*Mr. Obama: What We Have Now Is Opportunity Most Excellent.*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

Mr. Obama just said what follows today,......

"Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?" *CWN* Not Just No, but,....Hell No!

"I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try.*CWN* Fuck You, We Have It Already!

1. Listen Mr. Obama; I already have every opportunity that I could dream of, way before you came around, what you project we need, or don't have; *WE THE PEOPLE* have had it for centuries, so *FUCK OFF*!!,...we don't need your leadership.
2. Your vision of sharing what we earn is ludicrous, you can't by any means expect a hand out, in America, or anywhere in the world, and feel good about sharing in some one else's dream, like dipping into their dream, with your claw of a hand and fingers, and nastily withdrawing some money from them, and stuffing it into your pocket, into which you never earned.:mad:
3. No way no how is that the way things should be done, we live in a country where opportunity abounds, and beginning a business is as easy as going and getting a assumed name at the court house in the county for which any person in America resides.
4. What has gotten America in a mess is fucked up government, the most fucked up in history, your government has been the most fucked up of all time, replacing Jimma Carta's government, as the new all time worst.
5. And to be fair, Bush wasn't all that bright either if you asked me, he went to war with boots on the ground in Iraq, that was stupid and costly, along with a lot of other stupid things Bush did, he doled out huge amounts of money just before he left office, which was dumber than dirt.
6. We got into this mess by a lot of stupid moves by the last two Presidents.
7. Mr. Obama you are a fraud, you shall be exposed as a fraud, you lied and forged your birth certificate, you lied to America, and never mind that now, we will vote you out, and ditch you soon enough, we will erase your stupidity from our history, you will be wiped out, we Americans will sooner or later get up to speed, and learn all we want about you, history will show the world you are a failure, and no good.
8. I have made it in America, I as born here, and I was raised poor here with four other siblings, where my mother raised us by herself, five kids she wagged around, without even a car, I've started several business' to date, starting two or more others this year, I have very little formal education, and yet, no one and no how has anyone been able to hold me back, I am what has made America a reality, I am Americas Son, born in a world where no one offered a helping hand and showed me one thing in order to find my way, I learned the hard way, I worked my ass off, saved my money then bought a house by age 30, paid cash, and from there I began to build my Empire, *ALL BY MYSELF*, which I am still building, and working on, and suffering with, an tirelessly deciding which direction will lead me forward in my dreams, which way to go, which path to take, and no one, I mean no one is helping me, or should share in the rewards I may or may not find, *ITS ALL MINE*!!!!! win or lose.
9. *Listen to me, .....You,... I mean you who ever is reading this, right now,... yes you, you have every opportunity to make something out of yourself, no one can bind you or stop you, just dream your dream, then step out there with your feet to follow your dream, just get that DBA, at the court house and begin,....march my fellow Americans, work hard, and learn as you go, you can do it, but above all do it for yourself, and those whom you love, make your world, and your life the best you can, do it for your posterity, do it for your historical reality, your life's overall meaning, of what you accomplished, do it for history, make your dreams reality, trust your guts, and love God, and never take a hand out,....use your God given talents to ascend to where your feet will take you.


"Too many folks still don't have a sense that tomorrow will be better than today. And so, the question in this election is which way do we go?" President Obama asked at a fundraiser in Chicago on Sunday.

"Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?" Obama asked. "Or do we go backward to the same policies that got us in the mess in the first place?"

"I believe we have to go forward," Obama said. "I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try. That's what's at stake in November. That's what is why I am running for a second term as president of the United States of America."

10. Everything you read here that Mr. Obama has said today, is something we already have, and he is trying to say he has just invented it, the parts where he says you poor people should be able to share in others success, where you are just handed wealth you haven't earned is poison, it will fucking kill your soul, never take some one else's hand outs, unless you earn it, it has no *REAL* value, worthless, criminal to think otherwise, despicable, shameful, and *Not American*.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Boom.
2. Don't step into this thread, its impossible for you to defend Mr. Obama.
3. Thats right run!!!!:badgrin:
4. Everybody not a libnut, agrees with me.

Sorry bout that,

Mr. Obama just said what follows today,......

"Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?" *CWN* Not Just No, but,....Hell No!

Look, i don't mind well off people, but i do not care to have wasteful people. How much do you really need to have a lot? How much more of that is just wasteful? You want the ability to be wasteful, and to lord things over others. You are clearly a wannabe selfish snot because you do not have that ability but you would rather be shit on in the hopes of shitting on others, than to simply say there is a point where the rich simply do not need all that crap, and it could certainly do others good.

"I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try.*CWN* Fuck You, We Have It Already!

We don't have that. You are more likelyu to win the lottery than to become rich based on hard work and a good lifestyle. You can't go anywhere with what you have got. the best you can hope for is a middle class life that is in jeopardy from the rich.

1. Listen Mr. Obama; I already have every opportunity that I could dream of, way before you came around, what you project we need, or don't have; *WE THE PEOPLE* have had it for centuries, so *FUCK OFF*!!,...we don't need your leadership.

We have a president, and yes we do need government. Like I have told to many people, without the laws of the government you would be dead or a slave. It makes no sense that the government offers you a better life and you want it to go away for the hope that someday you will be an exploiter. They won't let it happen, and by they I mean the rich.

2. Your vision of sharing what we earn is ludicrous, you can't by any means expect a hand out, in America, or anywhere in the world, and feel good about sharing in some one else's dream, like dipping into their dream, with your claw of a hand and fingers, and nastily withdrawing some money from them, and stuffing it into your pocket, into which you never earned.:mad:

It is not yours anyway. Seriously, has anyone done this to you? has anyone even done this to the rich? You are sitting there defending people who make millions or billions a year because they don't want o give back an extra couple of percent? How much do you need? Are they going to be poor because of that couple of percent? Hell no, they will still make more money in a year than you will see in 10 lifetimes. You are not hurting them by asking for money for an education, police, firemen, and public services.

3. No way no how is that the way things should be done, we live in a country where opportunity abounds, and beginning a business is as easy as going and getting a assumed name at the court house in the county for which any person in America resides.

We used to live in a country like that. Do you know what happened? The same thing china has right now. We had abused workers who were litterally slaves to their companies. We had child exploitation. We had manufacturing that was unsafe and did not give a fuck because there was a healthy person right behind you ready to work for little to nothing. We had business monopolies which stopped any and all new businesses from popping up. Pure capitalism is ugly as hell, and you have no fucking clue as to how mucgh worse they would treat you without regulation. You are nothing to them. They would kill you and sell your organs if they could.
4. What has gotten America in a mess is fucked up government, the most fucked up in history, your government has been the most fucked up of all time, replacing Jimma Carta's government, as the new all time worst.

You know, if it was not for what would happen to everyone else i would wish you the greatest success in your world of pure capitalism. You would be begging for this america in less than a day. You are your own worse enemy and you should feel glad there are people protecting you from your own crazy ideas.
5. And to be fair, Bush wasn't all that bright either if you asked me, he went to war with boots on the ground in Iraq, that was stupid and costly, along with a lot of other stupid things Bush did, he doled out huge amounts of money just before he left office, which was dumber than dirt.

no, it is exactly what the rich guys paid him to do. You see, they don't care that they stole your money. Bush was only doing what he was told. He was told that by the very people you are defending. What did they need your money for? A bottle of overpriced champagne on their vacation?

6. We got into this mess by a lot of stupid moves by the last two Presidents.

it is much further than the last 2 presidents. Don't forget they could do nothing without congress. The deregulation of the financial system goes way back before you were born.

7. Mr. Obama you are a fraud, you shall be exposed as a fraud, you lied and forged your birth certificate, you lied to America, and never mind that now, we will vote you out, and ditch you soon enough, we will erase your stupidity from our history, you will be wiped out, we Americans will sooner or later get up to speed, and learn all we want about you, history will show the world you are a failure, and no good.

Oh good god you are a birther. Seriously you should be on your knees thanking obama for saving you from your own ignorance.

8. I have made it in America, I as born here, and I was raised poor here with four other siblings, where my mother raised us by herself, five kids she wagged around, without even a car, I've started several business' to date, starting two or more others this year, I have very little formal education, and yet, no one and no how has anyone been able to hold me back, I am what has made America a reality, I am Americas Son, born in a world where no one offered a helping hand and showed me one thing in order to find my way, I learned the hard way, I worked my ass off, saved my money then bought a house by age 30, paid cash, and from there I began to build my Empire, *ALL BY MYSELF*, which I am still building, and working on, and suffering with, an tirelessly deciding which direction will lead me forward in my dreams, which way to go, which path to take, and no one, I mean no one is helping me, or should share in the rewards I may or may not find, *ITS ALL MINE*!!!!! win or lose.

Again, before business regulation you would have been hammered by monopolies, and your businesses would have never come about.

that was silly and pitiful. you are a sad pathetic idiot who bites the hand that feeds them. you do not even know who is for you or against you, and your idiocy knows no bounds.

Don't let that stop you from voting for a guy who thinks he is better than you because he is rich and wants you to pay everything for the government that protects him and allows him to take over your businesses and destroy them for the few bucks he makes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Listen tererun,...... everyone has the very same opportunity, you have what I have what everyone else has. In a libnuts mind, they think that they have the capacity to govern other peoples success, their endeavorers, they seem to believe that they have some insight to the *Big Picture*, but sadly you like all libnuts have no clue of morality, of how acquiring wealth works, what responsibilities come with great wealth. In the libnuts mind, no one should ever find wealth, everyone should be held back to a certain equal level, just enough, whatever that is, and no more, for their own good, as if you libnuts know what dollar amount is enough, and all the while claiming you do this for the betterment of mankind, to stretch the monetary monies out there to its best use, to get more bang for the buck from those who have learned how to acquire great wealth. This is pure crazy talk, some things are indeed lost to the libnuts, you shall never understand great wealth, I am far from it, but its my struggle and dream to get there some day, but I will not allow some stupid libnut to try and rain on my dreams, and threaten to take my dreams success and take a bite of my apple before I get the apple. No thanks libnut, its affirmed, you have no dream, no desire to better your world, its written between the lines, you want to make sure others don't reach out to great wealth, and try to cause people like myself to stumble, you are pathetic in every way. The best you can hope for s a middle class life, you say, what a cop-out, you will never try, so how does that apply to everyone? No, you live your failed attempt life by yourself, you get old knowing you never took a chance, never had a idea or dream, then go die, and be done with it, no thanks! Anyone who would listen to you in my opinion is a quitter, I am no part quitter.
2. The wealthy companies shoulder 85% of all taxes, I think they pay enough, problems arise when the government takes advantage of social security funds, those funds set aside for the losers who didn't try anything, and depend on those funds, why this fund isn't better taken care of is stupid.
3. Wealthy people are the nicest people and most moral people on earth, they didn't cheat and eat the brains out of poor people to get where they got, how ignorant are you really?
4 Mr. Obama hasn't changed America, not yet, so don't get your hopes up on people like me not acquiring great wealth, I shall, and I will be a very good rich person, able to do much good with it, to a blessing to my fellow man, and mine.
5. No Bush did some huge stupid shit, he did it, himself, he was the decider, and he goofed up, there is no doubt about it.
6. I stand on the truth, and you don't have to be a Harvard grad to see Mr. Obama has a forged birth certificate.
7. The only monopoly I see is the media, and little by little its being ratted out, truth is getting out instead, mostly because information is disseminated more easy because of the internet. :badgrin:
8. No one can get to *MY BRAND* I own it totally, and its not for sale, problems can arise when you bring other people into the mix.

Sorry bout that,

Mr. Obama just said what follows today,......

"Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?" *CWN* Not Just No, but,....Hell No!

Look, i don't mind well off people, but i do not care to have wasteful people. How much do you really need to have a lot? How much more of that is just wasteful? You want the ability to be wasteful, and to lord things over others. You are clearly a wannabe selfish snot because you do not have that ability but you would rather be shit on in the hopes of shitting on others, than to simply say there is a point where the rich simply do not need all that crap, and it could certainly do others good.

"I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try.*CWN* Fuck You, We Have It Already!

We don't have that. You are more likelyu to win the lottery than to become rich based on hard work and a good lifestyle. You can't go anywhere with what you have got. the best you can hope for is a middle class life that is in jeopardy from the rich.

We have a president, and yes we do need government. Like I have told to many people, without the laws of the government you would be dead or a slave. It makes no sense that the government offers you a better life and you want it to go away for the hope that someday you will be an exploiter. They won't let it happen, and by they I mean the rich.

It is not yours anyway. Seriously, has anyone done this to you? has anyone even done this to the rich? You are sitting there defending people who make millions or billions a year because they don't want o give back an extra couple of percent? How much do you need? Are they going to be poor because of that couple of percent? Hell no, they will still make more money in a year than you will see in 10 lifetimes. You are not hurting them by asking for money for an education, police, firemen, and public services.

We used to live in a country like that. Do you know what happened? The same thing china has right now. We had abused workers who were litterally slaves to their companies. We had child exploitation. We had manufacturing that was unsafe and did not give a fuck because there was a healthy person right behind you ready to work for little to nothing. We had business monopolies which stopped any and all new businesses from popping up. Pure capitalism is ugly as hell, and you have no fucking clue as to how mucgh worse they would treat you without regulation. You are nothing to them. They would kill you and sell your organs if they could.

You know, if it was not for what would happen to everyone else i would wish you the greatest success in your world of pure capitalism. You would be begging for this america in less than a day. You are your own worse enemy and you should feel glad there are people protecting you from your own crazy ideas.

no, it is exactly what the rich guys paid him to do. You see, they don't care that they stole your money. Bush was only doing what he was told. He was told that by the very people you are defending. What did they need your money for? A bottle of overpriced champagne on their vacation?

it is much further than the last 2 presidents. Don't forget they could do nothing without congress. The deregulation of the financial system goes way back before you were born.

Oh good god you are a birther. Seriously you should be on your knees thanking obama for saving you from your own ignorance.

8. I have made it in America, I as born here, and I was raised poor here with four other siblings, where my mother raised us by herself, five kids she wagged around, without even a car, I've started several business' to date, starting two or more others this year, I have very little formal education, and yet, no one and no how has anyone been able to hold me back, I am what has made America a reality, I am Americas Son, born in a world where no one offered a helping hand and showed me one thing in order to find my way, I learned the hard way, I worked my ass off, saved my money then bought a house by age 30, paid cash, and from there I began to build my Empire, *ALL BY MYSELF*, which I am still building, and working on, and suffering with, an tirelessly deciding which direction will lead me forward in my dreams, which way to go, which path to take, and no one, I mean no one is helping me, or should share in the rewards I may or may not find, *ITS ALL MINE*!!!!! win or lose.

Again, before business regulation you would have been hammered by monopolies, and your businesses would have never come about.

that was silly and pitiful. you are a sad pathetic idiot who bites the hand that feeds them. you do not even know who is for you or against you, and your idiocy knows no bounds.

Don't let that stop you from voting for a guy who thinks he is better than you because he is rich and wants you to pay everything for the government that protects him and allows him to take over your businesses and destroy them for the few bucks he makes.

Drew Brees is set to earn $100,000,000 over the next few years.. does Drew Brees need $100,000,000? Of course not. What of it? Tom Benson & Mickey Loomis decided he's worth it and are paying for it out of private enterprise.

That's all you need to know.. take your class envy shit elsewhere.

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