'Most explosive' part of DOJ review is about 'outsourcing of illegal intelligence-gathering'

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Buckle up kids. This might be a bumpy ride for some folks.

Fox News host Sean Hannity said his sources are telling him the most "explosive" finding in the Justice Department review on the origins of the Russia investigation has to do with illegal intelligence-gathering on American citizens.

Hannity first mentioned this during his show Thursday evening while speaking to the Hill's John Solomon, who said DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's soon-to-be-released report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses will find "a lot more wrong than right" and will be "difficult" for former top FBI officials such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok.

"Let me ask you this. So, we both agree on those. You think there might be an IG report alone on leaking?" Hannity added, to which Solomon agreed.

"And I’m expecting, from what my sources are telling me, Durham, Barr, and everybody else, to get to the origins of what is a counterintelligence investigation, which Andy McCarthy rightly points out in his new book, would mean Obama knew because the president has to sign off on it but that origins of this counterintelligence investigation, what did Obama know, when did he know it?" Hannity said.

One year ago...
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Buckle up kids. This might be a bumpy ride for some folks.

Fox News host Sean Hannity said his sources are telling him the most "explosive" finding in the Justice Department review on the origins of the Russia investigation has to do with illegal intelligence-gathering on American citizens.

Hannity first mentioned this during his show Thursday evening while speaking to the Hill's John Solomon, who said DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's soon-to-be-released report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses will find "a lot more wrong than right" and will be "difficult" for former top FBI officials such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok.


All the never-TRUMP-republican/conservative/ TeaParty need to be challenged why they are not speaking out against the clear government abuse and illegal spying on US citizens now that the facts are coming out.
Has Hannity been right on anything?
You mean 'conspiracy theorist' Sean Hannity ? (according to the gangs at CNN and MSDNC.)
I know you're shooting for sarcasm but yes, he is a conspiracy theorist.
So that even when he's telling the truth, he's automatically discredited.
That how it works in the MSM propaganda bubble ?
How often has he actually told the truth?

Surely you've heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?
Has Hannity been right on anything?

He predicted that Trump would win the presidency
But he didn't believe it either.

That wasn’t your question. No one believed it.
I don't see how that changes what I said.

It changes the fact that he was right. We cannot prove belief we can prove verbiage and his verbiage was such that Trump would win. Both the primary, which he did believe and then the presidency.
Has Hannity been right on anything?

He predicted that Trump would win the presidency
But he didn't believe it either.

That wasn’t your question. No one believed it.
I don't see how that changes what I said.

It changes the fact that he was right. We cannot prove belief we can prove verbiage and his verbiage was such that Trump would win. Both the primary, which he did believe and then the presidency.
Ok fine, that's one.

Can you think of any others?
He predicted that Trump would win the presidency
But he didn't believe it either.

That wasn’t your question. No one believed it.
I don't see how that changes what I said.

It changes the fact that he was right. We cannot prove belief we can prove verbiage and his verbiage was such that Trump would win. Both the primary, which he did believe and then the presidency.
Ok fine, that's one.

Can you think of any others?

You’re moving the goal posts. You said one. He did defend Cuomo in the Fredo fiasco. I dislike Cuomo but I agree he should have punched that guy.
But he didn't believe it either.

That wasn’t your question. No one believed it.
I don't see how that changes what I said.

It changes the fact that he was right. We cannot prove belief we can prove verbiage and his verbiage was such that Trump would win. Both the primary, which he did believe and then the presidency.
Ok fine, that's one.

Can you think of any others?

You’re moving the goal posts. You said one. He did defend Cuomo in the Fredo fiasco. I dislike Cuomo but I agree he should have punched that guy.
Ok, you've proven the "broken clock" proverb. He was accidentally right once.

You win.
That wasn’t your question. No one believed it.
I don't see how that changes what I said.

It changes the fact that he was right. We cannot prove belief we can prove verbiage and his verbiage was such that Trump would win. Both the primary, which he did believe and then the presidency.
Ok fine, that's one.

Can you think of any others?

You’re moving the goal posts. You said one. He did defend Cuomo in the Fredo fiasco. I dislike Cuomo but I agree he should have punched that guy.
Ok, you've proven the "broken clock" proverb. He was accidentally right once.

You win.

I always win Crep. I am a Jew and per your party I run this country. He he he.
"Let me ask you this. So, we both agree on those. You think there might be an IG report alone on leaking?" Hannity added, to which Solomon agreed.

"And I’m expecting, from what my sources are telling me, Durham, Barr, and everybody else, to get to the origins of what is a counterintelligence investigation, which Andy McCarthy rightly points out in his new book, would mean Obama knew because the president has to sign off on it but that origins of this counterintelligence investigation, what did Obama know, when did he know it?" Hannity said.

One year ago...

I don’t doubt for one minute that O, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Lynch and others were colluding to steal the election. I do doubt until the cows come home, that they will ever face justice.

If I am right, this is indisputable evidence that we now live in a corrupt oligarchy.
He actually has been right about quite a bit, regarding the fake collusion accusations, even though I am not a fan.

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