Muhammad Flew To Jerusalem On A Winged Donkey And A Prayer


Jun 29, 2011
The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

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The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

So what you're saying is two donkeys riding on top of one another flew to Jerusalem?
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The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

So what you're saying is two donkeys riding on top of one another flew to Jerusalem?

Or, a dog riding on a donkey. Islime is like a circus act :badgrin:

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Muhammad was ahead of his time in flying around on al-buraq. Who needs gas-guzzling cars and trucks when you can fly around on a winged mule that basically eats any shit put in front of it. Hey, maybe Sheikh Hussein Obama can throw a few billion dollars toward developing buraqs for the American public as a mode of transportation Allah is Great! :bow3:

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eots pms, did the 53 year old pedophile muhammad ever fly with his 6 year old wife aboard al buraq the flying mule? Since sex with animals is halal in islime, muhammad could satisfy both urges :bow3:

Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad [53 years old] married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.

Sahih Bukhari Hadeeth V5B58N235:
Narrated 'Aisha: That the Prophet said to her, "You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done.

My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old. Neither a camel nor a sheep was slaughtered on behalf of me.”

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[ame=]After Muslim savages burned St.George Coptic Orthodox Church in Sool village-Atfih-Helwan-Egypt - YouTube[/ame]
The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

And Moses parted the red sea, Noah put 2 of every animal on earth in a boat, adam and eve were told not to eat apples and mary had an emaculate conception.
[ame=]Exposing Islam and Muhammad - YouTube[/ame]
The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

And Moses parted the red sea, Noah put 2 of every animal on earth in a boat, adam and eve were told not to eat apples and mary had an emaculate conception.

Did Moses fly to Israel on a winged mule? Maybe, I missed that.

Maybe, he took a magic carpet
Muhammad was ahead of his time in flying around on al-buraq. Who needs gas-guzzling cars and trucks when you can fly around on a winged mule that basically eats any shit put in front of it. Hey, maybe Sheikh Hussein Obama can throw a few billion dollars toward developing buraqs for the American public as a mode of transportation Allah is Great! :bow3:


Have you heard about what Mormons believe? Best way to learn is youtube southpark dumb dumb dumb Muslims and you will hear everything you need to know.

And Mormons think traditional christians are following a false religion just like you feel about muslims. How do you feel about that? God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and said your church is corrupt and to start a new religion. How do you like that? So if you care about muslims for not being christians you must certainly be bothered about a Mormon becoming president.

You must agree it is a cult. Not a real christian church. Not following Jesus from 2000 year ago. Jesus came to America in 1800. Can you dig it? Cult! But you righties will still vote for him I'm sure because Fox is never going to tell you about this.
Muhammad was ahead of his time in flying around on al-buraq. Who needs gas-guzzling cars and trucks when you can fly around on a winged mule that basically eats any shit put in front of it. Hey, maybe Sheikh Hussein Obama can throw a few billion dollars toward developing buraqs for the American public as a mode of transportation Allah is Great! :bow3:


Have you heard about what Mormons believe? Best way to learn is youtube southpark dumb dumb dumb Muslims and you will hear everything you need to know.

And Mormons think traditional christians are following a false religion just like you feel about muslims. How do you feel about that? God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and said your church is corrupt and to start a new religion. How do you like that? So if you care about muslims for not being christians you must certainly be bothered about a Mormon becoming president.

You must agree it is a cult. Not a real christian church. Not following Jesus from 2000 year ago. Jesus came to America in 1800. Can you dig it? Cult! But you righties will still vote for him I'm sure because Fox is never going to tell you about this.

I'm unaware of Mormons making bogus claims on Jerusalem and mass murdering Jews and Christians.

This too complicated for your pointy little head?
The bogus religious claim that muslimes have to Jerusalem, established as the capital of the Jews 3000 years ago and 1500+ years before muhammad was even born and islime invented by him [Jerusalem appears 800 times in the Hebrew Bible; zero times in the Quran], is a "vision" muhammad had that he flew to Jerusalem overnight on a winged donkey complete with a woman's head and peacock's tail.

Muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed at him as a total charlatan when he presented himself as a "prophet", called "Crazed Poet" by the meccans, and in a desperate attempt to create some special powers that would accord him some respect, he fabricated the fairy tale of his night journey to Jerusalem. Of course, the only mode of travel was camel, but, that would have taken months.:badgrin:

When told of his overnight journey to Jerusalem, muhammad's own people in Mecca laughed so hard, they eventually threw him out which forced him to relocate his bogus belief system to Medina where the more ignorant bedouin arabs fell for his nonsense hook, line and sinker...with the promise, of course, of those virgins in paradise if they die for him. :woohoo:

This is a rendering of "al-buraq" the flying donkey that is the basis for muhammad's fictional flight to Jerusalem and the rocky foundation for muslimes' claim to Jerusalem which muhammad never really set foot in. Hey, don't laugh, the donkey flew on oats, not gas :badgrin:

The bogus islimic claim to Jerusalem is really reflected in muslimes pointing their asses to Jerusalem and that supposedly "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca in prayer.


:lol: :lol:

And Moses parted the red sea, Noah put 2 of every animal on earth in a boat, adam and eve were told not to eat apples and mary had an emaculate conception.

Did Moses fly to Israel on a winged mule? Maybe, I missed that.

Maybe, he took a magic carpet

They say Jesus fed thousands with one loaf of bread? I have a theory on that. He gave them all small hits of acid. He was a hippy.

If you can give me a scientific explanation how Mary became pregnant without having sex I will explain to you how mules can fly.
And Moses parted the red sea, Noah put 2 of every animal on earth in a boat, adam and eve were told not to eat apples and mary had an emaculate conception.

Did Moses fly to Israel on a winged mule? Maybe, I missed that.

Maybe, he took a magic carpet

They say Jesus fed thousands with one loaf of bread? I have a theory on that. He gave them all small hits of acid. He was a hippy.

If you can give me a scientific explanation how Mary became pregnant without having sex I will explain to you how mules can fly.

Jesus did not blow himself up. Muslims do.

Jesus was born in Israel. Muhammad was not

You're way out of your depth
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Muhammad was ahead of his time in flying around on al-buraq. Who needs gas-guzzling cars and trucks when you can fly around on a winged mule that basically eats any shit put in front of it. Hey, maybe Sheikh Hussein Obama can throw a few billion dollars toward developing buraqs for the American public as a mode of transportation Allah is Great! :bow3:


Have you heard about what Mormons believe? Best way to learn is youtube southpark dumb dumb dumb Muslims and you will hear everything you need to know.

And Mormons think traditional christians are following a false religion just like you feel about muslims. How do you feel about that? God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and said your church is corrupt and to start a new religion. How do you like that? So if you care about muslims for not being christians you must certainly be bothered about a Mormon becoming president.

You must agree it is a cult. Not a real christian church. Not following Jesus from 2000 year ago. Jesus came to America in 1800. Can you dig it? Cult! But you righties will still vote for him I'm sure because Fox is never going to tell you about this.

I'm unaware of Mormons making bogus claims on Jerusalem and mass murdering Jews and Christians.

This too complicated for your pointy little head?

You need to watch Kingdom of Heaven

The arrogant murdering Christians went out to war with the Muslims and the Muslims lured them out to the desert where they ran out of water and were slaughtered. So the Muslims go to take Jerusalem and Orlando fights them off valiantly. The Muslim King says surrender and I will let everyone go safe and free. Orlando Bloom agrees. He says, "but when we took Jerusalem from you we slaughtered every man, woman and child, why would you let us go free?" and the King says he is not those people. He was a great man. When he lost a lot of men in battle, he cried.

Orlando asks the king, "what is Jerusalem worth?" and the king said "nothing", turned and walked a couple steps and turned around again and said, "everything".
Have you heard about what Mormons believe? Best way to learn is youtube southpark dumb dumb dumb Muslims and you will hear everything you need to know.

And Mormons think traditional christians are following a false religion just like you feel about muslims. How do you feel about that? God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and said your church is corrupt and to start a new religion. How do you like that? So if you care about muslims for not being christians you must certainly be bothered about a Mormon becoming president.

You must agree it is a cult. Not a real christian church. Not following Jesus from 2000 year ago. Jesus came to America in 1800. Can you dig it? Cult! But you righties will still vote for him I'm sure because Fox is never going to tell you about this.

I'm unaware of Mormons making bogus claims on Jerusalem and mass murdering Jews and Christians.

This too complicated for your pointy little head?

You need to watch Kingdom of Heaven

The arrogant murdering Christians went out to war with the Muslims and the Muslims lured them out to the desert where they ran out of water and were slaughtered. So the Muslims go to take Jerusalem and Orlando fights them off valiantly. The Muslim King says surrender and I will let everyone go safe and free. Orlando Bloom agrees. He says, "but when we took Jerusalem from you we slaughtered every man, woman and child, why would you let us go free?" and the King says he is not those people. He was a great man. When he lost a lot of men in battle, he cried.

Orlando asks the king, "what is Jerusalem worth?" and the king said "nothing", turned and walked a couple steps and turned around again and said, "everything".

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Jesus was born in Israel and visited Jerusalem. Christians have a legitimate claim to Jerusalem.

King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital 3000 years ago and Jews have legitimate claims to Jerusalem

Muhammad never set foot in Jerusalem nor has it ever been a muslime capital. Muslims have no claims

Now, you know :clap2:
Did Moses fly to Israel on a winged mule? Maybe, I missed that.

Maybe, he took a magic carpet

They say Jesus fed thousands with one loaf of bread? I have a theory on that. He gave them all small hits of acid. He was a hippy.

If you can give me a scientific explanation how Mary became pregnant without having sex I will explain to you how mules can fly.

Jesus did not blow himself up. Muslims do.

Jesus was born in Israel. Muhammad was not

You're way out of your depth

I agree with Mormons actually. I believe that from the time Jesus died to now, your religion has been corrupted. Think of the hundreds of years the Catholic popes were pure evil. Its actually documented history. The dark ages. Popes changed/altered the bible and lost their way. And all of the other Christians like baptists and luterans and presbyterians and born agains and 700 club christians are all insane. I don't believe in the same God they believe in and I know many Americans who consider themselves christians too that don't buy all that fire and brimstone anti abortion bullshit.

Way out of my depth? I can't wait to hear this.
They say Jesus fed thousands with one loaf of bread? I have a theory on that. He gave them all small hits of acid. He was a hippy.

If you can give me a scientific explanation how Mary became pregnant without having sex I will explain to you how mules can fly.

Jesus did not blow himself up. Muslims do.

Jesus was born in Israel. Muhammad was not

You're way out of your depth

I agree with Mormons actually. I believe that from the time Jesus died to now, your religion has been corrupted. Think of the hundreds of years the Catholic popes were pure evil. Its actually documented history. The dark ages. Popes changed/altered the bible and lost their way. And all of the other Christians like baptists and luterans and presbyterians and born agains and 700 club christians are all insane. I don't believe in the same God they believe in and I know many Americans who consider themselves christians too that don't buy all that fire and brimstone anti abortion bullshit.

Way out of my depth? I can't wait to hear this.

Off topic much?
I'm unaware of Mormons making bogus claims on Jerusalem and mass murdering Jews and Christians.

This too complicated for your pointy little head?

You need to watch Kingdom of Heaven

The arrogant murdering Christians went out to war with the Muslims and the Muslims lured them out to the desert where they ran out of water and were slaughtered. So the Muslims go to take Jerusalem and Orlando fights them off valiantly. The Muslim King says surrender and I will let everyone go safe and free. Orlando Bloom agrees. He says, "but when we took Jerusalem from you we slaughtered every man, woman and child, why would you let us go free?" and the King says he is not those people. He was a great man. When he lost a lot of men in battle, he cried.

Orlando asks the king, "what is Jerusalem worth?" and the king said "nothing", turned and walked a couple steps and turned around again and said, "everything".

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Jesus was born in Israel and visited Jerusalem. Christians have a legitimate claim to Jerusalem.

King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital 3000 years ago and Jews have legitimate claims to Jerusalem

Muhammad never set foot in Jerusalem nor has it ever been a muslime capital. Muslims have no claims

Now, you know :clap2:

Turns out this guy in the movie was a real person.

Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (ca. 1138 – March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim, who became the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, and founded the Ayyubid dynasty. He led Muslim opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, his sultanate included Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, Yemen, and parts of North Africa.

Under his personal leadership, his forces defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin, leading the way to his re-capture of Palestine, which had been seized from the Fatimid Egyptians by the Crusaders 88 years earlier. Though the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem would continue to exist for a period, its defeat at Hattin marked a turning point in its conflict with the Muslims and Arabs. As such, Saladin is a prominent figure in Kurdish, Arab, and Muslim culture. Saladin was a strict adherent of Sunni Islam.[5] His noble and chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the Siege of Kerak, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders, he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry.[6]

Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need to watch Kingdom of Heaven

The arrogant murdering Christians went out to war with the Muslims and the Muslims lured them out to the desert where they ran out of water and were slaughtered. So the Muslims go to take Jerusalem and Orlando fights them off valiantly. The Muslim King says surrender and I will let everyone go safe and free. Orlando Bloom agrees. He says, "but when we took Jerusalem from you we slaughtered every man, woman and child, why would you let us go free?" and the King says he is not those people. He was a great man. When he lost a lot of men in battle, he cried.

Orlando asks the king, "what is Jerusalem worth?" and the king said "nothing", turned and walked a couple steps and turned around again and said, "everything".

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Jesus was born in Israel and visited Jerusalem. Christians have a legitimate claim to Jerusalem.

King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital 3000 years ago and Jews have legitimate claims to Jerusalem

Muhammad never set foot in Jerusalem nor has it ever been a muslime capital. Muslims have no claims

Now, you know :clap2:

Turns out this guy in the movie was a real person.

Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (ca. 1138 – March 4, 1193), better known in the Western world as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim, who became the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, and founded the Ayyubid dynasty. He led Muslim opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, his sultanate included Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, Yemen, and parts of North Africa.

Under his personal leadership, his forces defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin, leading the way to his re-capture of Palestine, which had been seized from the Fatimid Egyptians by the Crusaders 88 years earlier. Though the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem would continue to exist for a period, its defeat at Hattin marked a turning point in its conflict with the Muslims and Arabs. As such, Saladin is a prominent figure in Kurdish, Arab, and Muslim culture. Saladin was a strict adherent of Sunni Islam.[5] His noble and chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the Siege of Kerak, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders, he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry.[6]

Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Since you're veered off into outer space, when you return to planet Earth, have an adult with a functional brain read the original post for you.

Let us know how life is in outer space.

Also, using Wikipedia for Biblical scholarship makes you look really dumb

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