Muslim to Christian convert may be executed

CSM said:
The argument for nuking such places off the map becomes strengthened every time something like this happens. How does one deal with such a neolithic philosophy? Tolerance has proved futile with these people; their ideals are at direct odds with democratic philosophy.

That's what Afganistan shows. Here we are in 2006, and the government is still prosecuting and possibly executing someone for apostasy. Am I missing something here? Isn't that the reason why we overthrew the Taliban? It's not just a few loonies with alot of guns who believe Infidels must die. Its the regular folks. Now we can't just pull up the drawbridge, because we're infidels and they'll attack us anyway. We also can't wantonly level the entire region, because Europe is also going to be Islamic soon. And think about it: Can a country who can't secure their borders against MEXICO possibly keep the rest of the world at bay?

Islam is a scourge upon civilization. No other way to look at it. Until that barbarous faith is marginalized we just have to ride it out.

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