Muhammad cartoon republished


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
At least three Swedish newspapers on Wednesday published a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog after an alleged plot to murder the artist who created it was uncovered in Ireland.

The controversial drawing by Swedish artist Lars Vilks was printed in Stockholm papers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen and the Malmo daily Sydsvenska Dagbladet.

Irish authorities on Tuesday detained four men and three women suspected of involvement in an alleged plot to kill Vilks. Irish police said Wednesday those arrested were two Algerians, two Libyans, a Palestinian, a Croatian and an American woman married to one of the Algerian suspects. They were not identified by name.

Sydsvenska Dagbladet said it printed the drawing as part of its news coverage of the alleged plot. Expressen said it printed it for its news value and to take a stance for the freedom of speech.

Dagens Nyheter said in an editorial that "Vilks doesn't stand alone in this conflict. A threat against him is, in the long term, also a threat against all Swedes."
Muhammad cartoon republished
And like good fanatics the Muslims put a price on the head of the newman who published news which was unflattering to Islam.
At least three Swedish newspapers on Wednesday published a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog after an alleged plot to murder the artist who created it was uncovered in Ireland.

The controversial drawing by Swedish artist Lars Vilks was printed in Stockholm papers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen and the Malmo daily Sydsvenska Dagbladet.

Irish authorities on Tuesday detained four men and three women suspected of involvement in an alleged plot to kill Vilks. Irish police said Wednesday those arrested were two Algerians, two Libyans, a Palestinian, a Croatian and an American woman married to one of the Algerian suspects. They were not identified by name.

Sydsvenska Dagbladet said it printed the drawing as part of its news coverage of the alleged plot. Expressen said it printed it for its news value and to take a stance for the freedom of speech.

Dagens Nyheter said in an editorial that "Vilks doesn't stand alone in this conflict. A threat against him is, in the long term, also a threat against all Swedes."
Muhammad cartoon republished

It was clearly designed to inflame. I have no problem with anti-religious cartoons or anything else, I have an issue with where they were placed. That is inciting. Atheists, like everyone else, is entitled to their view but to put them in a newspaper where theists just trying to get the news seems more like provocation than a genuine desire to pursue their 'art'.

It's hate speech and they should be prosecuted.
Had this happened in America, I would say to charge the guy with hate crimes. Athiests are far more offensive in their hatred for religion than those people in some churches who feel it's their mission in life to "spread the Word."

Athiests don't grasp the concept of "to each his own." Instead, they scream and defile, turn purple, have veins popped up an inch high from head to toe and piss kidney stones the size of basketballs at the sight of anything of a religious nature. In other words, "I don't believe this bullshit and I want you banned from believing or practicing it as well."
About fucking time! They should have taken this stance the first time.
☭proletarian☭;2082568 said:
At least three Swedish newspapers on Wednesday published a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog after an alleged plot to murder the artist who created it was uncovered in Ireland.

The controversial drawing by Swedish artist Lars Vilks was printed in Stockholm papers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen and the Malmo daily Sydsvenska Dagbladet.

Irish authorities on Tuesday detained four men and three women suspected of involvement in an alleged plot to kill Vilks. Irish police said Wednesday those arrested were two Algerians, two Libyans, a Palestinian, a Croatian and an American woman married to one of the Algerian suspects. They were not identified by name.

Sydsvenska Dagbladet said it printed the drawing as part of its news coverage of the alleged plot. Expressen said it printed it for its news value and to take a stance for the freedom of speech.

Dagens Nyheter said in an editorial that "Vilks doesn't stand alone in this conflict. A threat against him is, in the long term, also a threat against all Swedes."
Muhammad cartoon republished

It was clearly designed to inflame. I have no problem with anti-religious cartoons or anything else, I have an issue with where they were placed. That is inciting. Atheists, like everyone else, is entitled to their view but to put them in a newspaper where theists just trying to get the news seems more like provocation than a genuine desire to pursue their 'art'.

It's hate speech and they should be prosecuted.

Would that opinion of yours change if it had been published with exactly the same (alleged) "motivation" here in the United States?

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