Multiple NASA Studies Confirm Bedrock Heat Flow Behind Melting Polar Ice, Not Global Warming


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Multiple NASA Studies Confirm Bedrock Heat Flow Behind Melting Polar Ice, Not Global Warming

And the hits just keep on coming.... Now antarctic melt is being attributed to........

Wait for it....

NATURAL CAUSES... (Volcanic activity)

"In what amounts to dissension from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) climate change policy, a series of just-released studies by working-level scientists prove that geological and not atmospheric forces are responsible for melting of Earth’s polar ice sheets."

And it gets worse for our alarmist drones....

"The conclusions of this NASA study were immediately challenged by numerous climate activist groups and biased media outlets (see here). These challenges have since been proven incorrect for several reasons.

Statements by NASA Glaciologist Jay Zwally concerning his soon-to-be-published Antarctic follow-up study reconfirm that Antarctica is gaining, not losing ice."

I can already hear great wailing an gnashing of teeth from our local alarmists....
Multiple NASA Studies Confirm Bedrock Heat Flow Behind Melting Polar Ice, Not Global Warming

And the hits just keep on coming.... Now antarctic melt is being attributed to........

Wait for it....

NATURAL CAUSES... (Volcanic activity)

"In what amounts to dissension from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) climate change policy, a series of just-released studies by working-level scientists prove that geological and not atmospheric forces are responsible for melting of Earth’s polar ice sheets."

And it gets worse for our alarmist drones....

"The conclusions of this NASA study were immediately challenged by numerous climate activist groups and biased media outlets (see here). These challenges have since been proven incorrect for several reasons.

Statements by NASA Glaciologist Jay Zwally concerning his soon-to-be-published Antarctic follow-up study reconfirm that Antarctica is gaining, not losing ice."

I can already hear great wailing an gnashing of teeth from our local alarmists....
Naw. The local cadre of warming worshipers will either ignore this in favor of posting the same tired and debunked talking points they have been posting for the past 5 years, or they'll just attack the source and try to discredit Zwally.

Its an old formula, but one they are stuck with.
What I find funny about this, the scientists are publishing the work without the narrative filter of the politicians... Refreshing to see NASA getting out of the political arena again and publishing core science.
Damn, we better do more to stop man made global warming if the climatechangedispatch folks are right.

From horticultural experience I can give you some tips about pavement, building and roof colors also. Let me know your zip code and we can probably cheat a climate zone or two either way for growing smaller plants or even some trees which don't belong in your area.

In the bigger sense, I have four cars. I'm keeping my 3 V8 having cars and that 6 banger also. From what I see environmental regulations aren't even close to hurting the internal combustion engines of today and if you want to tighten them up, lets go for it. In the 80's we were all thrilled with the performance of Fox Body Mustangs and had the LT/LS performance surge in the 90's. Not ignoring the 4.6L Ford V8 which way out classes the Northstars.

But yeah, if these crazy environmental regulations are stifling our 500 horse motors in your world then we'll need to debate something else.
Damn, we better do more to stop man made global warming if the climatechangedispatch folks are right.

From horticultural experience I can give you some tips about pavement, building and roof colors also. Let me know your zip code and we can probably cheat a climate zone or two either way for growing smaller plants or even some trees which don't belong in your area.

In the bigger sense, I have four cars. I'm keeping my 3 V8 having cars and that 6 banger also. From what I see environmental regulations aren't even close to hurting the internal combustion engines of today and if you want to tighten them up, lets go for it. In the 80's we were all thrilled with the performance of Fox Body Mustangs and had the LT/LS performance surge in the 90's. Not ignoring the 4.6L Ford V8 which way out classes the Northstars.

But yeah, if these crazy environmental regulations are stifling our 500 horse motors in your world then we'll need to debate something else.
These people are going to go nuts through the warmest part of the summer. What is coming will tear their narrative apart in just a few short years. When you hear their claims of hottest ever you need to look at the real empirically observed temps from unaltered sources and compare them historically. There is a whole lot of fabrication going on in alarmist camps.
Damn, we better do more to stop man made global warming if the climatechangedispatch folks are right.

From horticultural experience I can give you some tips about pavement, building and roof colors also. Let me know your zip code and we can probably cheat a climate zone or two either way for growing smaller plants or even some trees which don't belong in your area.

In the bigger sense, I have four cars. I'm keeping my 3 V8 having cars and that 6 banger also. From what I see environmental regulations aren't even close to hurting the internal combustion engines of today and if you want to tighten them up, lets go for it. In the 80's we were all thrilled with the performance of Fox Body Mustangs and had the LT/LS performance surge in the 90's. Not ignoring the 4.6L Ford V8 which way out classes the Northstars.

But yeah, if these crazy environmental regulations are stifling our 500 horse motors in your world then we'll need to debate something else.
These people are going to go nuts through the warmest part of the summer. What is coming will tear their narrative apart in just a few short years. When you hear their claims of hottest ever you need to look at the real empirically observed temps from unaltered sources and compare them historically. There is a whole lot of fabrication going on in alarmist camps.

Well life just isn't that scary around here because of anti-warming regulations. We have a nuke plant 90 miles upwind and a coal plant 10 miles north of town. ppl are driving all these crazy Hellcats and 500 horse Mustangs around not to mention the monster SUV's. They really stick out when it snows.

I think the anti warming legislation we have in the form of getting your check engine light to stay off for about 40 miles is considerably more conservative than the ppl freaking out claiming all these statistics are false while I'm watching Magnolia grandiflora become a viable option further and further north.
Magnolia grandiflora become a viable option further and further north.
Not for long... Cooling this year is going to kill these plants real fast.

Oh yeah, is this winter supposed to be a thing in North America?

My individual plantings are pretty conservative. My Lagerstroemia almost always die to the ground and I try to error by a zone with my "real tree" plantings. I think my Oputinas are more sensitive to our randomly WET weather than likely temps.

FWIW, something neither narrow minded encampment wants to talk about are urban/suburban heat islands. They are a REAL thing you can see on the nightly weather report, a decently detailed one anyway. Acer palmatums which don't exist in the farmland in marginal areas can live quite happily in the burbs and near city centers. Nightly proof humans change the environment is difficult for one side to look at. Proof there is a more tangible, quicker acting way humans change the environment is difficult for the other who know not what to do about it.

No they don't. That's just a kook lie that your cult shit down your throat, and you puked it back up here.

None of the studies back up your kook claim.

Zwally's study is regarded as bad, and it doesn't talk about heat flow at all. All of the other studies disagree with it, and conclude Antarctica is losing mass.

The studies that show heat flow exists somewhere do not show that heat flow causes the current fast melting. They don't demonstrate the heat flow is anything new. That heat flow has been the status quo in those spots for thousands of years. You'd have to show a large upward change in heat flow to demonstrate that the heat flow is responsible for new melt.
Where did you learn to put together insults? all girl catholic pre school?

And now the insult-spewing hypocrite is blubbering about insults. Care to address the issues now, instead of evading?

None of the sources showed that the geothermal heat was anything new, thus none of your sources back the idiot denier claims about how new heat is causing new metl. So why are you pretending otherwise?

And including the bad Zwally study was just dumb, as it's contradicting the main point. If the ice is increasing, then obviously the ice isn't melting more. You're trying to hold two contradicting claims, making it obvious that you're just tossing everything at the wall in the hopes that something sticks. You don't have any kind of coherent overall theory.
Same heat that has been causing the melting all along...originally attributed to AGW...turns out it is just natural variability all along..

And what sort of idiot would expect coherence from a coupled non linear chaotic system? Everything we have seen in the global climate is simply natural has all happened before and will all continue to happen again...not the first piece of observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

And I really couldn't care less about your insults...I merely point out how absolutely terrible you are at flat sound like a little girl trying to sound grown up trying out some dirty language...

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