Moussa in Gaza to meet officials, visit destroyed areas

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, has arrived Sunday morning in the Gaza Strip to meet with Palestinian officials and make field visits to areas bombed during Israel’s war.

In a press conference, Moussa stressed the need for ending the blockade imposed on Gaza people and the importance of implementing a decision in this regard issued earlier by the Arab countries.

“I admit that I am eager to walk on the land of Palestine and meet with all steadfast Palestinians of all affiliations,” the Arab League head told journalists.

“You will see today for yourself what you heard in the news and read in reports about the size of the Palestinian people’s suffering, and you will see the destruction and devastation caused by the Zionist enemy in its last war and its use of internationally-prohibited weapons against children, women and unarmed civilians,” the minister said addressing Moussa.

“But you will also see the bright side of the image; you will not see one citizen hesitant in his steadfastness and fortitude. Every Palestinian refuses to waive his rights and constants in light of the ongoing Zionist aggression,” he added.

For his part, senior Hamas official Salah Al-Bardawil said today that his Movement welcomes the visit of the Arab League head and any Arab move aimed at ending the blockade on Gaza.

“We are in favor of any Arab move to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and prevent any aggressive act against it; we hope that the visit of the secretary-general of the Arab League Amr Moussa to Gaza will be a prelude to more robust Arab positions able to pressure the Israeli enemy to stop its aggression on the Palestinian people,” Bardawil underscored.

Moussa in Gaza to meet officials, visit destroyed areas

BTW, how is that isolating Gaza thing going?

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