Most disgusting story I've heard in a while


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Exonerated ex-football star wants money from state - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

A star high school football player is falsely accused of rape. He gets sent to prison for 5 years. Then, the girl who made up the story, and her mom, sue the school district and win 1.5 million dollars.

Then, when she finally confesses she lied, the man is set free, she doesn't get charged with anything, and she tells the man (whose forgiving soul even became her friend) that she would help clear his name, but only to a point because she doesn't wanna pay back "all that money they gave me".

Lawyers and lying scum. Fuck the world.
Bet she is waiting for some "Obama money" from his stash.

This kid was being recruited by college football powerhouses like Michigan, Southern Cal, Ohio State. 5 years later he is getting out of jail, and he COULD be in the NFL.

All because a bitch lied to get some money and lawyers were more than happy to help.
A lot of black people have been trained over the years with Affirmative Action to work the system like that. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations at play here to keep fraud charges at bay?
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And I'm sure the Libs here will blame it all on Republicans because it's their fault
she couldn't get a job and had to resort to this to make ends meet....
A lot of black people have been trained over the years with Affirmative Action to work the system like that. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations at play here to keep fraud charges at bay?

Bigfoot would love to go back to overwhelmingly white, male governments. They were not all that good in protecting civil liberties. So that is not going to happen,
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He should sue her for all that money she got. But...he apparantly has far more integrity than that bitch.
I hope he can get into good physical shape and get another shot in college football.
A lot of black people have been trained over the years with Affirmative Action to work the system like that. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations at play here to keep fraud charges at bay?

Bigfoot would love to go back to overwhelmingly white, male governments. They were all that good in protecting civil liberties. So that is not going to happen,

I said no such thing Jake. I said that a lot of blacks have learned to and have been taught to unfairly work the system. Anyone who has spent much time with them, including many black folks themselves will tell you the same. It's pretty much a way of life and often turns into some nice paydays for some of them.
And I'm sure the Libs here will blame it all on Republicans because it's their fault
she couldn't get a job and had to resort to this to make ends meet....

This story has nothing to do with political parties.

It has to do with civil inequality (black guy the monster, poor white girl the victim) and the idiocy of litigation in the US.
Is this child the Afro conceded to raping a white girl or an Afro?

It sounds like a long scam. The girl and her mother get rich with a suit against the school for failing to protect the girl from an Afro rapist. The Afro gets rich with a suit against the state for wrongful conviction.
A lot of black people have been trained over the years with Affirmative Action to work the system like that. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations at play here to keep fraud charges at bay?

Bigfoot would love to go back to overwhelmingly white, male governments. They were not all that good in protecting civil liberties. So that is not going to happen,

I said no such thing Jake. I said that a lot of blacks have learned to and have been taught to unfairly work the system. Anyone who has spent much time with them, including many black folks themselves will tell you the same. It's pretty much a way of life and often turns into some nice paydays for some of them.

It certainly is inferred by the bolded statement above. And you speak for "black folks"?

Can't get away from the racism in your statement.
The Pepsi Logo;


Looks alot like the Obama campaign logo.

Lazy people are everywhere.
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This story has... to do with civil inequality (black guy the monster, poor white girl the victim) and the idiocy of litigation in the US.

Hey shithead, take your ignorant, racist prejudice and go fuck yourself.

The "girl" isn't white, she's an Afro.

This story is about Afros stealing from whites. Some story, every day.
Bigfoot would love to go back to overwhelmingly white, male governments. They were not all that good in protecting civil liberties. So that is not going to happen,

I said no such thing Jake. I said that a lot of blacks have learned to and have been taught to unfairly work the system. Anyone who has spent much time with them, including many black folks themselves will tell you the same. It's pretty much a way of life and often turns into some nice paydays for some of them.

It certainly is inferred by the bolded statement above. And you speak for "black folks"?

Can't get away from the racism in your statement.

LOL, you're killing me here :lol You are always trying to put you're stupid words into other people's mouths. It isn't racism Jake, it's fact. And yes a lot of the guys I served with are black and a lot of my friends that come to my home are black. I am far from a racist except to some jackass on the Internet. But thanks for conferming my statement and showing us how the system works. Accusing others of "racism" is always the first step and it never takes long to get to it.
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I said no such thing Jake. I said that a lot of blacks have learned to and have been taught to unfairly work the system. Anyone who has spent much time with them, including many black folks themselves will tell you the same. It's pretty much a way of life and often turns into some nice paydays for some of them.

It certainly is inferred by the bolded statement above. And you speak for "black folks"?

Can't get away from the racism in your statement.

LOL, you're killing me here :lol:

Have the last word then. You are condemned by your words.

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