Mumm-Ra [Thundercats]: Vigilante Volleyball(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA media/traffic inspire you to think about the free-speech symbolism of hellraiser-avatars such as the ominous Mumm-Ra (a subversive mummy-like demon from the teamwork-themed 1990s kids' cartoon Thundercats)?

What do you think?

Is TrumpUSA a system of great deception (or bluffs)?


"As the various players in the celebrity beach-volleyball tourney gathered on the sunny beaches of southern California in March 2019, an evil underworld specter named Mumm-Ra rose from Hell to challenge Americans' idealism towards teamwork-promoting competitive athletics. Mumm-Ra believed TrumpUSA capitalism was not sufficient to promote democratic idealism. However, the celebrities and fans who gathered for the March Beach-Volleyball Extravaganza believed America would cradle new age social poetics."


"An evil queen named Lorraine believed she could 'complement' Mumm-Ra's brand of anti-traffic terrorism by confounding the various participants of the March 2019 beach-volleyball event. Lorraine wanted to serve as Mumm-Ra's 'sidekick' (even if Mumm-Ra was unaware of her participation!). Would the anti-democratic terrorism-trauma of 9/11 (when the World Trade Center in NYC was destroyed by fundamentalis terrorists from the Middle East!) complicate this enchanting beach-volleyball media event? Would Americans not see through the blinding confusion of competition mischief?"


"An idealistic Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante' and Ajay Satan (an Algerian-American who dressed up in masks/gear/costumes for blog-photos and posts about censorship and anti-democratic ideas in the modern age of media in TrumpUSA!) wanted to offer his optimism for this celebrity volleyball 'media event' by creating stick-figure doodles of patriotic images/avatars that symbolized America's interest in political cartoons(!). Ajay's doodles got the attention of both the evil queen Lorraine and the ominous underworld specter Mumm-Ra who realized Ajay was the new age Thomas Nast, a man whose politically-conscious commentary awakened America to the reality of democracy intrigue. Would Ajay be able to rescue the teamwork ethos of the March celebrity volleyball tourney with his innocent (and cutely-named avatars)?"


MUMM-RA: You're naive to think cartoons will redeem vanity!
AJAY SATAN: TrumpUSA media/traffic is all about ornaments.
MUMM-RA: You can't cure apathy with doses of frills...
AJAY SATAN: Capitalism and media are not frills, Mumm-Ra!
MUMM-RA: Maybe that's true, Ajay, but Americans love junk-food.
AJAY SATAN: We can address gluttony/sloth with ideas about poetry.
MUMM-RA: So you believe TrumpUSA is a 'vehicle' for traffic-diarism?
AJAY SATAN: Diary liberalness is the hallmark of free-speech.
MUMM-RA: Americans are frightened about congestion...
AJAY SATAN: Wall Street and MTV will not suffocate the human spirit.
MUMM-RA: Do Americans really care about media idealism?
AJAY SATAN: Americans have always believed in passion in journalism!
MUMM-RA: Celebrities playing beach volleyball is merely a sign of indulgence.
AJAY SATAN: However, selling 'candy' to the masses creates social happiness.
MUMM-RA: Creating social unity through basic sports/consumerism is only 'jewelry.'
AJAY SATAN: You must learn why America is a land of great diaries.


"The eerie/ominous mummy-like underworld ghoul Mumm-Ra conceded to the valiant/patriotic Ajay Satan that TrumpUSA commerce/traffic/media was a thing of great passion and ornamentation, but he continued to insist that consumerism without skepticism would only yield forms of 'indulgence.' Ajay realized that Mumm-Ra (as well as the evil queen Lorraine) meant to confound modern era traffic euphoria with confounding messages about the dangers of market indulgences. Perhaps a celebrity volleyball tourney was precisely what 'TrumpUSA' needed to forget about the 'social gloom' of capitalism-frailties (e.g., tycoon deification)."


TRUMP: What did you make of the celebrity volleyball tourney?
CARTER: I thought it was a terrific media-trophy, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I always appreciate the modern value of social activity...
CARTER: Americans love Facebook and MTV!
TRUMP: I wonder what the eerie Mumm-Ra concluded about America!
CARTER: Thanks to Ajay Satan, he concluded TrumpUSA was 'secure.'
TRUMP: The organizers of the celebrity volleyball event are heroes.
CARTER: Hopefully, 9/11 will help the world forget about Munich 1972.
TRUMP: Yes, terrorism at the Olympics reminds us of human vice!
CARTER: Let's go watch Spy Game on Netflix.
TRUMP: I love movies about American pride...
CARTER: It seems modern socialization fears are about free-speech.
TRUMP: Maybe Mumm-Ra returned to Hell reminds us that democracy reigns!
CARTER: There's nothing wrong with media metaphysics.



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