Muslim boards Flight - No ID


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Nigerian native uses a phony boarding pass and no identification to board airplane from N.Y. to L.A. :mad:

FBI: Stowaway slips onto cross-country flight -

June 30, 2011

A Nigerian native, Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi, 24, is a U.S. citizen and was arrested by the FBI. The formal charges were not available.

On Friday Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi managed to board and fly on Virgin American Airlines from JFK Airport with a boarding pass not in his name and did not have proper identification on his person. Virgin Airlines and theTSA, have no comment.

Noibi boarded a flight from New York to Los Angles and was arrested only when he tried to fly out of L.A. several days later with another fraudulent boarding pass to Georgia. After Noibi’s arrest it was revealed that the name on the boarding pass belonged to another man who claimed to the FBI that he had allegedly been pick-pocketed on Thursday the day before the flight.

After Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi had boarded the flight and was in the air, he was discovered by a flight attendant who saw he was sitting in a seat that was supposed to be empty.

The attendant asked for his boarding pass and took it to the Captain. The Captain told the attendant to ask for a pictured ID. It was discovered that the boarding pass was not in Noibi’s name and it was the wrong date.

When Noibi produced an ID it was a University of Michigan ID card in which Noibi had gone for two years. He dropped out in 2006. He had been enrolled in the school’s electrical engineering program but he did not graduate.

Noibi said he lost his U.S. passport and reported that his passport had been stolen. He said that he had a Nigerian Passport at home. He was let go at the L.A. Airport. The FBI says "They did detain the "stowaway" when he landed in Los Angeles, then released him." A charge of being a stowaway carries a sentence up to five years in prison and is a felony.

Noibi spent the night inside the L.A. Airport and stayed in L.A. for several days. Then on Wednesday he tried to board a Delta flight to Atlanta, Ga. After being detected for fraudulent documents, “Noibi insisted that he had been told he could go to the gate for the flight.” :eusa_liar:

Noibi was again trying to use another fraudulent boarding pass and was stopped and taken into custody. It was discovered that Noibi had 12 different boarding passes in his possession in other people’s names.

“Authorities are saying, “There is nothing at this point to indicate terrorism in the case.”

“It is not clear what Noibi did for several days in Los Angeles, but he later told authorities he was recruiting people for his software business.”

The businesses name is Linkedln and it lists a Noibi name as "president, CEO and co-founder" and is located in Lagos, Nigeria. When the company was called someone said that, “Noibi does some consulting for the company.” Linkedln is linked to Noibi’s Facebook page.

When the FBI apprehended Noibi they read him his Miranda rights and “Noibi acknowledged that he had not paid for his flight to Los Angeles.”
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I want you people to honestly ask yourselves. What if it was you or your 17 year old kid who stowed away illegally on a commercial aircraft? What would happen to you?

What do you think the government would do to you? I don’t think you’d get a lollipop and patted on the Po Po, like this Nigerian guy got.

The FBI knew in the very first encounter that the Nigerian guy was using someone else Boarding pass and didn’t have proper identification or documentation of any kind and they let him go! No-ID, No problemo! A soiled diaper on a 95 year old American woman dying of cancer, you’re going down Biatch! What’s wrong with this picture???
This affidavit is made in support of a request for the issuance of a complaint and arrest warrant charging OLAJIDE OLUSWASEUN NOIBI ""NOIBI") with being a stowaway aboard an aircraft, in violation of 18 U.S.C. #2199.

[Shall be guilty of a felony and subject of imprisonment for up to five years].

Page 1. & 2.

“The flight crew became aware of him when two passengers complained about his odor, FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said.

He was seated toward the front of the plane, in seat 3E, according to the affidavit.”


In my opinion, Olajide Noibi’s down fall was when fellow passengers ask for extra vomit bags because he stunk so much. The flight attendant asked one passenger what is that smell and the passenger said, “You probably do not want to know what that odor is.” It smelled like aged Camel dung a cesspool and a rotting carcass combined.

The passengers on the non-stop flight finally couldn’t take it any longer and complained about the foul smells coming from Noibi’s seat. Some passengers were passed out cold from the pungent odor which had an ammonia after taste. It stunk so bad the toilet was flushing by itself and the paint was peeling off the walls and overhead bins were melting and dripping on people's heads.

The other passengers had enough when tears came to their eyes and the oxygen mask fell from the ceiling and everybody gladly put them on.

The flight attendant bravely approached Noibi and said, “Son Camel Piss is not a cologne" and the best remedy for body odor is bathing more than once a week. The attendant then asked to see Noibi’s boarding pass. If Noibi hadn’t of stunk to high heaven he might have made it through undetected.

Is there a lesson to this story???

Moral of Story:

No matter where you sit on the plane you’re going to be seen, heard or smelled and you can’t get up and move to a different seat and say, “How do I smell from here" or "Can you smell me now?”


Children of Islam please bath daily because if we Americans have to kiss your asses to get you to stop you’re jihad on us we want it clean.
A Nigerian man without a valid passport or valid ID on a flight cross country with an expired boarding pass. Its time to overhaul the TSA they are not doing their jobs correctly and everything has to be so political correct the real threats are getting passed them:cuckoo:

Nigerian man flies from JFK to LA with invalid ID, expired boarding pass -

And was only caught because a passenger sitting next time complained about how bad he smelled. Boy I'm feeling really safe with TSA at the helm.
If it was one problem I would be ok, but it has been and the TSA has not yet to date caught any of the people they have caught so far its been the passengers who alerted them!!!
A Nigerian man without a valid passport or valid ID on a flight cross country with an expired boarding pass. Its time to overhaul the TSA they are not doing their jobs correctly and everything has to be so political correct the real threats are getting passed them:cuckoo:

Nigerian man flies from JFK to LA with invalid ID, expired boarding pass -

And steal your shit to. And Obama's administration supports all of it.

November 23, 2010 7:03 PM

ABC's Jason Ryan reports:

As the controversy over the Transportation Security Administration's enhanced screening continues, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano sent a message to all TSA employees to personally thank them for their work during the holiday rush.

DHS Sec Janet Napolitano Bucks Up TSA Employees; Pistole Says Planned Protests Could Have "Negative Effect" - The Note
Theft among TSA screeners.
To Serve, to Protect Steal
If TSA workers steal from the people they are supposed to be protecting, how can they be trusted to keep the nation safe from terrorism?
By Spencer Wilking

The eBay seller known as "Alirla" sold high-priced electronics at rock bottom prices, shipping laptops, digital cameras and GPS units to eager buyers all over the world.

Screener theft: Pythias Brown responsible for the largest one-man theft ring in the short history of TSA.

TSA luggage theft at LAX: How common is this?

(Danny Moloshok / Reuters)
June 24, 2011|By Mary Forgione | Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

In the last two months, two U.S. Transportation Security Administration officers have been arrested on suspicion of stealing from passenger luggage at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) -- incidents that leave me worrying about how often such theft happens. Judging from official statistics, it seems rare -- or maybe the culprits just don't get caught very often.

TSA and thefts from luggage at LAX: How common is this? - Los Angeles Times

Today in Travel's Logo
Two TSA Screeners at JFK Charged with Theft
February 17, 2011 10:25 am by Carl Unger

Two TSA screeners at New York's JFK Airport are charged with stealing cash from passengers' bags. According to msnbc, "Comar Persad, 36, and Davon Webb, 30, are expected to each face three felony charges—grand larceny, conspiracy and possession of stolen property—and one misdemeanor charge of official misconduct, authorities said.

Two TSA Screeners at JFK Charged with Theft -

And this is what your tax dollar pays for aside from patting down old ladies and toddlers.
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Throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Overhaul because of one problem?

So you're OK with profiling?

where did I say that?

I am just saying this cry to overhaul is far too overlydramatic and just a way to spend more money.
If your car has a flat tire do you buy a new car?

If my car had a flat and no engine I would. The TSA has virtually zero positives other than the fake feeling of safety. Throw the TSA out not because of a single bungle but because they have little to no purpose, make air travel INCREDIBLY inefficient, make air travel very unpleasant and they have made many errors before this one.

Better to ask why we should keep the TSA. I am waiting for a decent answer to that one...

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