Muslim women Forces !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Aauzo Billaahi Minash Shaitaan Nir Rajim Bismillaah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem ;
Allah - Beginning With The Name Of - The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم)

We always hear “Muslim Women are oppressed” ,muslim women forced, bad treatment of muslim women…they believe this happen with every muslim women. but these pics are the proof what they believe is lie. only few cowards treat them badly.

Islamic views about women : From Quran :

keep them in good fellowship, or let them go in kindness (2:229)

He (God) it is who did create you from a single soul and therefrom did create his mate, that he might dwell with her (in love)…(Quran 7:189)
The Creator of heavens and earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves …Quran 42:1 1

And Allah has given you mates of your own nature, and has given you from your mates, children and grandchildren, and has made provision of good things for you. Is it then in vanity that they believe and in the grace of God that they disbelieve? Quran 16:72

“And among His signs is this: That He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest, peace of mind in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo, herein indeed are signs for people who reflect.” (Quran 30:2 1).

Prophet Mohammed (
.) said:

The best of you is the best to his family and I am the best among you to my family.
The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives. (Ibn-Hanbal, No. 7396)
Behold, many women came to Muhammad’s wives complaining against their husbands (because they beat them) – those (husbands) are not the best of you.



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