MS ends support for IE 8, 9, & 10


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
No more security support for IE 8, 9, 10...

Microsoft has finally ended support for Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10
Tuesday 12 January 2016 - No more updates will be issued for old versions of Internet Explorer, leaving people who use them more vulnerable to hackers
After its decline from being the world's most-used browser to one of the least-used in the space of a few years, Microsoft has finally killed off its Internet Explorer (IE) browser. As of Tuesday, Microsoft ended support for all old versions of IE, including 8, 9 and 10, leaving only version 11, the most recent. Those still using older versions of the much-maligned browser will receive an 'End of Life' notification telling them about the development and urging them to upgrade to IE 11 or Microsoft Edge, a brand-new browser for Windows 10 which is designed to work better with the modern web.

Old versions of IE will still be usable, but Microsoft isn't going to release any more security or technical updates going forward - meaning those still using these versions will become much more vulnerable to malicious hackers, and will generally have a worse browsing experience. As recently as 2008, IE was the world's most-used browser, with 46 per cent of users across the globe accessing the internet through it, according to figures from W3Schools. However, that market share had fallen from 85 per cent in 2002, and by the end of last year, only 6.8 per cent of people used Internet Explorer, with the majority preferring Google Chrome or Firefox.

Ending support for older versions of IE will allow Microsoft to focus on Edge and IE 11, which have been very well-received. A better experience and improved security on the two new browsers will hopefully encourage IE veterans to make the switch, letting Microsoft to start competing with its rivals once more. The ending of support has been a long time coming, and Microsoft announced it last year - but it's expected to cause problems for a number of casual and business users. As Neowin reports, recent industry surveys have shown that more than 60 per cent of America's small businesses still use the now-unsupported versions of IE, possibly leaving them open to hacking.

Low paid, overworked, unskilled programmers WILL tend to allow hackers into their programs.
FF doesn't prompt me for add-ons. What add-on's are they bugging you with?

Chrome doesn't either...for me.
Firefox works well with Win7.

It just drives me crazy with all the prompting for 20th party add-ons.
I'm always being prompted for updates.
Then you don't know how to set it up properly, or the once or twice a year prompt is "always". :dunno:

I was probably experimenting between FireFox and Opera and I didn't want to take the minute to figure it out.
My bad and lazy.
Firefox works well with Win7.
I've used Firefox for many years and thought it was the least vulnerable to hackers, and I applauded their conservative no-Flash policy when that add-on had constant security holes.
I still use FF; like their interface, or am used to it. Love their Privacy mode.

At work we use IE9 and can't yet upgrade to IE11, due to backward compatibility issues with many older enterprise applications.
However, we look forward to making IE11 the browser standard soon, when the incompatibility probs are resolved.
I recall NSSLabs gave IE11 a very high rating for security, a nice change from previous versions.
Chrome has the privacy as well. I use FF mostly though. Never IE. No way.
Chrome has privacy as well, but I use FF the most. Never IE. No way.

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