My ex-boss is certifiably insane


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I gave him two weeks notice, but he kicked me out that same day. He paid me only one-third of what he owed me, ripped me off somewhere around $2000. I wrote him a letter telling him I'd report him to the Labor Commissioner. He asked me to call him, but I told him I would only communicate with him in writing.

He wrote me an email I can only categorize as bat-shit crazy. He is accusing me of defrauding him and threatening to report me to the state bar for unethical behavior. He says he will get affidavits from his employees and clients to back up the bar complaint. He is also threatening to sue me in civil court. All to avoid paying me the $2000 he owes me.

The problem I'm facing is that my ex-boss is a high level official of the state bar. If he reports me to the state bar, I will be in big trouble even though he's lying about me. He has power and influence which I do not have. He has friends in high places and I do not.

So really, I feel I have no choice but to back down at this point. It's just more proof, if I needed more proof, that people with power can abuse that power and get away with it. We see this every day the way the Democrats cover up for each other, allow even rapists and pedophiles like Bill Clinton get away with their crimes. It's sickening, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I take on my ex-boss, he can make my life a living hell.
I gave him two weeks notice, but he kicked me out that same day. He paid me only one-third of what he owed me, ripped me off somewhere around $2000. I wrote him a letter telling him I'd report him to the Labor Commissioner. He asked me to call him, but I told him I would only communicate with him in writing.

He wrote me an email I can only categorize as bat-shit crazy. He is accusing me of defrauding him and threatening to report me to the state bar for unethical behavior. He says he will get affidavits from his employees and clients to back up the bar complaint. He is also threatening to sue me in civil court. All to avoid paying me the $2000 he owes me.

The problem I'm facing is that my ex-boss is a high level official of the state bar. If he reports me to the state bar, I will be in big trouble even though he's lying about me. He has power and influence which I do not have. He has friends in high places and I do not.

So really, I feel I have no choice but to back down at this point. It's just more proof, if I needed more proof, that people with power can abuse that power and get away with it. We see this every day the way the Democrats cover up for each other, allow even rapists and pedophiles like Bill Clinton get away with their crimes. It's sickening, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I take on my ex-boss, he can make my life a living hell.
Do what the Democrats do-have someone your boss does not know make up stuff about him and sue him-it will distract and weaken him.
I gave him two weeks notice, but he kicked me out that same day. He paid me only one-third of what he owed me, ripped me off somewhere around $2000. I wrote him a letter telling him I'd report him to the Labor Commissioner. He asked me to call him, but I told him I would only communicate with him in writing.

He wrote me an email I can only categorize as bat-shit crazy. He is accusing me of defrauding him and threatening to report me to the state bar for unethical behavior. He says he will get affidavits from his employees and clients to back up the bar complaint. He is also threatening to sue me in civil court. All to avoid paying me the $2000 he owes me.

The problem I'm facing is that my ex-boss is a high level official of the state bar. If he reports me to the state bar, I will be in big trouble even though he's lying about me. He has power and influence which I do not have. He has friends in high places and I do not.

So really, I feel I have no choice but to back down at this point. It's just more proof, if I needed more proof, that people with power can abuse that power and get away with it. We see this every day the way the Democrats cover up for each other, allow even rapists and pedophiles like Bill Clinton get away with their crimes. It's sickening, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I take on my ex-boss, he can make my life a living hell.

Hi, BR. I'm sure many of us have experienced life with a crappy boss or perhaps a troubled coworker.

My suggestion: Spend a few bucks on a digital voice recorder and tell NO ONE you are armed with an electronic truth capturing device.


Shouldn't have made threats you weren't prepared to follow up. Snowflake material.
My suggestion: Spend a few bucks on a digital voice recorder and tell NO ONE you are armed with an electronic truth capturing device.
First, you need to check your state's laws about recording a conversation when the other person isn't aware they are being recored. Every state is different, so you don't want to get yourself into legal trouble if you try to use it as evidence in court. ... :cool:
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I gave him two weeks notice, but he kicked me out that same day. He paid me only one-third of what he owed me, ripped me off somewhere around $2000. I wrote him a letter telling him I'd report him to the Labor Commissioner. He asked me to call him, but I told him I would only communicate with him in writing.

He wrote me an email I can only categorize as bat-shit crazy. He is accusing me of defrauding him and threatening to report me to the state bar for unethical behavior. He says he will get affidavits from his employees and clients to back up the bar complaint. He is also threatening to sue me in civil court. All to avoid paying me the $2000 he owes me.

The problem I'm facing is that my ex-boss is a high level official of the state bar. If he reports me to the state bar, I will be in big trouble even though he's lying about me. He has power and influence which I do not have. He has friends in high places and I do not.

So really, I feel I have no choice but to back down at this point. It's just more proof, if I needed more proof, that people with power can abuse that power and get away with it. We see this every day the way the Democrats cover up for each other, allow even rapists and pedophiles like Bill Clinton get away with their crimes. It's sickening, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I take on my ex-boss, he can make my life a living hell.

You made my morning!

First, you need to check your state's laws about recording a conversation when the other person isn't aware they are being recored. Every state is different, so you don't want to get yourself into legal trouble if you try to use it as evidence in court. ... :cool:

Hi, SM. Thank You! for correcting my previous post about recording, which definitely should have included the info you shared.

I don't want to see innocent ppl end up like Linda Tripp. :)

I gave him two weeks notice, but he kicked me out that same day. He paid me only one-third of what he owed me, ripped me off somewhere around $2000. I wrote him a letter telling him I'd report him to the Labor Commissioner. He asked me to call him, but I told him I would only communicate with him in writing.

He wrote me an email I can only categorize as bat-shit crazy. He is accusing me of defrauding him and threatening to report me to the state bar for unethical behavior. He says he will get affidavits from his employees and clients to back up the bar complaint. He is also threatening to sue me in civil court. All to avoid paying me the $2000 he owes me.

The problem I'm facing is that my ex-boss is a high level official of the state bar. If he reports me to the state bar, I will be in big trouble even though he's lying about me. He has power and influence which I do not have. He has friends in high places and I do not.

So really, I feel I have no choice but to back down at this point. It's just more proof, if I needed more proof, that people with power can abuse that power and get away with it. We see this every day the way the Democrats cover up for each other, allow even rapists and pedophiles like Bill Clinton get away with their crimes. It's sickening, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I take on my ex-boss, he can make my life a living hell.

Back down, spent the rest of your life, telling everyone what a piece of shit he is.
State attorney General................Write what you have so far..................Your boss could be charged criminally.
Forget about it. Don’t let this concern you in the least. $2000 is not worth it.

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