
Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
If you missed the Daily Show last night, Stewart delivered a pretty fun quip about

", ten years of making even people who agree with you cringe"


I almost feel like I should educate myself about this organization beyond the odd flame about them posted here...almost. :D
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OK, as much as I joke about it, I do honestly abhor ignorance so I went ahead and at least read what they have to say about themselves.

Of course they're going to be complimentary about themselves, but on the surface, it doesn't seem nearly as offensive as I've been told. I don't necessarily agree with all of their causes, but the idea of getting regular people more involved in the democratic process seems like a noble endeavor to me. Democracy in Action

The question is: What don't I know that makes them dangerous?
I used to belong to them. I admire them recently for tell Obama to quit being a weasel on telecom immunity.
The question is: What don't I know that makes them dangerous?

Mani, you and I both know that you now know everything you need to know about them. Any information you may find denouncing them will be from sources you strongly disagree with and will find fault with thus nullifying what the say.

You saw the commercial on Stewart's show, you heard what the young mother said. You know what McCain said and, if you're honest, you know that the words they are using about the one hundred years in Iraq have been taken out of context and twisted to suit their needs. If you're okay with that, then I'd say you're all set.

Personally, I abhor those types of tactics from either side. For this reason I do not get involved with organized political groups, opting instead to draw my own conclusions about issues and candidates and voting for those that I feel will best serve me and my family. Sadly, this political season is offering me nothing.

I miss Tom Bradley.
Mani, you and I both know that you now know .... Sadly, this political season is offering me nothing.

I miss Tom Bradley.

what political season offered different?

btw, I like what they are doing. I just have an issue with the press taking sides or staying silent and therefore becoming part of the problem.

By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 26, 2007; Page A01

Memo to Tim Russert: Dick Cheney thinks he controls you.

This delicious morsel about the "Meet the Press" host and the vice president was part of the extensive dish Cathie Martin served up yesterday when the former Cheney communications director took the stand in the perjury trial of former Cheney chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Flashed on the courtroom computer screens were her notes from 2004 about how Cheney could respond to allegations that the Bush administration had played fast and loose with evidence of Iraq's nuclear ambitions. Option 1: "MTP-VP," she wrote, then listed the pros and cons of a vice presidential appearance on the Sunday show. Under "pro," she wrote: "control message."

"I suggested we put the vice president on 'Meet the Press,' which was a tactic we often used," Martin testified. "It's our best format."
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Mani, you and I both know that you now know everything you need to know about them. Any information you may find denouncing them will be from sources you strongly disagree with and will find fault with thus nullifying what the say.

You saw the commercial on Stewart's show, you heard what the young mother said. You know what McCain said and, if you're honest, you know that the words they are using about the one hundred years in Iraq have been taken out of context and twisted to suit their needs. If you're okay with that, then I'd say you're all set.

Personally, I abhor those types of tactics from either side. For this reason I do not get involved with organized political groups, opting instead to draw my own conclusions about issues and candidates and voting for those that I feel will best serve me and my family. Sadly, this political season is offering me nothing.

I miss Tom Bradley.

There are about 4 or 5 people here who's opinions I value. I would consider only 2 of them as typically in agreement with me on the "issues." As I get to know others that number may increase. But you are partially correct, there are many many many here that will undoubtedly denounce them out of hand and I will in turn ignore anything they have to say. But not just about this, about anything and everything since they've proven themselves to be blind, unthinking partisan drones.
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True. It has been a while since there was a candidate I wanted to vote for rather than one I wanted to vote against.

Same goes for me. That's why I'm actually pretty stoked about having two candidates that I'm actually comfortable with this time.
There are about 4 or 5 people here who's opinions I value. I would consider only 2 of them as typically in agreement with me on the "issues." As I get to know others that number may increase. But you are partially correct, there are many many many here that will undoubtedly denounce them out of hand and I will in turn ignore anything they have to say. But not just about this, about anything and everything since they've proven themselves to be blind, unthinking partisan drones.

I was actually thinking more of what you might find on the Web rather than here or on any other message board. Hell, I wouldn't base any decision on the opinions of message board members, mine included. :D
I was actually thinking more of what you might find on the Web rather than here or on any other message board. Hell, I wouldn't base any decision on the opinions of message board members, mine included. :D

I don't base decisions on they're opinions per se. But I have changed my own opinions based on learning a thing or two of which I was previously ignorant.
True. It has been a while since there was a candidate I wanted to vote for rather than one I wanted to vote against.
so you are always against both candidates and it's just a case of you voting the lesser of two evils?

it's a party system. parties run primaries so maybe you should start your own party? lol

why do relatively intelligent people misunderstand the process so?

if your rigid definition of 'for' and 'against' standard of a good system

we are given a choice in the primaries and we get to choose who most closely we agree with. if there is no perfect fit, so what? we still should have a party we identify with?

we vote in primaries in order to have a run off in the general.

I am thinking of leaving my party and am giving this subject some serious, very serious thought.

maybe you could explain yourself in this thread?
so you are always against both candidates and it's just a case of you voting the lesser of two evils?

No, I am not always against both parties. In truth I am a registered Republican, though I do not toe the party line. My registration is more of a function of primary voting and the fact that, until recently, they represented my beliefs in areas I consider most important. This has changed in recent years and, with the absence of a viable third party, I have been left with choices that I find less than desirable. As a result, there have been times where I find myself indeed choosing the candidate I consider to be the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it's a Republican, sometimes it's a Democrat. I've even voted for Libertarian candidates, though in those cases I really did think they were the better choice. I try not vote using the "lesser of two evils" criteria, but sometimes that's all we're left with.

it's a party system. parties run primaries so maybe you should start your own party? lol

If only it were that easy. I crave a viable third or even fourth party in this country. I think most of us do.

why do relatively intelligent people misunderstand the process so?

if your rigid definition of 'for' and 'against' standard of a good system

I understand the process, and I do not adhere to the "for" or "against" standard. My vote, as I stated, crosses party lines. My first choice is always for who I think is the better candidate for me.

we are given a choice in the primaries and we get to choose who most closely we agree with. if there is no perfect fit, so what? we still should have a party we identify with?

Unfortunately, not always does the better candidate get the nod. Too often it is the better looking candidate or the one with the most money.

we vote in primaries in order to have a run off in the general.

I am thinking of leaving my party and am giving this subject some serious, very serious thought.

maybe you could explain yourself in this thread?

The chorus I hear often is that I didn't leave my party, my party left me. This is very much how I feel. Unfortunately the alternative is, for me, not an option. Again, as I stated earlier, the only reason I maintain my registration in the Republican party is to vote in the primaries. I consider myself a Conservative Independent Libertarian. I have yet to see that party.
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