MSM bias??Naw.. in 3 days Cain..50 stories :Clinton-Broderick 3 stories


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning.

In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

BUT CLINTON>>> President of the USA????

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports.
For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her,
only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

But of course there is NO MSM bias right?????
Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning.

In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

BUT CLINTON>>> President of the USA????

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports.
For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her,
only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

But of course there is NO MSM bias right?????

Isn't that a bit racist on the part of the liberal,biased MSM???
A black man accused by anonymous women.. but Clinton.. women came out right away!!!
Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning.

In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

BUT CLINTON>>> President of the USA????

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports.
For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her,
only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

But of course there is NO MSM bias right?????

Isn't that a bit racist on the part of the liberal,biased MSM???
A black man accused by anonymous women.. but Clinton.. women came out right away!!!

the best was Chrius Matthews...

I am paraphrasing...

"it is obvious that Herman Cain did something horrible and he should just come out an admit that he was drunk or something...."

Really? It is obvious he did something horrible? Based on what?
This proves that MSNBC in particular hates black people. I have been monitering their evening shows over the last two weeks. the usual suspects often open their cable shows trying to rip apart Cain as if he was a pedaphile, a black man that needs to be put in the back of the bus for making alleged sexual gestures to female associates. Especially Chrissy and O'Butthead. They obviously hate blacks. they only pretend to like black people when they agree with their liberal agenda to collapse the US economy.
Ex President of the United State Bill Cliton had a intern give him many blow jobs while acting as Chief Exucutive Officer of the United States.

His wife Hillary Cliton hold high office in the Obama Administration.
This grandfather in of defective personal is hurting America!!
Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning.

In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

BUT CLINTON>>> President of the USA????

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports.
For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her,
only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

But of course there is NO MSM bias right?????

Isn't that a bit racist on the part of the liberal,biased MSM???
A black man accused by anonymous women.. but Clinton.. women came out right away!!!
And Clinton is treated as a GOD to this day. And remember what the Libs were saying? "It was only sex...":eusa_whistle:
Does the Right's mediamatters Rule also apply to mediaresearch?

OK.. got me!

So maybe Media Research was excessive and counted nearly 12 times the stories for Cain's anonymous accusers for 1 Clinton story..
OK.. I'll give you that and cut it in half!
Is That better?
6 times the amount of coverage for Cain's yet to be identified charges versus ONE Juanita Broderick's claim of RAPE!

OH right.. I keep forgetting if a liberal President does it he has needs and the MSM will shutter it...
But a NASTY BLACK conservative.. grandfather too boot???
Wow let's do a virtual technological lynching!

Is it any wonder more people are coming to the realization that the liberal/progressive agenda is dying?
This is a different point in time. The news media is more hungry for stories and Cain is way more interesting than Clinton was.

I'm not one to ignore media bias but this is a case where it would be hard to compare the numbers meaningfully.
And it is always the same story recycled. Anonymous sources said something but we won't tell you, we have a secret document, but we can't tell you what it is or what is in it. The accusers received a settlement, opps say that again, serverance package. We might be the media but we refuse to give you any details, facts or anything worth a damn!

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning.

In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

BUT CLINTON>>> President of the USA????

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports.
For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her,
only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

But of course there is NO MSM bias right?????
Does the Right's mediamatters Rule also apply to mediaresearch?

Again... what can I say but state the FACTS!!!

About 935,000 results (0.15 seconds) Anthony Weiner scandal
About 4,520,000 results (0.25 seconds) "Herman Cain sexual

That works out to almost 5 Cain citations the Weiner and remember there were photos of Weiner's weiner!!! ( I couldn't resist!)
Think what Cain would have been...oh oh.. being racist there!!!

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