Moscow empire used to lose wars, says history. Don't buy the opposite myth, and don't write off Ukraine!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

According to statistics compiled by Vladimir Solovyov, a great Moscow historian of the late nineteenth century, Moscow empire lost more than 70% of the 50 wars in the north and west from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the campaign of Muscovite Emperor Paul I in India ended in complete failure, and in a few decades, Muscovy was defeated in the Crimean War (1853-1856). At that time, European powers were firmly united against Muscovy. Thanks to the unity of Europeans and the plight of Muscovy after the war, it was defeated in the Berlin Congress of 1878.

After these defeats, the Muscovite leadership was forced to turn away from Europe and begin expansion into Asia.

By the end of the 19th century, Muscovy already controlled the Pacific coast, so it turned its attention to the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria. Muscovy's subsequent defeat in the Muscovite -Japanese War was one of the causes of the end of the Muscovite Empire.

Muscovy played a significant role in inciting the First World War. The military leaders in Moscow claimed the conflict would lead to control over the Black Sea Straits and Constantinople - today's Istanbul, then in the eyes of the Muscovites - "the second Rome".

After numerous military setbacks, the Muscovite Empire completely collapsed from within. The Brest- Litovsk peace, concluded as a result of negotiations between the new Bolshevik government and the German Empire, briefly resulted in a long-awaited statehood for Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
I feel as if the OP is trying to make Moscow's military record seem worse than it is. The article, written by someone from the Czech Republic "State Department" who apparently grew up under the USSR boot, conveniently starts focusing on their more recent record right after the reign of Catherine the Great, who was *very* effective. Russia surely did have a tough 19th century and the revolution in 1917 really set them back as well.

But the USSR's gains in World War II are largely minimized here. The list at the end is happy to point out the Japanese victory in 1905 but not the USSR's success in Japan in 1945, which was a big reason that Japan surrendered. The list also mentions the failure to annex the Baltic states in 1920, but not the later annexation of all three in 1940, with little or no help from the US or UK. Also, the Soviet Union outright won the Winter War in 1939-1940; the Soviet Union underperformed, but Finland was simply overwhelmed and was forced to give up almost 10% of its total land.

And the more I read, the more errors I see. The Soviet Union was not defeated by China in 1969. They left Afghanistan in 1989 but they also took it over and occupied it for ten years; I wouldn't call that a "loss." The Soviet Union acquiesced in the First Chechen War in 1997, but tore them apart in the Second in the 2000s. Yeah, the Soviet Union/Russian military is not invincible, but it should not be underestimated either. If nothing else, they have about four times as many people as Ukraine and about ten times the GDP.
According to statistics compiled by Vladimir Solovyov, a great Moscow historian of the late nineteenth century, Moscow empire lost more than 70% of the 50 wars in the north and west from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the campaign of Muscovite Emperor Paul I in India ended in complete failure, and in a few decades, Muscovy was defeated in the Crimean War (1853-1856). At that time, European powers were firmly united against Muscovy. Thanks to the unity of Europeans and the plight of Muscovy after the war, it was defeated in the Berlin Congress of 1878.

After these defeats, the Muscovite leadership was forced to turn away from Europe and begin expansion into Asia.

By the end of the 19th century, Muscovy already controlled the Pacific coast, so it turned its attention to the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria. Muscovy's subsequent defeat in the Muscovite -Japanese War was one of the causes of the end of the Muscovite Empire.

Muscovy played a significant role in inciting the First World War. The military leaders in Moscow claimed the conflict would lead to control over the Black Sea Straits and Constantinople - today's Istanbul, then in the eyes of the Muscovites - "the second Rome".

After numerous military setbacks, the Muscovite Empire completely collapsed from within. The Brest- Litovsk peace, concluded as a result of negotiations between the new Bolshevik government and the German Empire, briefly resulted in a long-awaited statehood for Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
I feel as if the OP is trying to make Moscow's military record seem worse than it is. The article, written by someone from the Czech Republic "State Department" who apparently grew up under the USSR boot, conveniently starts focusing on their more recent record right after the reign of Catherine the Great, who was *very* effective. Russia surely did have a tough 19th century and the revolution in 1917 really set them back as well.

But the USSR's gains in World War II are largely minimized here. The list at the end is happy to point out the Japanese victory in 1905 but not the USSR's success in Japan in 1945, which was a big reason that Japan surrendered. The list also mentions the failure to annex the Baltic states in 1920, but not the later annexation of all three in 1940, with little or no help from the US or UK. Also, the Soviet Union outright won the Winter War in 1939-1940; the Soviet Union underperformed, but Finland was simply overwhelmed and was forced to give up almost 10% of its total land.

And the more I read, the more errors I see. The Soviet Union was not defeated by China in 1969. They left Afghanistan in 1989 but they also took it over and occupied it for ten years; I wouldn't call that a "loss." The Soviet Union acquiesced in the First Chechen War in 1997, but tore them apart in the Second in the 2000s. Yeah, the Soviet Union/Russian military is not invincible, but it should not be underestimated either. If nothing else, they have about four times as many people as Ukraine and about ten times the GDP.
USSR was the world Marxist - TOTALITARIAN empire , it died in 1991 , personally I´d remove ussr´s wars from our discussion.

1904- 1905 WAR WITH Japan IS MUCH CLOSER TO MOSCOW - Ukranien war than ANY WAR WHICH ussr fought for 70 years of its existence

According to statistics compiled by Vladimir Solovyov, a great Moscow historian of the late nineteenth century, Moscow empire lost more than 70% of the 50 wars in the north and west from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the campaign of Muscovite Emperor Paul I in India ended in complete failure, and in a few decades, Muscovy was defeated in the Crimean War (1853-1856). At that time, European powers were firmly united against Muscovy. Thanks to the unity of Europeans and the plight of Muscovy after the war, it was defeated in the Berlin Congress of 1878.

After these defeats, the Muscovite leadership was forced to turn away from Europe and begin expansion into Asia.

By the end of the 19th century, Muscovy already controlled the Pacific coast, so it turned its attention to the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria. Muscovy's subsequent defeat in the Muscovite -Japanese War was one of the causes of the end of the Muscovite Empire.

Muscovy played a significant role in inciting the First World War. The military leaders in Moscow claimed the conflict would lead to control over the Black Sea Straits and Constantinople - today's Istanbul, then in the eyes of the Muscovites - "the second Rome".

After numerous military setbacks, the Muscovite Empire completely collapsed from within. The Brest- Litovsk peace, concluded as a result of negotiations between the new Bolshevik government and the German Empire, briefly resulted in a long-awaited statehood for Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "


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