Muslim misunderstanders attack Catholic Church with suicide vests.

Muslim maniacs continue to attack our churches. We must dismantle their mosques in our countries to get revenge.

I know you're being sarcastic, but Mosques double as military and political outposts. When are we going to get that?

(obviously we do it's just not politically correct to say so)
More tragic consequences of the US invasion or rather, the botched occuaption that allowed the Civil war to spread.

You're going to blame Muslims killing non Muslims In Iraq on the US? Good grief.

Yes of course we're to blame for letting that cork loose, that and all the other violence associated with the civil war there. How many religious terrorist attacks did Iraq have before the invasion and occupation? To be sure the Shiites would and did but not at the level we've seen in the past 8 years. Doesn't mean I think these sick fucks were justified in their attacks either or that the lion share of the blame doesn't go directly to the attackers, but that these condition exist is a tragic consequence........

uh huh. So the alternative is to just keep taking the hits, watch Islam grow and dominate other nations until America is the last one standing.

Lot less bloodshed I suppose, we could just lay down our arms...

The only thing we're responsible for is that our own nation has become so perverse by people using freedom to murder infants in the name of "choice" and inflict abominations on our kids and call it education.
More tragic consequences of the US invasion or rather, the botched occuaption that allowed the Civil war to spread.

Christians were not persecuted under Saddam Hussein. He had Christians in his Baath party. Tariq Aziz is Christian and is being executed by Iraqi "authorities" from the verdict in a Kangaroo court.
Ruthless bastards the Baaths were but they are no worse than Iranian controlled Shia.
You're going to blame Muslims killing non Muslims In Iraq on the US? Good grief.

Yes of course we're to blame for letting that cork loose, that and all the other violence associated with the civil war there. How many religious terrorist attacks did Iraq have before the invasion and occupation? To be sure the Shiites would and did but not at the level we've seen in the past 8 years. Doesn't mean I think these sick fucks were justified in their attacks either or that the lion share of the blame doesn't go directly to the attackers, but that these condition exist is a tragic consequence........

uh huh. So the alternative is to just keep taking the hits, watch Islam grow and dominate other nations until America is the last one standing.

Lot less bloodshed I suppose, we could just lay down our arms...

The only thing we're responsible for is that our own nation has become so perverse by people using freedom to murder infants in the name of "choice" and inflict abominations on our kids and call it education.

The only effective alternative is to ban xtianity. The xtians are responsible for the lions' share of violence in the world today. That's why xtians are involved in more wars than any other religious group
You're going to blame Muslims killing non Muslims In Iraq on the US? Good grief.

Yes of course we're to blame for letting that cork loose, that and all the other violence associated with the civil war there. How many religious terrorist attacks did Iraq have before the invasion and occupation? To be sure the Shiites would and did but not at the level we've seen in the past 8 years. Doesn't mean I think these sick fucks were justified in their attacks either or that the lion share of the blame doesn't go directly to the attackers, but that these condition exist is a tragic consequence........

uh huh. So the alternative is to just keep taking the hits, watch Islam grow and dominate other nations until America is the last one standing.

Lot less bloodshed I suppose, we could just lay down our arms...

The only thing we're responsible for is that our own nation has become so perverse by people using freedom to murder infants in the name of "choice" and inflict abominations on our kids and call it education.

Name one conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq or any other place on earth where we are fighting terrorists without the support of Muslims with the strategy and policy initiated since Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Gates to partner with Muslims to solve their own internal problems.
THEY want it to be a war of religion. Do not join them in their ideology.
Islam is a Religion of Peace!! Didn't you get the Left Wing memo on that one? You damn dirty Islamyphobe! Seriously though,i have heard they're running out of Virgins. Maybe the Religion of Peaceters should find another line of work? Just sayin.
Christians were not persecuted under Saddam Hussein. He had Christians in his Baath party. Tariq Aziz is Christian and is being executed by Iraqi "authorities" from the verdict in a Kangaroo court. Ruthless bastards the Baaths were but they are no worse than Iranian controlled Shia.
When the current Iraqi government starts gassing their own population, let me know.
Seriously,Islam is a Religion of Peace. Well that's what the Left Wing nutters keep telling us anyway. I'm pretty sure less & less people are buying that stuff though.
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Seriously, xtianity is a peaceful religion, for an ideology that worships death.
Seriously, xtianity is a peaceful religion, for an ideology that worships death.
Don't know about 'xtianity.'

Do know that Christianity is surprisingly peaceful, for a religion founded by a Roman Emperor.

Christians were not persecuted under Saddam Hussein. He had Christians in his Baath party. Tariq Aziz is Christian and is being executed by Iraqi "authorities" from the verdict in a Kangaroo court. Ruthless bastards the Baaths were but they are no worse than Iranian controlled Shia.
When the current Iraqi government starts gassing their own population, let me know.

Iranian controlled Shia were killing our troops. The Iraqi population and what happens to them may be more important to you but not me.
Christians were not persecuted under Saddam Hussein. He had Christians in his Baath party. Tariq Aziz is Christian and is being executed by Iraqi "authorities" from the verdict in a Kangaroo court. Ruthless bastards the Baaths were but they are no worse than Iranian controlled Shia.
When the current Iraqi government starts gassing their own population, let me know.

Iranian controlled Shia were killing our troops. The Iraqi population and what happens to them may be more important to you but not me.
Glass the desert and call it a day?
Christianity FAQ: Christian Violence

It's rather ironic that a religion which so publicly proclaims Absolute Love as its basis should, over the course of history, spawn so much unmitigated hatred and violence. Is it simply that Christianity is a failure in inspiring better conduct from otherwise hopelessly evil human beings, or is there some aspect of Christianity which in fact encourages or promotes some of the baser aspects of human behavior? Perhaps it is a bit of both.

Ahh, Evil raises it ugly head and proves itself.

The Christians did it excuse. Gee I checked your link and the closest he could come to today, was the troubles in Ireland. The isolated troubles in Ireland.

Not world wide troubles we have almost daily with islam, no, to make an honest comparison would have required, well, honesty.

I've yet to hear of armed christians gunning down anyone in the name of christianity. I'll bet dollars to donought, someone murders in the name of allah before Friday.
Muslims started the war on Christians centuries ago. It was them that started the killing, I am tired of hearing their poor cry baby excuses.
more tragic consequences of the us invasion or rather, the botched occuaption that allowed the civil war to spread.

you're going to blame muslims killing non muslims in iraq on the us? Good grief.

yes of course we're to blame for letting that cork loose, that and all the other violence associated with the civil war there. How many religious terrorist attacks did iraq have before the invasion and occupation? To be sure the shiites would and did but not at the level we've seen in the past 8 years. Doesn't mean i think these sick fucks were justified in their attacks either or that the lion share of the blame doesn't go directly to the attackers, but that these condition exist is a tragic consequence........
Yes of course we're to blame for letting that cork loose, that and all the other violence associated with the civil war there. How many religious terrorist attacks did Iraq have before the invasion and occupation? To be sure the Shiites would and did but not at the level we've seen in the past 8 years. Doesn't mean I think these sick fucks were justified in their attacks either or that the lion share of the blame doesn't go directly to the attackers, but that these condition exist is a tragic consequence........

uh huh. So the alternative is to just keep taking the hits, watch Islam grow and dominate other nations until America is the last one standing.

Lot less bloodshed I suppose, we could just lay down our arms...

The only thing we're responsible for is that our own nation has become so perverse by people using freedom to murder infants in the name of "choice" and inflict abominations on our kids and call it education.

The only effective alternative is to ban xtianity. The xtians are responsible for the lions' share of violence in the world today. That's why xtians are involved in more wars than any other religious group
The only two true religions are Christianity and judaism. Islam is satans religion. And you are an idiot!!!!
You are all a bunch of racist Islamyphobes! Islam is a Religion of Peace! They were just having a good ole fashioned Muslim BBQ. Had a pie eating contest,threw the Frisbee around,then threw some Christians on the barby. A good time was had by all.
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