Mourdock, Akin, and Romney


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
These guys are the Face of the 21st Century GOP! Or they could be the next stars of the upcoming 3 Stooges sequel!
Easy for you to say, JimH. It is quite a bit more serious when you're a female or the parent of daughters whose liberties are directly threatened. Nothing humorous about them....all three are thuggish.

Regards from Rosie
oh my gawd, your liberty to abort your children in under attack..

what kind of a parent would be worried about that for their daughters?

What kind of parent backs those who threaten the health and well-being of their daughters?


Regards from Rosie
What kind of parent backs those who threaten the health and well-being of their daughters?


Regards from Rosie

well of course it's so "healthful" to have a friggen abortion. Like you give a shit about that..
Like it's mentally healthy to force anyone to involuntarily give birth. You are too far gone to be ABLE to give a shit about that. Seek professional help.

Regards from Rosie
If you are raped and have a baby from that rape, that is the way God meant it to be. If you have lost your job as a result of the rape and cannot support the child and it dies of an untreated illness, because you cannot afford a doctor, that is the way God meant it to be.

The Gospel according to Staph.
Like it's mentally healthy to force anyone to involuntarily give birth. You are too far gone to be ABLE to give a shit about that. Seek professional help.

Regards from Rosie

Here's a clue, KEEP your damn legs together and you won't have to worry about ANY OF IT..

Some clueage for you....none of it is any of your business. Don't start with the "My taxes PAY for IT" crap. There are thousands of unwanted children available for adoption that anti-choicers ignore.

When I can get a tax refund for wasted Iraq War expenditures.....then bitch.

Regards from Rosie
Some clueage for you....none of it is any of your business. Don't start with the "My taxes PAY for IT" crap. There are thousands of unwanted children available for adoption that anti-choicers ignore.

When I can get a tax refund for wasted Iraq War expenditures.....then bitch.

Regards from Rosie

gawd you pro abortionist are sick...there are thousands of UNWANTED children available for adoption so that is the reason we need to keep abortions on demand for any and all.
Some clueage for you....none of it is any of your business. Don't start with the "My taxes PAY for IT" crap. There are thousands of unwanted children available for adoption that anti-choicers ignore.

When I can get a tax refund for wasted Iraq War expenditures.....then bitch.

Regards from Rosie

gawd you pro abortionist are sick...there are thousands of UNWANTED children available for adoption so that is the reason we need to keep abortions on demand for any and all.

Hey steph., how many unwanted, unloved, crack addicted, fetal alcohol syndrome kids have you adopted?

Or how many kids you have of your own?

I trust you will come back and say at least 5 adopted and none of your own. And that all your right wing friends have adopted many special needs kids. Or even not special needs.
Just kids that need adopted.

Cause as soon as you right wingers have all the already born and unwanted kids taken care of, then I might listen to your whine's about abortion.

But if the already born are none of your business (and that is what you are saying IF you haven't adopted) then sure as hell the unborn are not your business.
You anti-choicers are mentally ill thinking rapists commit legitimate rape or that rape pregnancy is God's will. All genetically damaged fetuses as well as those of drug abusing women are God's will too. You got raped. Your child has genetic defects and wiil suffer thru a short life. It's God's fault. Huh? Are you one of those sickles that dress up miscarriages and pass them around and take pictures? Bet you are.

Regards from Rosie
Some clueage for you....none of it is any of your business. Don't start with the "My taxes PAY for IT" crap. There are thousands of unwanted children available for adoption that anti-choicers ignore.

When I can get a tax refund for wasted Iraq War expenditures.....then bitch.

Regards from Rosie

gawd you pro abortionist are sick...there are thousands of UNWANTED children available for adoption so that is the reason we need to keep abortions on demand for any and all.

Hey steph., how many unwanted, unloved, crack addicted, fetal alcohol syndrome kids have you adopted?

Or how many kids you have of your own?

I trust you will come back and say at least 5 adopted and none of your own. And that all your right wing friends have adopted many special needs kids. Or even not special needs.
Just kids that need adopted.

Cause as soon as you right wingers have all the already born and unwanted kids taken care of, then I might listen to your whine's about abortion.

But if the already born are none of your business (and that is what you are saying IF you haven't adopted) then sure as hell the unborn are not your business.

it's none of your business how many kids I have
Like it's mentally healthy to force anyone to involuntarily give birth. You are too far gone to be ABLE to give a shit about that. Seek professional help.

Regards from Rosie

Here's a clue, KEEP your damn legs together and you won't have to worry about ANY OF IT..

Staphanie give the official GOP stand. Yes, if these three stooges had their way, women would be back in the kitchen making thier husband's meals and only coming out when the male needs to be serviced.

Both Willard and Ryan hate contraceptives. If given the chance, they will make it even harder for women to get them. It is the typical GOP male stance that if a woman gets pregnant, it is her fault. Men have little or no responsibility in the matter.

Stephanie stated it well. THANKS STEPHANIIE!
Like it's mentally healthy to force anyone to involuntarily give birth. You are too far gone to be ABLE to give a shit about that. Seek professional help.

Regards from Rosie

Here's a clue, KEEP your damn legs together and you won't have to worry about ANY OF IT..

Staphanie give the official GOP stand. Yes, if these three stooges had their way, women would be back in the kitchen making thier husband's meals and only coming out when the male needs to be serviced.

Both Willard and Ryan hate contraceptives. If given the chance, they will make it even harder for women to get them. It is the typical GOP male stance that if a woman gets pregnant, it is her fault. Men have little or no responsibility in the matter.

Stephanie stated it well. THANKS STEPHANIIE!

OH SHUT UP, those are your stupid words not mine..that you all are still friggen hyperventilating over a what couple of people said over ABORTIONS is very telling of the type of person, YOU ARE
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