Muslims coming to Jesus through dreams?

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A muslim who becomes a Christian is putting their life in danger.

Our lives are in danger at all times. The Lord can deliver people from danger no matter the circumstances.
I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.
I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.
I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Sunni's god isn't going to hurt anyone. Sunni's god is throwing rocks at people while hiding behind a baby carriage.
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I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.

I'm just questioning the "mandate". Who asked to be part of this game? :cool:
Wait--did I just read somewhere that christians are going to hell for practicing Christianity?

Yet Christians claim that not accepting christ and becoming christian will send you too hell!

How confusing? Maybe I should just stop worrying about going to hell and examine how I should lead a good yet productive life?

Maybe that is what religion suppose to teach you? (Of course this is only a hypothesis.)
I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.

Yep, not difficult for him to understand.

How about the billions and billions and billions of people supposedly burning in hell simply for having never heard of the Bible or Jesus or Christianity?
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Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.

Yep, not difficult for him to understand.

How about the billions and billions and billions of people supposedly burning in hell simply for having never heard of the Bible or Jesus or Christianity?

The Gospel is preached to the dead specifically so those who lived and died without the knowledge of Christ have the opportunity to recieve it and repent.

I can understand why people dont really take Christians seriously. When Christians arent really practicing their faith towards their fellow man, why should they take what they say about the Gospel seriously?
Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.

Yep, not difficult for him to understand.

How about the billions and billions and billions of people supposedly burning in hell simply for having never heard of the Bible or Jesus or Christianity?

The Gospel is preached to the dead specifically so those who lived and died without the knowledge of Christ have the opportunity to recieve it and repent.
I can understand why people dont really take Christians seriously. When Christians arent really practicing their faith towards their fellow man, why should they take what they say about the Gospel seriously?

I hadn't heard that, what verse says this?
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1 Peter 3-4

Christ preached among those who perished in the flood.
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water (1 Peter 3:18-20)

6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit (1 Peter 4:6)

The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead
I am talking about eternal life you nitwit.

But why should I care; cause you are going to hell anyway Buford.

Don't worry Buford. In Islam it's not eternal anyway. One of the positive points of the religion. Always wondered about a God that would set up a game that many will lose and then punish them eternally for it.

Hey dumbfuck. There are ten commandments. Follow them. You won't have to worry about damnation. Not too difficult to understand. Even an assbrain like you should be able to comprehend.

Which version?

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