Morning Again in America


May 23, 2014

When you get up today to go to work, ask yourself: "Are we better off today than we were 30 years ago?"
Well, 30 years ago our government was sponsoring terrorists... so, yeah...
Well, 30 years ago our government was sponsoring terrorists... so, yeah...
What terrorist were that? We bombed Hezbollah and Syrian positions in Lebanon. We bombed Tripoli and Ghadafi got the message.
Well, 30 years ago our government was sponsoring terrorists... so, yeah...

At that time, which side would you have supported? I high lighted the choices for you.

"Bin Laden was born to the family of billionaire Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden in Saudi Arabia. He studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. He helped to fund the mujahideen by funneling arms, money and fighters from the Arab world into Afghanistan, and gained popularity from many Arabs."
Ronald Reagan always erred on the morally correct side of things. My favorite Reagan story is this: when VP GH Bush went to visit Reagan in the hospital after his cancer surgery,he found Reagan on his hands and knees with a towel wiping up the floor after he had had missed the mark on the toilet. Bush asked Reagan, "Ron what are you doing down there?" Reagan replied, "We'll I didn't want the nurses to have to clean up after me." The most powerful man in the world...yet so humble. The Republic is vacant of this human quality in politics now.
OP- Damn straight, now we've had 30 years of Reaganism destroying the US, its middle class, the ME, and world finance. See sig. Idiots. Remember Lebanon, Latin America, giving Saddam WMD, S+L scandal and recession.
Well, 30 years ago our government was sponsoring terrorists... so, yeah...

The level of idiocy around here always surprises me. What, have you not been paying attention the last 30 years?? What on earth would motivate your to post such a comment?
OP- Damn straight, now we've had 30 years of Reaganism destroying the US, its middle class, the ME, and world finance. See sig. Idiots. Remember Lebanon, Latin America, giving Saddam WMD, S+L scandal and recession.
And obama has doubled all of that contrived partisan negativity in only five years!
LOL- Thanks, Raygun, for canceling the Fairness Doctrine, making the hatefilled, bs Pub propaganda machine and ignorant, loudmouth hater dupe zombies like you all possible. So fos. Mindless obstruction, phony crises and scandals, party first pandering to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, and half the country are racist functional morons.

"No strategy" (for ISIS IN SYRIA YET, waiting for Pentagon), IRS targeting Pubs (everything explained by huge number of of TP orgs, NO EVIDENCE, hater dupes), ridiculous beliefs about Bengazi (Stand down orders from WH,no response)- basically anything you morons believe...
In many ways things are better today and in many ways it's worse. I am old enough to actually remember Ronny Raygun and he was not the perfect man or the prefect president. All of us who have not been actively trying to polish his legacy for the last 30 years are always puzzled by the hero worship conservatives engage in continually, he was not great, he was just good at pretending to be great.

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