Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
LONDON (AP) — Britain's voracious tabloids may have hit a new low: The News of the World was facing claims Tuesday that it hacked into an abducted teenager's phone messages, possibly hampering a police inquiry into her murder.

Britons are used to seeing their press harass royals, sports stars and celebrities, constantly eavesdropping and paying even the most tangential sources for information about stars' sex lives and drug problems.

Yet the hacking case involving 13-year-old Milly Dowler has horrified everyone, from British Prime Minister David Cameron to the hundreds of comments from people on Twitter.

Dowler's abduction in 2002 while walking home from school in Surrey, south of London, transfixed Britain until her decomposing body was found in the woods by mushroom pickers six months later.

But while police were pursuing all leads and Milly's parents were making dramatic appeals for any tidbit of information that could be useful, a private investigator working for the News of the World tabloid allegedly hacked into her cell phone, listened to her messages, and even deleted some to make room for possible new ones.

Mark Lewis, a lawyer representing Dowler's parents, said Tuesday the suspected hacking may have hampered the police investigation and he plans to sue the tabloid for its interference after Dowler went missing.

It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Pressure mounted Tuesday on Rebekah Brooks, editor of the tabloid when Dowler disappeared and now a top Murdoch executive in the U.K., to resign.

Britain shocked by hacking into slain girl's phone - Yahoo! News
The NotW is in deep, deep, deep shit. They also hacked the phones of the parents of two little girls who went missing and were later found murdered.

Shameful behavior.
It was never determined how long Dowler was alive after being abducted but the tabloid's actions reportedly came in the days right after her disappearance. Police realized some messages had been deleted, giving them and Milly's parents false hope that she was still alive.

Appalling beyond words.
Murdered teenager Milly Dowler wasn't the only person whose voicemail was hacked by the unscrupulous folks at News Corp paper News of the World—it now appears that the families of victims of the 7/7 terrorist bombings in London were "targets" as well.

Police working on the "Operating Weeting" investigation into the News of the World phone hacking have apparently been contacting 7/7 families "to warn them they were targeted by the paper." (Such good timing, too, with the sixth anniversary coming up later this week.)

It doesn't stop there, either: The parents of murdered girls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were also victims of the hacking, based on documents found in the home of the News of the World's private investigator, who has since been jailed for his part in the hacking.

And as the scandal widens, so too does the roll of people implicated: The News was apparently paying off senior police officers between 2003 and 2007 under the editorship of Andy Coulson (pictured back, left)—who later was appointed director of communications for Prime Minister David Cameron. (Coulson resigned in January.)

Meanwhile, Coulson's predecessor Rebekah Brooks (pictured back, right), now the chief of News International, the News Corp vehicle that owns News of the World, claims to have been unaware of the phone hacking that took place while she was the paper's editor—though former News journalist Paul McMullan says that "of course" Brooks was aware. Jack Shafer, writing in Slate, thinks that News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch (pictured front, right) may himself become a casualty:

Families of 7/7 Bombing Victims Had Phones Hacked by Murdoch Paper
Now, following allegations this week that the paper also illegally eavesdropped on murder victims and the families of people killed in terrorist bombings, Cameron said an independent inquiry was needed.

"We are no longer talking about politicians and celebrities but murder victims, potentially terrorist victims. It's absolutely disgusting what has taken place," Cameron said in the House of Commons. "I think everyone in this house and country will be revolted by what they've heard and seen on their TV screens."

But Cameron said the inquiry could not begin until after the police investigation was done, for fear of interfering with it.

Separately, London's Metropolitan Police said Wednesday they were opening an investigation into the possible bribery of police officers by people working for the News International media group.

Papers given to the Metropolitan Police by News International lawyers "include information relating to alleged inappropriate payments to a small number of... officers," Commissioner Paul Stephenson said in a statement Wednesday.

Terror victim's father levels new charge at Murdoch paper -
Good find. The reputation of the paper from top to bottom deserves tarnished.

Hardly a 'find', since it's been a leader on most of the UK's news outlets for weeks, on and off.

And, before we get too excited about Murdock... this is SOP for vast numbers of media across the world. One wonders how many US organizations have used similar tactics.
This kind of thing stinks and I hope it results in jail time. The folks on the paper may very well be complicit in the murders.
The NotW is in deep, deep, deep shit. They also hacked the phones of the parents of two little girls who went missing and were later found murdered.

Shameful behavior.

It's more than just's criminal.

Murdoch should be locked up for supporting this.
This is going to get a lot bigger and will probably stretch across the Pond.
Thank God, News of the World is going out of business.

Britain's scandal-hit News of the World to close -

LONDON - Britain's News of the World tabloid will print the last edition in its 168-year history on Sunday following a devastating scandal over phone hacking, owner Rupert Murdoch's son James said Thursday.

The shock move comes after Britain's biggest-selling Sunday newspaper was hit by allegations that it had hacked the phones of a murdered girl, the relatives of dead soldiers and hundreds of celebrities, politicians and royals.

"Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World," James Murdoch said in a statement.
Thank God, News of the World is going out of business.

Britain's scandal-hit News of the World to close -

LONDON - Britain's News of the World tabloid will print the last edition in its 168-year history on Sunday following a devastating scandal over phone hacking, owner Rupert Murdoch's son James said Thursday.

The shock move comes after Britain's biggest-selling Sunday newspaper was hit by allegations that it had hacked the phones of a murdered girl, the relatives of dead soldiers and hundreds of celebrities, politicians and royals.

"Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World," James Murdoch said in a statement.

Now if they would just shut down FoxNews....

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