeah, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of school. Now, I wish I could go back. By the time I got into 11th, I started to have such a great time. Senior year, I loved, had such a blast and cried when I left.

Stop worrying about the older crowd and worry about you, be you, have fun and sooner than you think, you will be the next crowd that the lower classes will look up to. I am not sure either if your saying your short or not, or just the fact that the seniors look bigger, but size surely doesn't matter, it's YOU that matters.
Be the funny short man in the group!
It's even better if you are already funny,
being short just adds to the flavor for some reason.
Yeah, screw 'em. They were the freshmen once, and one day you'll be the senior. Circle of life, man.
gawd....9th Grader??? wow.

(sigh)...If I could go back - I wouldn't. I didn't care for HS - in fact, in large groups I rarely feel 'cool enough' to this day.

Yup...I'm a dweeb.
Semper Fi said:
Yup, today, I, Semper Fi, entered 9th grade. My first class I was assigned some homework (woohoo), and was in it with a bunch of sophomores, I do think I was the only 'frosh' there. I ate lunch in the corner of the commons with some of my frosh buddies. Basically I stuck to myself and my pals, and all the 9 foot tall seniors make me feel small. Agg, only a few hundred more months.

Semper Fi, you're getting good advice. I just took my son to college, for several reasons he was late getting his housing info in. He ended up not getting into the freshmen dorm. While his does have some freshmen, most are upper classmen. Saturday when we were watching the traffic for the frosh dorm, I said, "Aren't you glad we're not going there?" He replied, "No. I wish I was, then I wouldn't be so small." Now he really is small, 5'9" and 122 lbs, comes with running about 8-10 miles per day for the past 5 years. But in HS, soph., junior, and senior year-he was 'hot.' Why? X Country won All State.

I called him last night, all was fine! He went to 'run with the team' and the coach wants him and it seems quite a few of those runners are upper classmen in his dorm. It will be the same for you, find your 'nitch' and you'll be fine.
dilloduck said:
Ditto--My son was a freshman last year and is very short for his age. You'll be fine if you don't take yourself out of the running by hiding.

do this down the halls :dance:

Way ahead of ya on the dancing! Eventually I got to the stairs, and leaving in one of those cool box cars with the sirens didnt seem like a good way to start High School.

And -=d-=, whats wrong with being a 9th grader?

And I am myself, no body seems to notice, but then again its only the second day. I hope everyone will relax more, the place is so tight theres no room to move around.

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