My county is the most corrupt and brutal county (for its size) in the United States


VIP Member
May 10, 2011
Welcome to my authoritarian county where cops love to beat and kill individuals...

Here is just a little sample of these sick twisted cops actions...

[ame=]Police Brutality: If YOU Go To Jail, YOU Might Leave In A Casket! - Chicago Area - YouTube[/ame]

Outcome: Man beaten & paralyzed - DIES, Lawsuit in progress. No disciplinary action taken against officers or neglectful medical staff.


Outcome: Man dies, lawsuit in progress, one cop fired the other suspended (as of now).

[ame=]Convicted Despite DNA: The Juan Rivera Case - YouTube[/ame]

Outcome: half a mans life spent in prison after DNA evidence clears him despite coerced confession. Lawsuit in progress. No disciplinary action taken against officers.

[ame=]Man freed after five years in jail - YouTube[/ame]

Outcome: Freed after serving 5 years after DNA evidence was withheld for 3 years showing he was innocent. Lawsuit in progress, no disciplinary action taken against officers/prosecutor.

Outcome: Lawsuit in progress, No disciplinary actions taken against officers.

[ame=]Mundelein Man Tasered by Cops - YouTube[/ame]

Outcome: Settled out of court. No disciplinary action taken against officers
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For a second there I thought you lived in Albuquerque...

But then I realized, the cops here just kill you...

They kill you here too...

The guys in the first 2 videos were murdered by the cops and that is just over the past 6 months and both murders were caught on video...

This other woman died of neglect in Lake County Jail over a 2 week (tolerated) hunger strike... Reason why she was in jail??? she missed her Jury Duty ........

Funeral is held for inmate who died after hunger strike in Lake County Jail - Chicago Tribune
Cook County is damn corrupt, but it starts with the Chicago City Council and Cook County Board of Comrades! They do everything the Chicago Way!
Cook County is damn corrupt, but it starts with the Chicago City Council and Cook County Board of Comrades! They do everything the Chicago Way!

This isn't Crook County - this is Lake County (the County north of Crook County)... North Chicago is a town....
I suppose the cops are the "good guys" yet they're nothing but unchained assholes killing people by beating them to death, or using their "non-lethal" weaponry to kill and injure people without reason..

Cops in Lake County Illinois are like Nazi storm troopers...

You call "civil liberties" and you will be in the hospital or in jail or be in jail when you need to be in the hospital.....

But cops are "the good guys who catch the bad guys" - like "bad guys" who find Ipods in PUBLIC bathrooms, or former members of the Marines who went to get something to drink at a store and were wrongly identified as a "white pan handler in a Hawaiian shirt being 5'8 and in their mid 20's" but were 6'3 350 and Mexican but were tased for claiming civil liberties....
Cook county is worse...

Cops aren't the "good guys" at least not in north-eastern Illinois, they're authoritarians that just want to intimidate....

Here is a 250 pound Chicago cop (off-duty) beating the shit out of a 90-100 pound bartender..

Yeah, our judicial system only gave him 2 years probation - if a "civilian" did that they would get 5 years in prison...

[ame=]Cop in Bar Fight Video Gets 2 Years Probation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Chicago Cop arrested for Stealing $1 MILLION dollars - YouTube[/ame]

^^ The Chicago way... Police Association (UNION) leader charged with stealing more than a Million dollars...
Cops around here are nothing but gang bangers themselves - they're no better than any dishonest street criminal or street gang.....

Yet people defend these pieces of shit every day...
Cops around here are scared they don't act up like in other cities. We have guns and are armed.

Point a cell phone at a cop around here and you will be turned into swiss cheese like that dude from the beginning of "Robocop"
I don't even live in a high crime area of the county - you're talking a community were homes are still worth 200k + (at least where the incident at my parents occurred)...(The home stand)..

I don't know what the fuck the cops problem is...

They just enjoy beating and killing people and the more they beat and kill people the county gets sued which means the more they need to beat and kill people so they can charge them with fictitious crimes so they can fine people and payoff their lawsuit debts...
I suppose I should not be totally biased against Lake County.

This guy was a fucking moron. A) he tried to "escape" B) If he did succeed in his attempt to break that window he would have fell 50 feet onto Washington Street.

The hallway he is walking over connects the Lake County Court House and the county jail and it goes over a street...

[ame=]A Prisoner tried to jump through a bullet proof glass window at courtroom FAIL - YouTube[/ame]

This picture is older without the windows but it gives you an idea of what he was jumping into.. (he was running and made his attempt to jump through the glass right above where the black car in the picture is)..


IMO, IDK how the fuck that was even possible unless he escaped the court room after being remanded and managed to find himself in that hallway - if he did - that was a hell of a feat....

He was 2/3rds from escape....
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If everyone would wake up in the morning and go kill their bag limit on pigs, the world would be a better place.

Dude shut the fuck up, some of my oldest and best friends are cops they are good cops. It's the bad cops I treat like shit.

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