
Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I often use NYT learning pages, most often they provide a learning experience with little work on my part. I decided NOT to use the previously published pages for the reasons explained, whoops nearly forgot the context

Hey Kids, Wanna Process and Synthesize?
The New York Times Learning Network has brought back its "lesson plan" on Abu Ghraib, which it had quickly pulled down after we noted it last week. The plan has been sanitized and jargoned up; whereas before it promised to teach kids about "writing letters to protest American abuse of Iraqi prisoners," here's the new description:

In this lesson, students process the news of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in American custody and explore international laws that dictate the treatment of prisoners of war and detainees. To synthesize their understanding of these laws and their own views of the situation, students compose Letters to the Editor.

Forget dull old reading and writing; thanks to the New York Times, kids are learning to "process" and "synthesize." The new lesson plan also no longer urges kids to read the Al-Jazeera Web site, but it does ask them to consider if the Arab network would have been a "better choice" for President Bush's interview than the U.S.-backed Al Hurra.

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