MSNBC Consensus: Gingrich Is 'Disgusting'


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The talking heads this morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe reacted to Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's assessment of Occupy Wall Street. "All of the Occupy movement starts with the premise that we all owe them everything," Gingrich said over the weekend. "It's a pretty good symptom for how much the left has collapsed as a moral system in this country, and why you need to reassert something as simple as saying, 'Go get a job right after you take a bath.'"

Mika Brzezinski, the show's co-host, was furious. "Wow," Brzezinski said after playing a clip of Gingrich's remarks. "It's really not surprising, coming from me, but that's about the most arrogant and un-self-aware, and those are probably the only words I can use ... for any politician in this Republican field to say..."

MSNBC Consensus: Gingrich Is 'Disgusting' | The Weekly Standard

I don't think MSNBCows has ever met a Republican they didn't think was disgusting do you?
Gingrich is "disgusting". He's a bigot and a racist. He's an hypocrite who dictates how others should act but doesn't follow his own rules. And he's a blowhard. Which is fine if he wants to be a pundit on FOX.
not as disgusting as obama..

we'll vote for the eye of Newt.
Easy Jackass.. you will blow a gasket.


Listen lardbutt (well now that we have nicknames..), do you consider fucking your secretary on your office desk disgusting or not?

I sorta do. And unsanitary.

when did this change from "sex between two consensual adults is none of your fucking business"? aka Clinton making Monica swallow his thing a dad.
The talking heads this morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe reacted to Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's assessment of Occupy Wall Street. "All of the Occupy movement starts with the premise that we all owe them everything," Gingrich said over the weekend. "It's a pretty good symptom for how much the left has collapsed as a moral system in this country, and why you need to reassert something as simple as saying, 'Go get a job right after you take a bath.'"

Mika Brzezinski, the show's co-host, was furious. "Wow," Brzezinski said after playing a clip of Gingrich's remarks. "It's really not surprising, coming from me, but that's about the most arrogant and un-self-aware, and those are probably the only words I can use ... for any politician in this Republican field to say..."

MSNBC Consensus: Gingrich Is 'Disgusting' | The Weekly Standard

I don't think MSNBCows has ever met a Republican they didn't think was disgusting do you?

Well, considering no one watches MSNBC, who really gives a shit what they think.
Gingrich is "disgusting". He's a bigot and a racist. He's an hypocrite who dictates how others should act but doesn't follow his own rules. And he's a blowhard. Which is fine if he wants to be a pundit on FOX.

That's no way to address our next President, you stupid fuck.
Nothing new. Every Republican is the devil to Mika and the other lefty stooges that comprise their weekly guest list. The only thing worse on the planet to them is a conservative. But, hey, it's MSNBC so no one but the choir hears them.
Newts ahead in the polls so of course he's "disgusting."

Everything he says will be disgusting.

Only those leading in the polls meet the criteria for disgusting. LOL
I'll tell ya what is disgusting. two hundred pounds of liberal feces piled up in Santa Cruz,, that's what's disgusting. ewwwwwww!
Newt cheating on his wife, while she's going through chemo-therapy is disgusting. That's a low-life human being. Period.
Newt cheating on his wife, while she's going through chemo-therapy is disgusting. That's a low-life human being. Period.

What's your take on a married guy fucking interns vs. doing the job he's elected to do, then lying about it under oath?
Newt cheating on his wife, while she's going through chemo-therapy is disgusting. That's a low-life human being. Period.

Oh cool, hyperbole! I love hyperbole!

How is that a hyperbole? Do you even know what that word means? He was seeing his mistress, while his wife (at that time) was going through chemotherapy for cancer.

Are you gonna tell me now that he took his little baby children to the hospital, to see his wife, as she lay fighting for every breath... and told her he was leaving her for a younger, prettier, healthier woman?

Newt is disgusting. Is there any dispute?



Oh cool, hyperbole! I love hyperbole!

How is that a hyperbole? Do you even know what that word means? He was seeing his mistress, while his wife (at that time) was going through chemotherapy for cancer.

Are you gonna tell me now that he took his little baby children to the hospital, to see his wife, as she lay fighting for every breath... and told her he was leaving her for a younger, prettier, healthier woman?


Irony: you claim I use a hyperbole, then use a hyperbole to explain my post! That's classic. :lol:

Newt cheating on his wife, while she's going through chemo-therapy is disgusting. That's a low-life human being. Period.

What's your take on a married guy fucking interns vs. doing the job he's elected to do, then lying about it under oath?

I think he got what he deserved for lying under oath. I think he's also a scumbag. Next.

edit: although to be accurate-he got a blowjob, didn't fuck her.
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You wouldn't post a photoshop and not admit it, would you, Pale Rider?

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