Most americans are both liberal and conservative

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Why Most Americans are Both Liberal and Conservative |

Some points I found to be generally true and a message to all of the extremists on both sides:

* According to Mr. Free and Mr. Cantril, most Americans have conservative attitudes concerning the size of government, and liberal beliefs in support of programs to protect themselves economically. This leads majorities to favor smaller government, individual initiative, and local control while endorsing major governmental programs ranging from Social Security to student grants and loans.

* In 1964, as President Johnson was announcing his Great Society initiatives, Free and Cantril, using the results of commissioned Gallup polls, determined that within the electorate, ideological conservatives outnumbered liberals by more than 3 to 1 (50 percent to 16 percent). But in those very same surveys, support for liberal government programs exceeded conservative opposition by a ratio of 4.6 to 1 (65 percent to 14 percent).

Using data from four of the Political Values and Core Attitudes surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center over the past two decades, we confirmed their research. Across four Pew surveys, from 1987 to 2009, ideological conservatives outnumbered liberals by a ratio of 3.5 to 1, but liberal supporters of specific programs outnumbered conservative opponents by a 2.2 to 1 margin.

In every Pew survey, there were always more conservatives than liberals regarding the overall role of government and a greater number of liberals than conservatives in support of programs designed to promote equality and economic well-being. In effect, the United States is neither a center-right nor a center-left nation; it is, and always has been, both at the same time.

And the greatest point of all:

* For the first time ever, among Democrats in the House of Representatives, the liberal Congressional Progressive Caucus contains more members than the moderate New Democrats and conservative Blue Dogs combined.

Across the aisle, few congressional Republicans are willing to call themselves moderates, and liberals, once a meaningful bloc in the GOP, have entirely disappeared.

Despite these divisions, the leaders of each party must find a way to work together to synthesize both strands of America's political DNA – a belief in the importance of a strong national community and equality of opportunity as well as a strong desire to limit government's encroachment on individual liberty – into a new civic ethos that is broadly acceptable to most Americans.
For the most part, people pick the parts from each ideoleology that they think will benefit them personally the most. Everyone acts in their own rational self-interest.
or objective, depending on one's position

perhaps 'always in flux' would befit the symantics....

So basically what you're saying is that most Americans don't really have a set of morals, standards, values, and ideals that they believe in. That I will most definitely agree with.

As both a Fiscal and a Social Conservative of the extreme type, that disgusts me to the point of nausea, but it doesn't surprise me.
So basically what you're saying is that most Americans don't really have a set of morals, standards, values, and ideals that they believe in. That I will most definitely agree with.

like what? being liberal from the waist down, and conservative from the neck up?
like what? being liberal from the waist down, and conservative from the neck up?

Sort of. Personally I am of the belief that if one cannot claim to be completely Conservative that they are a Liberal. It's a Black v. White concept. A Pass v Fail test. There are two grades... 100% and 0%. So if one either chooses to embrace even one liberal ideal they cannot be a Conservative. Likewise if one chooses not to Walk the Talk, they cannot be a Conservative.

Which means that in my mind there is not a single Conservative over the age of 65 that I know of, because to be one they would have had to DECLINE MEDICARE COVERAGE.
like what? being liberal from the waist down, and conservative from the neck up?

Sort of. Personally I am of the belief that if one cannot claim to be completely Conservative that they are a Liberal. It's a Black v. White concept. A Pass v Fail test. There are two grades... 100% and 0%. So if one either chooses to embrace even one liberal ideal they cannot be a Conservative. Likewise if one chooses not to Walk the Talk, they cannot be a Conservative.

Which means that in my mind there is not a single Conservative over the age of 65 that I know of, because to be one they would have had to DECLINE MEDICARE COVERAGE.

Which means that in my mind there is not a single Conservative over the age of 65 that I know of, because to be one they would have had to DECLINE MEDICARE COVERAGE.

The argument is absurd, unless you offer pay back of every Penney collected, with interest, as an alternative.
The argument is absurd, unless you offer pay back of every Penney collected, with interest, as an alternative.

Nope. I look at it as a financial penalty for failing to implement an appropriate governmental system or even find people who are willing to work within the confines of the US Constitution (which we haven't had since the 1860 election). That lost money might actually get some people to ACT rather than sitting back and simply accepting the continuation of an UnConstitutional program.
I think the article is pure bullshit. American politics is consumed by bitter violent, debate. That is bullshit.

Why Most Americans are Both Liberal and Conservative |

American politics is consumed by a bitter, at times violent, debate about the overall role of government and specific governmental programs

And as I read the aricle, I find out the constitution was never finished, not until FDR.

The US Constitution was itself the product of fierce debate in the wake of the failed Articles of Confederation. The ingenious solution the Founders gave us was both a strong central government and equally powerful guarantees of individual liberty embodied in the Bill of Rights. Notably, that solution was largely the product of that era's young adults, the so-called Republican Generation.

Still, the Constitution didn't settle the question of the government's role in the economy and personal welfare. That wasn't resolved, at least temporarily, until the Great Depression, when Americans gave their strong support to FDR's New Deal programs. Again, it was that period's young adults – the "greatest generation" – that led the new consensus

Gee, Democrats fixed the Constitution, its the Conservatives that hate FDR, its the Conservatives who are violent and bitter, it must be the Conservatives that are our of touch.

Today, driven by more liberal attitudes among the Democrats' young Millennial Generation and minority supporters, and the more conservative beliefs of the Republicans' older, white base, the leadership of the two parties is more polarized than at any time since the Great Depression

What about the Democrats older white base, they are much larger than the older Republican White base, the Democrats have been losing their base for years, now its time to redefine the Democrat party as young, intelligent, and fair, not of the old racist White Republicans.

Seems like an awful lot of propagandanda on the USMB, always the same, Conservative baaad, old, racist, Democrats young and intelligent, fair, compromising.

Since FDR we have had truckloads of Liberal Policies and Programs, where are all the jobs, where is the security in a bad economy, the economy went south yet my tax went up. How is that going to help me, why did Liberals raise the taxes during a bad economy.

Liberal policies have completely failed, its simple, they are broke, that is a failure.

Liberalism is not to be compromised with, if they want to compromise let them start. Taxes, see a compromise? Social Security, see a compromise? Energy, see a compromise?

Jobs and Industry, where is the compromise?
like what? being liberal from the waist down, and conservative from the neck up?

Sort of. Personally I am of the belief that if one cannot claim to be completely Conservative that they are a Liberal. It's a Black v. White concept. A Pass v Fail test. There are two grades... 100% and 0%. So if one either chooses to embrace even one liberal ideal they cannot be a Conservative. Likewise if one chooses not to Walk the Talk, they cannot be a Conservative.

Which means that in my mind there is not a single Conservative over the age of 65 that I know of, because to be one they would have had to DECLINE MEDICARE COVERAGE.

Wow, that's so ridiculous I wonder if you could possibly be serious.

Anyone who doesn't 100% agree with conservative thinking (as YOU define it) is a liberal? I guess it's really you against the world, huh?

The black-and-white, us vs them idea is unrealistic, short-sighted, and a simple tool for those in power to keep that power IMO.
In other words, Americans are neither Ranch nor French dressing, but are more like Italian.
Wow, that's so ridiculous I wonder if you could possibly be serious.

As serious as a heart attack or a case of cancer. I don't have a sense of humor. I had it surgically removed as a child to make space for my EGO.

Anyone who doesn't 100% agree with conservative thinking (as YOU define it) is a liberal? I guess it's really you against the world, huh?.

Pretty much, which is absolutely fine with me. I find that it's when the majority agrees with me that I tend to most often be WRONG.

The black-and-white, us vs them idea is unrealistic, short-sighted, and a simple tool for those in power to keep that power IMO.

Then we have nothing more to discuss, do we? Welcome to my Ignore List.
Your interpretation is entirely ego centric. I could just as easily say that anyone who disagrees with Bill Clinton on any issue, even to a slight degree, is a conservative.
Your interpretation is entirely ego centric. I could just as easily say that anyone who disagrees with Bill Clinton on any issue, even to a slight degree, is a conservative.

I am the center of MY Universe; which may or may not collide at any point and time with yours. As a true Conservative I really don't care for many people other than myself at all. My world is centered on MY needs, wants, and desires alone. Those people that I choose to allow into it I do because I believe they add something to MY life, not necessarily the other way around.
Why Most Americans are Both Liberal and Conservative |

Some points I found to be generally true and a message to all of the extremists on both sides:

* According to Mr. Free and Mr. Cantril, most Americans have conservative attitudes concerning the size of government, and liberal beliefs in support of programs to protect themselves economically. This leads majorities to favor smaller government, individual initiative, and local control while endorsing major governmental programs ranging from Social Security to student grants and loans.

* In 1964, as President Johnson was announcing his Great Society initiatives, Free and Cantril, using the results of commissioned Gallup polls, determined that within the electorate, ideological conservatives outnumbered liberals by more than 3 to 1 (50 percent to 16 percent). But in those very same surveys, support for liberal government programs exceeded conservative opposition by a ratio of 4.6 to 1 (65 percent to 14 percent).

Using data from four of the Political Values and Core Attitudes surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center over the past two decades, we confirmed their research. Across four Pew surveys, from 1987 to 2009, ideological conservatives outnumbered liberals by a ratio of 3.5 to 1, but liberal supporters of specific programs outnumbered conservative opponents by a 2.2 to 1 margin.

In every Pew survey, there were always more conservatives than liberals regarding the overall role of government and a greater number of liberals than conservatives in support of programs designed to promote equality and economic well-being. In effect, the United States is neither a center-right nor a center-left nation; it is, and always has been, both at the same time.

And the greatest point of all:

* For the first time ever, among Democrats in the House of Representatives, the liberal Congressional Progressive Caucus contains more members than the moderate New Democrats and conservative Blue Dogs combined.

Across the aisle, few congressional Republicans are willing to call themselves moderates, and liberals, once a meaningful bloc in the GOP, have entirely disappeared.

Despite these divisions, the leaders of each party must find a way to work together to synthesize both strands of America's political DNA – a belief in the importance of a strong national community and equality of opportunity as well as a strong desire to limit government's encroachment on individual liberty – into a new civic ethos that is broadly acceptable to most Americans.

A "moderate" politician (either Republican or Democrat) is an individual that endorses authoritarianism; an individual that fully buys into "big government". The Democrats endorse authoritarianism from a collective socialist, nationalist perspective and the Republican endorse it from an military police/security incarceration perspective. To say one is a moderate is the same as saying that one is a non-liberal. It's a situation where the Republicans agree to support the Democrat's version of authoritarianism if the Democrats agree to do the same for Republicans.

Lets look at it historically: Regan advocated less government but grew the gov by 11% (each term), Bush 1, a moderate, grew gov by 9% - Clinton, another moderate, by 6% (remember, Clinton was president during the peak of the economic cycle) - Bush 2, an other moderate 16% (each term) - Obama, yet another moderate* has boosted the budget tremendously as well.

* = the last Gallup poll I saw, the majority views Obama as a moderate

The result? A huge reduction in civil liberties, a quasi police state, loss of confidence in government, epic budget deficits, 4 or 5 wars, reduction in the standard of living for the US citizen and happy politicians. What more could you ask for?

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