MSNBC admits Hillary and some Feds committed crimes


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Stepping deep into their own pile of words when creating fake news on what Hannity jokingly said about Mueller's probe suspects should in irony start smashing their phones, MSNBC explicitly said that would be
"a crime", well then there you go, admitting Hillary committed a crime but then the Cover up by Obama and his leftover henchmen was also an abuse of power, especially in creating a cover to those crimes by way of illegally bringing up false charges (another criminal act).

So while trying to be smart alecks, they accidentally admitted the serious crime of Hillary and bigger crimes in sweeping it away.
TECHNICALLY it would not be a crime to erase your phone, so MSNBC is wrong, everyone does it to avoid personal info from floating around, however if it's a subpoena involved and it is asked to be handed over like the Hillary incident, then it is a crime. Seriously, isn't there an IQ test for MSNBC hosts or do they get hired by Comcast the same way Comcast hires their brainiac billing dept personnel who keep charging you rent for your own paid for modem?
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Meaningless babble.
That's the same thing Comcast said until they lost their Time Warner merger and Billions, all because they don't take common sense warning seriously. Pretending to bury their heads in the sand, did not bode well for Comcast, so how do you suppose you'd fare using an
ad hominem response in defending MSNBC's blunder?
Meaningless babble.
That's the same thing Comcast said until they lost their Time Warner merger and Billions, all because they don't take common sense warning seriously. Pretending to bury their heads in the sand, did not bode well for Comcast, so how do you suppose you'd fare using an
ad hominem response in defending MSNBC's blunder?
What imaginary connection do you see there?
Meaningless babble.
That's the same thing Comcast said until they lost their Time Warner merger and Billions, all because they don't take common sense warning seriously. Pretending to bury their heads in the sand, did not bode well for Comcast, so how do you suppose you'd fare using an
ad hominem response in defending MSNBC's blunder?
What imaginary connection do you see there?
Simple, you both didn't know who you were talking to when you gave no respect to the commentary/advice, and you both ignored it.
That's your second strike at me instead of defending the Culprit and replying with intellectual honesty.
Coming from someone who strikes out playing tee ball, I take your whiffs trying to hit me as a compliment.
Not gonna make it though my bullshit filter.

If you are going to rely on...


why even bother to respond...
Come on people. You know there is no evidence Clinton destroyed phones after they were requested for examination.
Meaningless babble.
That's the same thing Comcast said until they lost their Time Warner merger and Billions, all because they don't take common sense warning seriously. Pretending to bury their heads in the sand, did not bode well for Comcast, so how do you suppose you'd fare using an
ad hominem response in defending MSNBC's blunder?
What imaginary connection do you see there?
Simple, you both didn't know who you were talking to when you gave no respect to the commentary/advice, and you both ignored it.
That's your second strike at me instead of defending the Culprit and replying with intellectual honesty.
Coming from someone who strikes out playing tee ball, I take your whiffs trying to hit me as a compliment.

Fancy yourself at bit do ya?
CNN (Time Warner) and MSNBC (Comcast)
did. SO I just got you to bash their better judgement. :)
Care to test your BS meter there?
Come on people. You know there is no evidence Clinton destroyed phones after they were requested for examination.
She paid the legal fees of the IT who helped her, and here is his request for info online on how he should do it.

Come on people. You know there is no evidence Clinton destroyed phones after they were requested for examination.

No sweetcheeks, it is well known that she had her minions do that dirty work for her....This is from NBC, not exactly a shrilary foe....

Yes, Clinton Phones Were Smashed. No, There Was No Acid.

“Thirty-three thousand email were deleted and acid washed. And the machines, the iPhones or whatever she was using, were whacked and, you know, destroyed with hammers. I would say there's something going on there.” — Donald Trump, 9/13/2016

That may sound like something out of a spy novel, but Trump’s description of how Clinton handled her mobile phones and email servers is partly true. One aide told the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he recalled destroying two of Clinton’s old BlackBerry phones with a hammer.

But Trump is wrong when he declared her emails were acid washed: Aides used BleachBit, a free program that deletes old files to free up computer space. There were no chemicals of any kind used to wipe the former secretary of state's private email server.

Additionally, Clinton deleted 31,830 emails, not 33,000.
Yes, Clinton Phones Were Smashed. No, There Was No Acid.
Did Hillary hand over all her conversations with Russian diplomats and Putin himself?
Why if concerned with Russian meddling had she not been asked for all correspondance or have her campaign spied on? WHY was Johnson's campaign not spied on? Answer: because he was not a threat of upsetting the Dems.images-9.jpeg
Stepping deep into their own pile of words when creating fake news on what Hannity jokingly said about Mueller's probe suspects should in irony start smashing their phones, MSNBC explicitly said that would be
"a crime", well then there you go, admitting Hillary committed a crime but then the Cover up by Obama and his leftover henchmen was also an abuse of power, especially in creating a cover to those crimes by way of illegally bringing up false charges (another criminal act).

So while trying to be smart alecks, they accidentally admitted the serious crime of Hillary and bigger crimes in sweeping it away.
TECHNICALLY it would not be a crime to erase your phone, so MSNBC is wrong, everyone does it to avoid personal info from floating around, however if it's a subpoena involved and it is asked to be handed over like the Hillary incident, then it is a crime. Seriously, isn't there an IQ test for MSNBC hosts or do they get hired by Comcast the same way Comcast hires their brainiac billing dept personnel who keep charging you rent for your own paid for modem?

Idiot - do you know what the word ADMIT even means?

MSNBC admitted nothing of the sort.

FBI found no improper evidence tampering from Hillary, same cannot be said of the witnesses that would take up Hannity's advice.
Stepping deep into their own pile of words when creating fake news on what Hannity jokingly said about Mueller's probe suspects should in irony start smashing their phones, MSNBC explicitly said that would be
"a crime", well then there you go, admitting Hillary committed a crime but then the Cover up by Obama and his leftover henchmen was also an abuse of power, especially in creating a cover to those crimes by way of illegally bringing up false charges (another criminal act).

So while trying to be smart alecks, they accidentally admitted the serious crime of Hillary and bigger crimes in sweeping it away.
TECHNICALLY it would not be a crime to erase your phone, so MSNBC is wrong, everyone does it to avoid personal info from floating around, however if it's a subpoena involved and it is asked to be handed over like the Hillary incident, then it is a crime. Seriously, isn't there an IQ test for MSNBC hosts or do they get hired by Comcast the same way Comcast hires their brainiac billing dept personnel who keep charging you rent for your own paid for modem?

Idiot - do you know what the word ADMIT even means?

MSNBC admitted nothing of the sort.

FBI found no improper evidence tampering from Hillary, same cannot be said of the witnesses that would take up Hannity's advice.

Bullshit. Comey laid it out chapter and verse, but then stated that no "reasonable" prosecutor would indict. He never claimed she was innocent. Stop lying.

"In his testimony today before the Senate Judiciary Committee (on which I’ll have more to say in an upcoming column), FBI director James Comey has stuck by his claim that declining to bring charges against Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information was the right call because proof of intent was lacking. This is unsurprising. The director has repeated this analysis many times. It hasn’t gotten better with age, but given his insistence that “no reasonable prosecutor” could possibly disagree with him, I’m not holding my breath waiting for him to reverse himself."

James Comey: Hillary Clinton Lacked Criminal Intent, He Reiterates | National Review
FBI found no improper evidence tampering from Hillary, same cannot be said of the witnesses that would take up Hannity's advice.
Well now you are calling the FBI idiots, which is a great insult to those who do not abuse their powers.
Then you just admitted some FBI personnel swept this incident under the rug and comitted crimes to protect Hillary, so now ask yourself who sent the orders to pretend what she did was not an issue?

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