Mother Hens


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
You have to pity those poor, poor, put-upon "Palestinians."
Many "human rights" NGOs, countless journalists, leftists, Islamists, Nazis and, of course, The Mother Hen herself, the United Nations Gen Ass, consider Gaza to be occupied territory. Israel, and perhaps surprisingly Hamas' disagree. So what is any rational person to think of this difference of opinion? I offer this: those perhaps well-meaning individuals and organizations all believe they know what is best for the hapless "Palestinains" and have no real interest in facts or truth. Unfortunately they all have a vested interst in selling and serving the "occupation" camel crap and to admit there is no occupation could put more than a few of 'em out of a job. :cool::cool::cool:
You have to pity those poor, poor, put-upon "Palestinians."
Many "human rights" NGOs, countless journalists, leftists, Islamists, Nazis and, of course, The Mother Hen herself, the United Nations Gen Ass, consider Gaza to be occupied territory. Israel, and perhaps surprisingly Hamas' disagree. So what is any rational person to think of this difference of opinion? I offer this: those perhaps well-meaning individuals and organizations all believe they know what is best for the hapless "Palestinains" and have no real interest in facts or truth. Unfortunately they all have a vested interst in selling and serving the "occupation" camel crap and to admit there is no occupation could put more than a few of 'em out of a job. :cool::cool::cool:

I like
Sniffer in the


Even when
I miss I, always


I love
Sniffer in the


Watch as he
Opens his lying

As it grows, and grows.
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LMAO! Eh, Pbel, don't give up your day job. Read this folks.

You have to pity those poor, poor, put-upon "Palestinians."
Many "human rights" NGOs, countless journalists, leftists, Islamists, Nazis and, of course, The Mother Hen herself, the United Nations Gen Ass, consider Gaza to be occupied territory. Israel, and perhaps surprisingly Hamas' disagree. So what is any rational person to think of this difference of opinion? I offer this: those perhaps well-meaning individuals and organizations all believe they know what is best for the hapless "Palestinains" and have no real interest in facts or truth. Unfortunately they all have a vested interst in selling and serving the "occupation" camel crap and to admit there is no occupation could put more than a few of 'em out of a job. :cool::cool::cool:

I like
Sniffer in the


Even when
I miss I, always


I love
Sniffer in the


Watch as he
Opens his lying

As it grows, and grows.
LMAO! Eh, Pbel, don't give up your day job. Read this folks.

You have to pity those poor, poor, put-upon "Palestinians."
Many "human rights" NGOs, countless journalists, leftists, Islamists, Nazis and, of course, The Mother Hen herself, the United Nations Gen Ass, consider Gaza to be occupied territory. Israel, and perhaps surprisingly Hamas' disagree. So what is any rational person to think of this difference of opinion? I offer this: those perhaps well-meaning individuals and organizations all believe they know what is best for the hapless "Palestinains" and have no real interest in facts or truth. Unfortunately they all have a vested interst in selling and serving the "occupation" camel crap and to admit there is no occupation could put more than a few of 'em out of a job. :cool::cool::cool:

I like
Sniffer in the


Even when
I miss I, always


I love
Sniffer in the


Watch as he
Opens his lying

As it grows, and grows.

Oh heil, MJ...

My girfriend asked me who was a more vile human being? I told her you hands down after your murder 10,000 Palestians for every one Jew post...

Sniffer may lie for Israel, but I don't think he would murder for Israel like you.
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As always, you got me all wrong Pbel. All I proposed was that Israel make their announcement & then jsut let Hamas decide if there will be peace or war. What could be more fair than that?

LMAO! Eh, Pbel, don't give up your day job. Read this folks.

I like
Sniffer in the


Even when
I miss I, always


I love
Sniffer in the


Watch as he
Opens his lying

As it grows, and grows.

Oh heil, MJ...

My girfriend asked me who was a more vile human being? I told her you hands down after your murder 10,000 Palestians for every one Jew post...

Sniffer may lie for Israel, but I don't think he would murder for Israel like you.
As always, you got me all wrong Pbel. All I proposed was that Israel make their announcement & then jsut let Hamas decide if there will be peace or war. What could be more fair than that?

LMAO! Eh, Pbel, don't give up your day job. Read this folks.

Oh heil, MJ...

My girfriend asked me who was a more vile human being? I told her you hands down after your murder 10,000 Palestians for every one Jew post...

Sniffer may lie for Israel, but I don't think he would murder for Israel like you.

Then appologize, and claim you were misunderstood because of your age and senility, and re-explain what you meant...and while your at it, appologize for making pan-cake jokes about Rachel Corrie, or Zieg Heil!
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I suggest a monument be built here in the USA for Rachel so we Americans will never forget her. And placed next to one for Timothy McVey.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

Rachel's Life & Legacy

Inspired by Rachel’s passion, we support grassroots efforts for peace and justice globally.

Rachel Corrie was a 23-year-old American peace activist from Olympia, Washington, who was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer on 16 March 2003, while undertaking nonviolent direct action to protect the home of a Palestinian family from demolition.

» Learn more about Rachel...

» Read Rachel’s Emails from Palestine...

» Rachel’s Words in Print...
I suggest a monument be built here in the USA for Rachel so we Americans will never forget her. And placed next to one for Timothy McVey.
Save room for Bradley Manning and Nidal Hassan. They deserve recognition too.
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What I don't understand about you Rachel lovers is if you don't like what us Americans have to say about her, why do YOU folks even bring up her name for us Americans to vent our dislike for what she did to disgrace our country? Seriously Pbel, can't you let that poor unfortunate just rest in pieces already?

The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

Rachel's Life & Legacy

Inspired by Rachel’s passion, we support grassroots efforts for peace and justice globally.

Rachel Corrie was a 23-year-old American peace activist from Olympia, Washington, who was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer on 16 March 2003, while undertaking nonviolent direct action to protect the home of a Palestinian family from demolition.

» Learn more about Rachel...

» Read Rachel’s Emails from Palestine...

» Rachel’s Words in Print...
I suggest a monument be built here in the USA for Rachel so we Americans will never forget her. And placed next to one for Timothy McVey.
Save room for Bradley Manning and Nidal Hassan. They deserve recognition too.

Don't forget Pollard :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: They could model the monuments ( leave Corrie out of it , she was responcible for no ones death ) after the ones in Israel for Baruch Goldstein. A true Israeli Hero !!!
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Don't forget Pollard :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: They could model the monuments ( leave Corrie out of it , she was responcible for no ones death ) after the ones in Israel for Baruch Goldstein. A true Israeli Hero !!!

Goldstein, Israeli hero? Ohhh, just one more smartass to the list.

At Goldstein's funeral, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin claimed that even one million Arabs are "not worth a Jewish fingernail".[21][22][23] Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, declared Goldstein the "greatest Jew alive, not in one way but in every way" and said that he was "the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect."[22][23] In contrast, mainstream Jewish religious leaders "rejected the suggestion that killing Palestinians with an automatic rifle" was authorized by the Torah.[21]

In the weeks following the massacre, hundreds of Israelis traveled to Goldstein's grave to celebrate Goldstein's actions. Some Hasidim danced and sang around his grave.[24] Although the government has said that those who celebrated the massacre represented only a tiny minority of Israelis, a New York Times report states that Israeli government claims may understate the phenomenon.[24] According to one visitor to the gravesite in the wake of the attacks, "If [Goldstein] stopped these so-called peace talks, then he is truly holy because this is not real peace."[24] Some visitors kissed and hugged the gravestone, or even kissed the earth under which Goldstein was buried, declaring him a "saint" and "hero of Israel."[24]

The phenomenon of the adoration of Goldstein's tomb persisted for years, despite Israeli government efforts to crack down on those making pilgrimage to Goldstein's grave site.[5] The grave's epitaph said that Goldstein "gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land".[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment.[6] In the years after the dismantling of the shrine, radical Jewish settlers continued to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre in the West Bank, sometimes even dressing up themselves or their children to look like Goldstein.[5][25]

In 2010, Jewish settlers were criticized that during celebrations of Purim they sang songs praising Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their Arab neighbours. A phrase from the song reads "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."[26]

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really might want to rethink the smartass remark, Lipush !!!
Goldstein, Israeli hero? Ohhh, just one more smartass to the list.

At Goldstein's funeral, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin claimed that even one million Arabs are "not worth a Jewish fingernail".[21][22][23] Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, declared Goldstein the "greatest Jew alive, not in one way but in every way" and said that he was "the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect."[22][23] In contrast, mainstream Jewish religious leaders "rejected the suggestion that killing Palestinians with an automatic rifle" was authorized by the Torah.[21]

In the weeks following the massacre, hundreds of Israelis traveled to Goldstein's grave to celebrate Goldstein's actions. Some Hasidim danced and sang around his grave.[24] Although the government has said that those who celebrated the massacre represented only a tiny minority of Israelis, a New York Times report states that Israeli government claims may understate the phenomenon.[24] According to one visitor to the gravesite in the wake of the attacks, "If [Goldstein] stopped these so-called peace talks, then he is truly holy because this is not real peace."[24] Some visitors kissed and hugged the gravestone, or even kissed the earth under which Goldstein was buried, declaring him a "saint" and "hero of Israel."[24]

The phenomenon of the adoration of Goldstein's tomb persisted for years, despite Israeli government efforts to crack down on those making pilgrimage to Goldstein's grave site.[5] The grave's epitaph said that Goldstein "gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land".[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment.[6] In the years after the dismantling of the shrine, radical Jewish settlers continued to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre in the West Bank, sometimes even dressing up themselves or their children to look like Goldstein.[5][25]

In 2010, Jewish settlers were criticized that during celebrations of Purim they sang songs praising Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their Arab neighbours. A phrase from the song reads "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."[26]

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really might want to rethink the smartass remark, Lipush !!!

Just because some loonjobs fanatics see Baruch Goldstein as a hero, doesn't mean all of Israel does.

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