Mueller Is Looking For A Way Out Of The Witch Hunt

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The only reason Mueller would leak the McGahn interview to the New York Times is he has no indication there was any collusion or conspiracy, and he wanted everyone to know he's interviewed everyone in the Trump circle. Otherwise he wouldn't have leaked McGahn's statement about Trump has never done anything illegal.

The notion McGahn was covering his butt is just conjecture because he had to have Trump's blessing to even testify. Trump is increasing his heat on Mueller now and basically challenging him in public. You don't taunt investigators if you have something to hide.

Mueller is in a bad spot now and he won't be able to justify continuing this $15 Million witch hunt without indicting someone in the Trump circle for something related to Russia. Trump is getting tired of the lunatics and Democrat sycophants involved in this investigation. My bet is Mueller is wishing he never got involved in this political mess as Congress is ripping to shreds everyone involved in the conspiracy inside the FBI and DOJ.

Mueller, put up or shut up.

Trump, go interview with Mueller and use the Hillary defense. "I don't recall"
Thanks for the chuckle…

That Trump tweeted he “allowed” his attorney to meet with the special counsel of course contradicts your moronic OP
Mueller should do the Honorable thing and file his report stating that Don Trump Jr. should not have met with the Russian Lawyer---because he should have had better it was obviously a Set-Up by the desperate Clinton/Obama Crime Cartel...but note that stupidity is not a crime and neither is meeting with a Russian for 15 there is no credible evidence the president knew about it---and finally that it is nothing compared to what Hillary Clinton was up to in her co-conspiracy with the Ex-British Spy who was also working for the Russians.

He should then apologize to Trump for taking so long and spending so much of the Citizens money.

Then he should retire and go play golf on any golf course except one Trump owns, because he wouldn't pay his fees the last time Trump let him be a member of one of his clubs.
Mueller still has to have the Manafort loss to get through. Then he has to figure out a way to wiggle out of a second Manafort trial.
he did not leak it.... just another lie by trumpsters....

McGahn's lawyer or McGahn himself leaked.... part of the leak was McGahn is covering his own ass according to his lawyer....basically...

Mueller n team hasn't leaked a word.... and he ain't stupid enough to leak anything.... he made his hires take a polygraph before hiring with questions all on 'leaking'....

leaking would give trump reason to bitch like a girl... Mueller is too smart for that, silly willie!
Trump, go interview with Mueller and use the Hillary defense. "I don't recall"
Trump is an honest person, he can't lie while Mrs. Clinton has been doing it for living and for years.

Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview, as compiled by Lifezette:
§ When she received security clearance

§ Being briefed on how to handle classified material

§ How many times she used her authority to designate items classified

§ Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret “Special Access Program” material

§ How to select a target for a drone strike

§ How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices

§ The number of times her staff was given a secure phone

§ Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry

§ Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system

§ Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account

§ Getting guidance from state on email policy

§ Who had access to her Blackberry account

§ The process for deleting her emails

§ Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full

§ Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server

§ Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked

§ Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts

§ Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server

§ Using an iPad mini

§ An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal

§ Jacob Sullivan using personal email

§ State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports

§ Every briefing she received after suffering concussions

§ Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012

§ Being read out of her clearance

§ Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her HRC account.

FBI Releases Secretary Clinton Email Investigation Files – Clinton: “I Can’t Remember”, “I Don’t Recall”…
Put this in the comedy forum.

Mueller Is Looking For A Way Out Of The Witch Hunt
he did not leak it.... just another lie by trumpsters....

McGahn's lawyer or McGahn himself leaked.... part of the leak was McGahn is covering his own ass according to his lawyer....basically...

Mueller n team hasn't leaked a word.... and he ain't stupid enough to leak anything.... he made his hires take a polygraph before hiring with questions all on 'leaking'....

leaking would give trump reason to bitch like a girl... Mueller is too smart for that, silly willie!

McGahn had no reason to leak. He gained nothing and it was already obvious it wasn't a Trump conspiracy to throw him under the bus.

Straight from the New York Times article, petunia.

"Last fall, Mr. Mueller’s office asked to interview Mr. McGahn. To the surprise of the White House Counsel’s Office, Mr. Trump and his lawyers signaled that they had no objection, without knowing the extent of what Mr. McGahn was going to tell investigators."

"Mr. McGahn was stunned, as was Mr. Burck, whom he had recently hired out of concern that he needed help to stay out of legal jeopardy, according to people close to Mr. McGahn. Mr. Burck has explained to others that he told White House advisers that they did not appreciate the president’s legal exposure and that it was “insane” that Mr. Trump did not fight a McGahn interview in court."

There goes your bullshit opinion. McGahn and his lawyer made the comment that they thought they needed to cover his ass and then

"As the months passed on, it became apparent that Mr. McGahn and Mr. Burck had overestimated the amount of thought that they believed the president put into his legal strategy. Rather than placing the blame on Mr. McGahn for possible acts of obstruction, Mr. Trump has yet to even meet with the special counsel, his lawyers resisting an invitation for an interview.
Mueller had better stop looking and just end it....its over as far as the people are concerned.....
The only reason Mueller would leak the McGahn interview to the New York Times is he has no indication there was any collusion or conspiracy, and he wanted everyone to know he's interviewed everyone in the Trump circle. Otherwise he wouldn't have leaked McGahn's statement about Trump has never done anything illegal.

The notion McGahn was covering his butt is just conjecture because he had to have Trump's blessing to even testify. Trump is increasing his heat on Mueller now and basically challenging him in public. You don't taunt investigators if you have something to hide.

Mueller is in a bad spot now and he won't be able to justify continuing this $15 Million witch hunt without indicting someone in the Trump circle for something related to Russia. Trump is getting tired of the lunatics and Democrat sycophants involved in this investigation. My bet is Mueller is wishing he never got involved in this political mess as Congress is ripping to shreds everyone involved in the conspiracy inside the FBI and DOJ.

Mueller, put up or shut up.

Trump, go interview with Mueller and use the Hillary defense. "I don't recall"

Thanks for the chuckle…

That Trump tweeted he “allowed” his attorney to meet with the special counsel of course contradicts your moronic OP

he did not leak it.... just another lie by trumpsters....

McGahn's lawyer or McGahn himself leaked.... part of the leak was McGahn is covering his own ass according to his lawyer....basically...

Mueller n team hasn't leaked a word.... and he ain't stupid enough to leak anything.... he made his hires take a polygraph before hiring with questions all on 'leaking'....

leaking would give trump reason to bitch like a girl... Mueller is too smart for that, silly willie!

Put this in the comedy forum.

Mueller Is Looking For A Way Out Of The Witch Hunt

Some of these people are laughable Ricky, they really are.


1. When Nixon was being investigated, what did he use?

2. When Clinton was being investigated, what did he use?

3. When Obama's team was being investigated, what did he use?


4. What does Trump use when being investigate?

ANSWER---------> No biggy, go talk to them.
Trump waived all privilege...both executive privilege and attorney/client privilege...

"McGahn's cooperation with Mueller was extraordinary and curious as the investigation includes possible obstruction of justice by the president and could have been protected in part by executive privilege. Trump waived his privileges, hoping the transparency would quicken the pace of Mueller's investigation and thus, put an end to a query that has put a cloud over his presidency. "

Trump confirms that White House counsel interviewed with Mueller


It's over...liberals end a two year boondoggle with nothing but egg on their faces.
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Put this in the comedy forum.

Mueller Is Looking For A Way Out Of The Witch Hunt

One way for Mueller to get out of it, Jake, would be to squeal on one of the Clintons. Then he could book a hotel room in Crystal City on a Friday evening.He could hang the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, get in bed, cover up his head and wait.

The only reason Mueller would leak the McGahn interview to the New York Times is he has no indication there was any collusion or conspiracy, and he wanted everyone to know he's interviewed everyone in the Trump circle. Otherwise he wouldn't have leaked McGahn's statement about Trump has never done anything illegal.

The notion McGahn was covering his butt is just conjecture because he had to have Trump's blessing to even testify. Trump is increasing his heat on Mueller now and basically challenging him in public. You don't taunt investigators if you have something to hide.

Mueller is in a bad spot now and he won't be able to justify continuing this $15 Million witch hunt without indicting someone in the Trump circle for something related to Russia. Trump is getting tired of the lunatics and Democrat sycophants involved in this investigation. My bet is Mueller is wishing he never got involved in this political mess as Congress is ripping to shreds everyone involved in the conspiracy inside the FBI and DOJ.

Mueller, put up or shut up.

Trump, go interview with Mueller and use the Hillary defense. "I don't recall"
What makes you think Mueller leaked it? He has been remarkably leak free up to this point.
A few errors Rosenstein was appointed by Obama. There's enough stuff in the public record to prove political bias and prosecutorial perjury. But getting as many Ds on record with this crap before it becomes an October surprise is the best way to crush the Ds in the mid-terms.
What is up with you guys.

Trump appointed a guy who recused himself and another Trump appointed guy appointed another Trump guy to investigate . . . Trump.
A few errors Rosenstein was appointed by Obama. There's enough stuff in the public record to prove political bias and prosecutorial perjury. But getting as many Ds on record with this crap before it becomes an October surprise is the best way to crush the Ds in the mid-terms.

Rosenstein was appointed US Attorney for Maryland by Bush Jr. He was ordered to resign by Jeff Sessions, and appointed Deputy Attorney General by Trump.

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