Mothers Of American Hikers Held In Iran Begin Hunger Strike


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Mothers Of American Hikers Held In Iran Begin Hunger Strike


WASHINGTON -- The mothers of two American hikers held in Iran for nearly two years said they would start a hunger strike in solidarity with their sons, whom they believe have stopped eating to protest the delay of a scheduled court hearing.

Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, both 28, last saw their mothers one year ago in the Tehran prison where they have been held since their arrest near the Iraq-Kurdistan border on July 21, 2009.

Cindy Hickey, 50, and Laura Fattal, 58, announced Thursday they would mark the anniversary of their brief visit -- the only time they have seen their sons since the men were detained -- with a hunger strike. Bauer's fiance Sarah Shourd, who was imprisoned with the two men until Iranian authorities released her on bail in September, as well as other family members and supporters, will take over the hunger strike on Saturday.

Shourd recently said she was suffering from PTSD and would not return to Iran to face trial. She said she and her friends had staged several hunger strikes to protest prison conditions before she was released. She said when authorities delayed bringing them to court, they refused all food.

Bauer, a freelance journalist, and Fattal, an environmental advocate, were set to appear in court May 11 to answer what they say are baseless charges of espionage. But the two men were not moved from Evin Prison, where they have been incarcerated, to court. Iranian authorities have offered no explanation.

"We have not had any news about Shane and Josh for many months and we are terrified that they have now gone on a hunger strike to protest against this latest, devastating delay," Hickey said. "We're worried that they are not getting proper medical care and that their lives may be in danger. We want Iran to show us that Shane and Josh are alive and well and send them home to us right now instead of playing cynical games with their lives."

"Whoever is to blame for preventing our sons’ release is bringing shame on Iran," Laura Fattal said. "Shane and Josh have been denied justice and compassion for far too long. Today we begin a hunger strike and stand with our sons to urge Iran to stop punishing them -- and our families -- for no reason."

The men have not been seen since February 6, when they appeared at a closed court hearing. They have been allowed just two brief phone calls to their families in the 657 days since their arrest.

Mothers Of American Hikers Held In Iran Begin Hunger Strike
Maybe they should have taught their sons a little more common sense than to go hiking along the Iran-Iraq border. I feel bad for these families, but their kids made their own bed by being complete and utter morons in the first place. "Gee, let me juggle these running chainsaws and then expect everyone to have sympathy when I cut my hand off be accident.".... Sorry, that doesn't work for me.
Maybe they should have taught their sons a little more common sense than to go hiking along the Iran-Iraq border. I feel bad for these families, but their kids made their own bed by being complete and utter morons in the first place. "Gee, let me juggle these running chainsaws and then expect everyone to have sympathy when I cut my hand off be accident.".... Sorry, that doesn't work for me.

I have to agree, there are many places you can choose to go hiking right here in the US, to go to the Iraqi/Iran border to go hiking astounds me, just like the idiots that crossed over into North Korea. Maybe people in the US don't believe what they see on the news and they think Iranians love Americans.
I have to agree, there are many places you can choose to go hiking right here in the US, to go to the Iraqi/Iran border to go hiking astounds me, just like the idiots that crossed over into North Korea. Maybe people in the US don't believe what they see on the news and they think Iranians love Americans.

More importantly the majority of these nitwits think that being an American citizen provides them some sort of protection, when in fact it can often be a detriment. These two would probably have been home months ago if they'd been Canadian or from the UK. They also assume that the Rangers or SEALS or Delta Force will come sliding down a rope to save their asses if they DO get into trouble. THAT's the biggest problem.
I have to agree, there are many places you can choose to go hiking right here in the US, to go to the Iraqi/Iran border to go hiking astounds me, just like the idiots that crossed over into North Korea. Maybe people in the US don't believe what they see on the news and they think Iranians love Americans.

More importantly the majority of these nitwits think that being an American citizen provides them some sort of protection, when in fact it can often be a detriment. These two would probably have been home months ago if they'd been Canadian or from the UK. They also assume that the Rangers or SEALS or Delta Force will come sliding down a rope to save their asses if they DO get into trouble. THAT's the biggest problem.

Actually UK citizens get in trouble too because the UK has supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so if they were Brits they would probably be in the same situation, a few years ago the Iranian Navy held some British Sailors hostage a for a while and paraded them around on tv, it was embarassing. As far as the Canadians I am not too sure, Canada does have troops in Afghanistan but I am not sure how good Canadas relations are with the Iranians, bottom line if you are a Westerner its probably a good idea to keep a safe distance from countries like Iran right now.
Bet they're exchanged within 6 months...

Iran sentences 2 American men to 8 years in jail
Aug 20,`11 - Two American men arrested more than two years ago while hiking along the Iraq-Iran border have been sentenced to eight years in prison on charges that include espionage, state TV reported Saturday, a sharp blow to hopes their release was imminent.
The announcement seemed to send a hard-line message from Iran's judiciary - which answers directly to the ruling clerics - weeks after the country's foreign minister suggested that the trial of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal could clear the way for their freedom. It also was likely to raise speculation about Iran using the Americans as political bargaining chips and could bring added tensions to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's expected visit to New York next month for the annual General Assembly at the United Nations. Authorities did not immediately confirm the report and made no further comment - although it was carried on Iran's highly controlled state media, which is frequently used to make high-profile announcements.

In Washington, State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland restated U.S. appeals for their release. "It is time to reunite them with their families," she said. A spokeswoman for the men's relatives said only that the families were aware of the report and awaiting confirmation. "They are asking for privacy during this difficult time," Samantha Topping said. The Americans, whose final court hearing was three weeks ago, deny the charges and say they were only hiking in a scenic and largely peaceful area of northern Iraq near the porous border.

They were detained in July 2009 along with a third American, Sarah Shourd, who was released in September 2010 on $500,000 bail and returned to the United States. Shourd's case "is still open," the state-run TV website reported. Bauer and Fattal, both 29, have been sentenced to three years each for illegal entry into Iran and five years each for spying for the United States, the website quoted "informed sources" at Iran's judiciary as saying. It was not immediately clear if that includes time served. They have 20 days to appeal the sentence. Their Iranian attorney, Masoud Shafiei, said he has not been notified of the verdict but he will definitely appeal the sentence if true. "I've not been notified of any verdict in the case of my clients," Shafiei told The Associated Press. "This is a strong verdict inconsistent with the charges."

It's unclear what maximum sentence was possible by the Revolutionary Court, which handles state security issues. Espionage can bring the death penalty, but handing the sentence to a foreigner is unknown legal territory in Iran. Iran insists that its judiciary is independent from political currents, but Iranian officials have used the detained Americans to draw attention to alleged mistreatment of Iranians in U.S. prisons and others who were held by U.S. forces in Iraq. The report on the sentences came just two days after President Barack Obama made his most direct call for the resignation of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who remains among Iran's closest Mideast allies.

The case, meanwhile, has added to tensions between the United States and Iran that were already high over other issues, including Tehran's disputed nuclear program. But Iran also recognizes the potential for goodwill gestures. Shourd's release - assisting with talks by Oman - came last year as Ahmadinejad was preparing for the annual U.N. gathering of world leaders.

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These were Berkley students,

The CIA spying accusations seem first glance anyway.
I have to agree, there are many places you can choose to go hiking right here in the US, to go to the Iraqi/Iran border to go hiking astounds me, just like the idiots that crossed over into North Korea. Maybe people in the US don't believe what they see on the news and they think Iranians love Americans.

More importantly the majority of these nitwits think that being an American citizen provides them some sort of protection, when in fact it can often be a detriment. These two would probably have been home months ago if they'd been Canadian or from the UK. They also assume that the Rangers or SEALS or Delta Force will come sliding down a rope to save their asses if they DO get into trouble. THAT's the biggest problem.

Actually UK citizens get in trouble too because the UK has supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so if they were Brits they would probably be in the same situation, a few years ago the Iranian Navy held some British Sailors hostage a for a while and paraded them around on tv, it was embarassing. As far as the Canadians I am not too sure, Canada does have troops in Afghanistan but I am not sure how good Canadas relations are with the Iranians, bottom line if you are a Westerner its probably a good idea to keep a safe distance from countries like Iran right now.

the US hikers were kidnapped by Iranian Muslim Jack booted thugs and Oubmmer the Gutless Spineless Traitor will not defend them
After further reflection...given that they were ultra-lib students....I suspect Obama recruited them to spy on Iran in a war zone.

Or, they could have just been clueless. Or possibly both.
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Maybe they should have taught their sons a little more common sense than to go hiking along the Iran-Iraq border. I feel bad for these families, but their kids made their own bed by being complete and utter morons in the first place. "Gee, let me juggle these running chainsaws and then expect everyone to have sympathy when I cut my hand off be accident.".... Sorry, that doesn't work for me.

I have to agree, there are many places you can choose to go hiking right here in the US, to go to the Iraqi/Iran border to go hiking astounds me, just like the idiots that crossed over into North Korea. Maybe people in the US don't believe what they see on the news and they think Iranians love Americans.

Do you think it was an ego thing? Them thinking, he we are americans..we can pretty much go where we want?

Dumb kids.

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