Morley Schafer appalled by *new media*


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Man, can I call it or can I call it?

I've been saying that the old media is out the door, and will be replaced by new, hungry, and ethical JOURNALISTS the likes of which we haven't seen in quite some time.

The old guard is being replaced and thank goodness. The newspapers are pretty much dead anyway, except to provide local color, and people are no longer giving the dishonest, lying, agenda-driven newsMAKER reporters the time of day.

I'm glad to see it happen. Without a free press that includes ETHICAL and objective REPORTERS (not just commentators and propagandists) this country is doomed.

And just in case you doubted it, here comes Morley to bemoan the advent of a new age:

Last month, broadcast TV lifer Morely Safer, of CBS's 60 Minutes fame, appeared on CSPAN and pronounced himself "appalled" by the denizens of the new media.

Citizen journalists aren't trained well enough to be trusted as a source of news, Safer declared to CSPAN's Brian Lamb on Sept. 13.
In fact, he's downright "appalled" by the whole idea of Internet journalism and seems to wish it would all just go away. We need to leave the "reporting" to him and his professional class of "real" journalists, Safer sonorously declared.
The question about citizen journalism was put to Safer after Lamb showed the aged newsman a clip of former Daily Caller correspondent Michelle Fields. On the clip, Fields was seen celebrating the advent of the new media.
Safer, a Canadian, admitted that he "sounds like a Neanderthal" with his hatred of citizen journalism -- which, he said, he'd trust as much as he'd trust "a citizen surgeon" -- nonetheless he rejects the idea that mere citizens can be a legitimate source of news reporting."

Morely Safer 'Appalled' by New Media
But really, all one needs for good journalism is a competent writer and a dedication to the truth. Like anything, there are skills the job requires and certainly not everybody has those skills. But Safer’s contention that only his approved class of “real journalists” should be allowed to deliver the news is simply arrogance beyond belief.
In fact, one reason his preferred system was built was to skew the "news" in a particular political direction. Long ago Safer's beloved profession went from being a straight forward reporting the news to an effort at creating the news. The tightly controlled -- and now disappearing – media establishment Safer is hanging onto was made to screen out any opposing ideas just as much as it was to professionalize the end product. "

Morely Safer 'Appalled' by New Media
Yeah, Morley, we need more hard hitting journalists like the folks who tried to spike the Clinton/Lewinsky sexcapade and wouldn't even sniff at John Edwards screwing a campaign worker while his wife battled cancer. Oh, and don't forget your disgraced former CBS lefty liar Danny Rather.

The sooner Morley and his ilk are gone the better.
Investigative reporting died when Bill Clinton was elected. Today the darling of the liberal establishment, Bob Woodward is rattling around like a clown giving conflicting opinions and being ever careful of actually criticizing the Obama administration while he plugs a book that nobody wants to read. Who knows where Karl Marx Bernstein is these days. Maybe he finally defected to Cuba. Every liberal pundit ignores the elephant in the room during the Watergate scandal. Who in the world would tolerate fiction alleged to be written by an informant kept secret for thirty years until he died and could not answer questions?
Man, can I call it or can I call it?

I've been saying that the old media is out the door, and will be replaced by new, hungry, and ethical JOURNALISTS the likes of which we haven't seen in quite some time.

The old guard is being replaced and thank goodness. The newspapers are pretty much dead anyway, except to provide local color, and people are no longer giving the dishonest, lying, agenda-driven newsMAKER reporters the time of day.

I'm glad to see it happen. Without a free press that includes ETHICAL and objective REPORTERS (not just commentators and propagandists) this country is doomed.

And just in case you doubted it, here comes Morley to bemoan the advent of a new age:

Last month, broadcast TV lifer Morely Safer, of CBS's 60 Minutes fame, appeared on CSPAN and pronounced himself "appalled" by the denizens of the new media.

Citizen journalists aren't trained well enough to be trusted as a source of news, Safer declared to CSPAN's Brian Lamb on Sept. 13.
In fact, he's downright "appalled" by the whole idea of Internet journalism and seems to wish it would all just go away. We need to leave the "reporting" to him and his professional class of "real" journalists, Safer sonorously declared.
The question about citizen journalism was put to Safer after Lamb showed the aged newsman a clip of former Daily Caller correspondent Michelle Fields. On the clip, Fields was seen celebrating the advent of the new media.
Safer, a Canadian, admitted that he "sounds like a Neanderthal" with his hatred of citizen journalism -- which, he said, he'd trust as much as he'd trust "a citizen surgeon" -- nonetheless he rejects the idea that mere citizens can be a legitimate source of news reporting."

Morely Safer 'Appalled' by New Media

Name some journalists who you believe are ethical.
Man, can I call it or can I call it?

I've been saying that the old media is out the door, and will be replaced by new, hungry, and ethical JOURNALISTS the likes of which we haven't seen in quite some time.

The old guard is being replaced and thank goodness. The newspapers are pretty much dead anyway, except to provide local color, and people are no longer giving the dishonest, lying, agenda-driven newsMAKER reporters the time of day.

I'm glad to see it happen. Without a free press that includes ETHICAL and objective REPORTERS (not just commentators and propagandists) this country is doomed.

And just in case you doubted it, here comes Morley to bemoan the advent of a new age:

Last month, broadcast TV lifer Morely Safer, of CBS's 60 Minutes fame, appeared on CSPAN and pronounced himself "appalled" by the denizens of the new media.

Citizen journalists aren't trained well enough to be trusted as a source of news, Safer declared to CSPAN's Brian Lamb on Sept. 13.
In fact, he's downright "appalled" by the whole idea of Internet journalism and seems to wish it would all just go away. We need to leave the "reporting" to him and his professional class of "real" journalists, Safer sonorously declared.
The question about citizen journalism was put to Safer after Lamb showed the aged newsman a clip of former Daily Caller correspondent Michelle Fields. On the clip, Fields was seen celebrating the advent of the new media.
Safer, a Canadian, admitted that he "sounds like a Neanderthal" with his hatred of citizen journalism -- which, he said, he'd trust as much as he'd trust "a citizen surgeon" -- nonetheless he rejects the idea that mere citizens can be a legitimate source of news reporting."

Morely Safer 'Appalled' by New Media

Name some journalists who you believe are ethical.
Looks like koshergirl can't name any ethical new media types.

That's because she only watches FOXNEWS.
Man, can I call it or can I call it?

I've been saying that the old media is out the door, and will be replaced by new, hungry, and ethical JOURNALISTS the likes of which we haven't seen in quite some time.

The old guard is being replaced and thank goodness. The newspapers are pretty much dead anyway, except to provide local color, and people are no longer giving the dishonest, lying, agenda-driven newsMAKER reporters the time of day.

I'm glad to see it happen. Without a free press that includes ETHICAL and objective REPORTERS (not just commentators and propagandists) this country is doomed.

And just in case you doubted it, here comes Morley to bemoan the advent of a new age:

Last month, broadcast TV lifer Morely Safer, of CBS's 60 Minutes fame, appeared on CSPAN and pronounced himself "appalled" by the denizens of the new media.

Citizen journalists aren't trained well enough to be trusted as a source of news, Safer declared to CSPAN's Brian Lamb on Sept. 13.
In fact, he's downright "appalled" by the whole idea of Internet journalism and seems to wish it would all just go away. We need to leave the "reporting" to him and his professional class of "real" journalists, Safer sonorously declared.
The question about citizen journalism was put to Safer after Lamb showed the aged newsman a clip of former Daily Caller correspondent Michelle Fields. On the clip, Fields was seen celebrating the advent of the new media.
Safer, a Canadian, admitted that he "sounds like a Neanderthal" with his hatred of citizen journalism -- which, he said, he'd trust as much as he'd trust "a citizen surgeon" -- nonetheless he rejects the idea that mere citizens can be a legitimate source of news reporting."

Morely Safer 'Appalled' by New Media

Name some journalists who you believe are ethical.
Looks like koshergirl can't name any ethical new media types.

That's because she only watches FOXNEWS.

Does this mean I win again?

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