MSNBC's Ratigan, "meltdown rant"

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Is he correct? You betcha. So how about you self labeled 'Independents' offer an idea or two on the best action plan. I for one am a bit tired of "ain't if awful" and "shrink government" posts. Something pragmatic, thought provoking and thought out would be appreciated?
Is he correct? You betcha. So how about you self labeled 'Independents' offer an idea or two on the best action plan. I for one am a bit tired of "ain't if awful" and "shrink government" posts. Something pragmatic, thought provoking and thought out would be appreciated?

the ratigan rant was outstanding. i have no idea how that guy's still on the air, i'm expecting him to get replaced by an establishment drone any day now.

i think he's right, the first thing that needs to happen is obama or somebody in power needs to use the bully pulpit and call these plutocrats out by name, vigorously, and explain clearly and honestly what happened to cause this collapse. once he does that maybe people's perceptions will change. no one else is gonna do it. congress isn't going to do it.
Is he correct? You betcha. So how about you self labeled 'Independents' offer an idea or two on the best action plan. I for one am a bit tired of "ain't if awful" and "shrink government" posts. Something pragmatic, thought provoking and thought out would be appreciated?

the ratigan rant was outstanding. i have no idea how that guy's still on the air, i'm expecting him to get replaced by an establishment drone any day now.

i think he's right, the first thing that needs to happen is obama or somebody in power needs to use the bully pulpit and call these plutocrats out by name, vigorously, and explain clearly and honestly what happened to cause this collapse. once he does that maybe people's perceptions will change. no one else is gonna do it. congress isn't going to do it.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's already told us sho caused the mess: Bush, the Tea Party, Conservatives, ATM's, Wall Street, gridlock, etc.

What else do you want him to say?

Is he correct? You betcha. So how about you self labeled 'Independents' offer an idea or two on the best action plan. I for one am a bit tired of "ain't if awful" and "shrink government" posts. Something pragmatic, thought provoking and thought out would be appreciated?

the ratigan rant was outstanding. i have no idea how that guy's still on the air, i'm expecting him to get replaced by an establishment drone any day now.

i think he's right, the first thing that needs to happen is obama or somebody in power needs to use the bully pulpit and call these plutocrats out by name, vigorously, and explain clearly and honestly what happened to cause this collapse. once he does that maybe people's perceptions will change. no one else is gonna do it. congress isn't going to do it.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's already told us sho caused the mess: Bush, the Tea Party, Conservatives, ATM's, Wall Street, gridlock, etc.

What else do you want him to say?


strangely, i think you got it. he needs to be more specific, and he needs to name names, and he needs to explain the exact way congress has become bought by special interests.

hey, don't get me wrong, i don't think he's going to do that. but at least his base and independents can pressure him. a republican president isn't EVER going to get pressured by a conservative base to expose a corrupt system. last republican to do that was dwight eisenhower.

can you imagine? if obama gave his own version of eisenhower's retirement speech?
the ratigan rant was outstanding. i have no idea how that guy's still on the air, i'm expecting him to get replaced by an establishment drone any day now.

i think he's right, the first thing that needs to happen is obama or somebody in power needs to use the bully pulpit and call these plutocrats out by name, vigorously, and explain clearly and honestly what happened to cause this collapse. once he does that maybe people's perceptions will change. no one else is gonna do it. congress isn't going to do it.

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's already told us sho caused the mess: Bush, the Tea Party, Conservatives, ATM's, Wall Street, gridlock, etc.

What else do you want him to say?


strangely, i think you got it. he needs to be more specific, and he needs to name names, and he needs to explain the exact way congress has become bought by special interests.

hey, don't get me wrong, i don't think he's going to do that. but at least his base and independents can pressure him. a republican president isn't EVER going to get pressured by a conservative base to expose a corrupt system. last republican to do that was dwight eisenhower.

can you imagine? if obama gave his own version of eisenhower's retirement speech?

Obama can never get "more specific". He is all smoke and mirrors, all about stating generalities that get liberal's emotions going. He can't give specifics because there are none. All the facts show his policies are nonesense and don't work.
MSNBC is one of the biggest losers on TV. Witness their latest coup. Al Sharpton, a racist, bigiot, tax cheat, censured congressman and general embarrassment to himself and any one who call him friend. This is the caliber of individual that MSNBC is looking for.
Obama can never get "more specific".
well, he could, but you're right, he probably won't.

He is all smoke and mirrors, all about stating generalities that get liberal's emotions going.
his rhetoric doesn't really seem to be directed toward liberals. he takes our vote for granted. he's after moderates. he thinks if he can keep compromising and splitting the baby, he can squeak by on a second term, esp. if the pubs nominate some fringe guy.

He can't give specifics because there are none. All the facts show his policies are nonesense and don't work.

yeah, we learned his policies didn't work when bush tried them. now obama's trying them, and they're continuing not to work.
Obama's been voting present upon all issues save one, since his inauguration. When he sees a rich man's bank account its "I want that!!"

As heard during the 2008 election:
Woman screaming; "HE's going to pay for my groceries!!"
Man questioning; "Where's HE going to get the money?"
Woman screaming; "From HIS stash!!!!"
Where will the funding for the $115 Trillion in US unfunded liabilities come from? See: US Debt Clock

NPR says US unfunded liabilities come to $211 Trillion. Clearly this puts way further up a creek without a paddle.

NPR: A National Debt Of $14 Trillion? Try $211 Trillion
"If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That's the fiscal gap," he says. "That's our true indebtedness."

- Who is going to fix this?

- Can it be fixed?

- Who is going to pay for it?
If there is one person on MSNBC that Conservatives should watch, it's Ratigan. He pulls no punches on anyone and I think he's right on the button with what's wrong.

here's the rant....

[ame=]‪Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
And Social Security is still broke

Social Security is the lesser of the unfunded mandate problems. The worst are Medicare & Prescription Drugs. Looks like there will have to be massive cuts in Medicare & Prescription Drugs. This will kill-off enough Seniors to fix the Social Security deficit.
Bump... people need to see what ratigan had to say. If it falls to page 2 again... I won't bother bumping it again.

it gets better every time i hear it. we need to change hearts and minds. i particularly love when he evokes teddy roosevelt. i think bringing up teddy roosevelt, eisenhower, and -- to some degree -- nixon, republicans who at least cared about sober fiscal governance, might help the partisan right come around to the idea that this stark dem/repub divide isn't the way to solve the problem. it's getting to the point where we break that political logjam, or we die as a country. seriously, it's getting to that point.

but i also think, esp. from talking to the righties on this board, that they just seem to inherently thirst for authoritarian, hierarchical structure. it's just how they're wired. so until THEIR spokesmen turn on trickle-down economics, they're not going to buy it coming from obama or ratigan or you or me or anyone else. they're never going to just sit down and think this stuff through and figure it out, because being a team player is in their blood. and they've already shown they're willing to be obstructionist up to taking the country to the brink. things won't change by appealing to the middle, because the right has been driven to such a frenzy they'll drive the ship of state into an iceberg rather than compromise. and they've got one of the wheels, which is all you need.

the upshot is, if rush limbaugh and fox news decided to become moderate keynesians/roosevelt-style trust-busters overnight, the folks on the right would probably be befuddled for a day or two and then they'd fall into line. they do what they're told, they just need the right person to tell them. these are real simple folk, i tell ya. salt of the earth.
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If there is one person on MSNBC that Conservatives should watch, it's Ratigan. He pulls no punches on anyone and I think he's right on the button with what's wrong.

here's the rant....

‪Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air‬‏ - YouTube

He is spot on! There is no legislation, or repeal of legislation, that will do any good until our politicians are no longer bought and paid for. The problem is that there is almost no way to do that. No matter what type of rules and regulations you dream up stating that politicians can't accept campaign money, they WILL find a way around it. They won't accept the money, they'll create a puppet business that accepts and uses the money for them. You can't outlaw political commercials, that's against the 1st amendment.

How do you take campaign money away from politicians???
If there is one person on MSNBC that Conservatives should watch, it's Ratigan. He pulls no punches on anyone and I think he's right on the button with what's wrong.

here's the rant....

‪Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air‬‏ - YouTube

He is spot on! There is no legislation, or repeal of legislation, that will do any good until our politicians are no longer bought and paid for. The problem is that there is almost no way to do that. No matter what type of rules and regulations you dream up stating that politicians can't accept campaign money, they WILL find a way around it. They won't accept the money, they'll create a puppet business that accepts and uses the money for them. You can't outlaw political commercials, that's against the 1st amendment.

How do you take campaign money away from politicians???

campaign finance reform, publicly funded campaigns, runoff voting, maybe term limits. there are a ton of options, and they're pretty easy to do. the thing is, we've got this wacky idea going that spending money is speech and corporations are people, and until we turn that around, corporations are going to be the only people with rights and money is going to be the only form of speech, because they're drowning out everything and everyone else.

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