Movie Review: "Lucy" (2014)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Been looking for this on On-Demand and was finally rewarded. Disappointingly short, but works in the 80 or so minutes, though it took fully 28 minutes to get things going. Noticed the Candian credits at the beginning and end so that it wasn't the usual Hollywood faire makes sense. It's very much got that not-Hollywood thing going on. Interspersed by scenes of the wild as if to say 'this is how she's feeling.' Especially at the beginning. Reminded me of several movie standards from 2001, the Star Wars films, La Femme Nakita, and others all blended into what in places is like a college lecture (literally,) then jerks ya back to the movie proper. Only killjoy being the very very end line I still dont' get, "So now you know what life is for." Wait, what?! No? I dont' know, what do you mean?! :) Worth the Fiver ordering it? Yes, though just barely. If you think of it as a superhero sorta movie it works. So if ya like those sorts of movies you'll enjoy this. If not, avoid it.

And if your religious faith can't stand scrutiny or is already dangling by a thread avoid it as well as the symbolism and metaphor of becomming God is screamingly loud.
Thats good, I don't like the Hollywood fairy tale bs. Sometimes things end badly, not always the same guy meets girl, saves the day, walks off into the sunset with her nauseating crap.

And I have never seen it, have seen ads for it being available on ppv, maybe I will see if the wife wants to check it out with me this week.
Imagine the lovechild twixt Yoda, a Navy Seal, Wonderwoman, and God and that pretty well sums up Lucy. :)
I loved Lucy- I didn't know going in who the director was, but once I learned who it was, the style made lots of sense- director of "The Professional". "Transporter" and "The Fifth Element"- this reminded me most of the Professional.
I didn't think it was that great......false advertising really, they promoted an action movie...and there is a little, but it is mostly a think piece on using more of our brains......had a lot of potential...just missed it......
I didn't care for it. Seemed like they wrote two thirds of a good movie and then realized they didn't have an ending
If you want what Lucy probably should have John Wick.......good action, some humor......much better than Lucy....

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