My favorite race topic: the NFL. Enjoy.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've thrown this question to countless college professors, whom all claim to be racially enlightened, etc, and all that nonsense. So, here it goes. There are two options: There IS a God, or there is NOT a GOD. This is in relation to, of course, racial diversity in the NFL.

There IS a GOD:

The number of high school football players is huge. A large majority are white, just like our population. However, that percentage drops in college. And in the NFL, it gets even smaller, with a larger % becoming black. Some would say blacks are simply better explosive athletes in sports like basketball, football, track, etc. SO....if that is TRUE, and there is a GOD, then GOD made blacks physically superior in that way. If he can do THAT, could he not also make other races superior in other human functions? Like leadership. Logistics. Critical thinking. Organizational skills. OR, did God make all humans equal, EXCEPT making blacks better at sports.....but all other things we're all equal, except that one. there just pure racism in the awarding of football scholarships and NFL drafts?

Or, there is NOT a GOD.

Same as above. Blacks just seem to be more gifted athletically. So, if there is NO God, and nature happens by pure luck and chance, and one race evolved physically better at sports performance, isn't it possible for another race or races to develop better mentally through evolution?

Baffles me. Either the NFL is purely racist against white males, OR blacks are just on average better athletes. This theory works with or without a creator. And opens some doors many of us don't want to think about. Of course, I doubt we'll see diversity meetings to increase the numbers of white defensive backs in the NFL. White doesn't count as a race anymore.
Ah, I see my thread was far too deep, involved FAR too much critical thinking and involved far too much intelligence for the average person on the "Race relations" forum.

Hey guys, remember, race discussions can be used for something OTHER than making excuses for shortcomings.

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