Mrs. Clinton's Accomplishments


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Thanks to a moderator of this board, from anther thread--we now have a complete list of Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments during her years in public life. They are:

1) "She was instrumental in developing the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and in creating the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act..." (Instrumental ????---As in Co-sponsoring a bill with 60 other Senators???)

2) "She also created an office of Violence Against Women under the Justice Department".

3) "She pushed to have the illness' of returning Gulf War veterans investigated, and also the health consequences of first responders, including drafting the first bill to finally compensate and offer the health services they deserve. Even though her attempt at Health Care reform ultimately failed..."

That's it. Three of which was not an accomplishment, but a failure...listed as an accomplishment--apparently because she tried. Anybody have any more?
She was a senator also...

Which still gives her more qualifications than the two GOP contenders which have done nothing but,,,Congress...
she's accomplished capturing the complete attention of the Right. All they talk about is her. It's almost like they don't have a candidate of their own.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Twice elected to the Senate and appointed Secretary of State means that she has 12 years of experience on her own record and another 8 as first lady.

LOL You people are hilarious, name an accomplishment that has helped this nation. There have been thousands of people elected to offices and appointed to cabinet positions. What did she do once she got there?
she's accomplished capturing the complete attention of the Right. All they talk about is her. It's almost like they don't have a candidate of their own.

Good point!

It means that she gets more attention than they do. :D
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Twice elected to the Senate and appointed Secretary of State means that she has 12 years of experience on her own record and another 8 as first lady.

LOL You people are hilarious, name an accomplishment that has helped this nation. There have been thousands of people elected to offices and appointed to cabinet positions. What did she do once she got there?
Why. it won't sway you to vote for should be more concerned about who you will vote for....
Hillary's experience as secretary of state was in boarding and deplaning. That's if we don't include the disastrous reset with Russia.

Now we know the real reason for Clinton's globe trotting and what she was doing. She was using her office and paid travel to troll for donations to her family foundation. It would be interesting to see if the foundation was also billed for the paid expenses just to siphon off personal income by a bit of double dipping.
"An office of violence against women in the justice dept"? Did anybody ever hear of it? While she was covering for her husband's serial abuse of women she was flitting around the world pretending to care about women's rights. The Clinton foundation accepts lavish donations from countries which are notorious violators of "women's rights". Does that put Hillary in the hypocrite category?
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Twice elected to the Senate and appointed Secretary of State means that she has 12 years of experience on her own record and another 8 as first lady.

Well, since her husband got her those jobs--by using his considerable influence to muscle out all viable Democratic candidates for Senate in New York; and everyone knows, or should know...that Obama appointed her Secretary ofState only for Payback for Bill having helped him get elected---I was hoping to "drill on down" into what she actually accomplished after her husband got her those jobs.

One brave person has come up with the sparse list set out in the OP.

Can you add to that?

How about that ridiculous Red Russian Reset button? The Russians have been kicking the Obama Administration ever since.

How about the Libyan policy. The Yemen policy. The whole Middle East. Everything Bill's Clinton's wife was in charge of---looks like a total disaster. Can you point to any foreign policy successes?

And when she was finished--she deleted all the e-mails from those years of incompetency...and then even though she claims all that was on those e-mails was texts about her Yoga classes and her daughter's wedding...she hired professionals to scrub her server. Whose buying that other than those who are willingly blind and have looked around for another Democratic Candidate...and found only Pocahontas?
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she's accomplished capturing the complete attention of the Right. All they talk about is her. It's almost like they don't have a candidate of their own.

Yes, she is the presumptive heir to the Democratic nomination--and heir is certainly appropriate here, she didn't seem to have earned it like others do, like her husband did.

She just announced her candidacy; and this is a political board designed for political discussions. So, we talk about her. We find her character and ability deficeient. We ask for help in reviewing her accomplishments, and about all we can get is dodges and deflections, like yours here.
she's accomplished capturing the complete attention of the Right. All they talk about is her. It's almost like they don't have a candidate of their own.

Yes, she is the presumptive heir to the Democratic nomination--and heir is certainly appropriate here, she didn't seem to have earned it like others do, like her husband did.

She just announced her candidacy; and this is a political board designed for political discussions. So, we talk about her. We find her character and ability deficeient. We ask for help in reviewing her accomplishments, and about all we can get is dodges and deflections, like yours here.

or the incomplete list some partisan mod fed you and you ate like candy ... spare me the crapola, your intent is and was obvious.
she's accomplished capturing the complete attention of the Right. All they talk about is her. It's almost like they don't have a candidate of their own.

Yes, she is the presumptive heir to the Democratic nomination--and heir is certainly appropriate here, she didn't seem to have earned it like others do, like her husband did.

She just announced her candidacy; and this is a political board designed for political discussions. So, we talk about her. We find her character and ability deficeient. We ask for help in reviewing her accomplishments, and about all we can get is dodges and deflections, like yours here.

because thats all they have. She is a terrible candidate and they know it. But their small liberal minds refuse to accept that reality.

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