My case for Dems: Record deficits, Depression era unemployment


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dems have had control of Congress since 06 and total control of the government since 08 and as a result we have absolute record shattering deficits! Almost $1.5 TRILLION

Deficits so huge they dwarf all of Reagan's entire budgets and only a few nations on the planet have a higher GDP larger than Obama and Dem deficits.

But wait! There's more!

We have Depression era unemployment!

It started to creep up when Pelosi took the gavel and it was supposed to top at at 8% when the Stimulus as passed, but it just a tick under 10%! Dems plan is working flawlessly!

And the Government has control of the following industries: US Autos, banking and Health Care! Dems plan is working flawlessly!

In short, if you love high unemployment and have no hope for the future and confidence in yourself, vote Democrat! Dems plan is working flawlessly!

Keep it going!

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