More winning for those that work, not so much for liberal welfare queens.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Stocks are about to get a $400 billion dividend boost
“We think it is no coincidence that spring is also a seasonally strong period for equities," Morgan Stanley strategists including Andrew Sheets wrote in a note to clients Wednesday. Up to $400 billion is set to be paid into investor accounts between March and May, they calculated. “April in particular tends to be a strong month for global equity returns.”
More people who are working and investing in their 401k's and other investments are going to see more in their paychecks. Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase, thus the income gap will get bigger, and you can bet the Dem's will be pounding the war drums in the midterms about this. Problem for them is more US citizens of all persuasions are voting against the Dem's and the future voters of the Dem Party are being escorted back across the border...
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...

It's not either/or Moonglow
the ideal is to live and work sustainably
where you can both live your life to the fullest
and invest in sustainable wealth and growth.

Tax and spending into debt,
charging taxpayers for damages and waste from unresolved backlog and bureaucry,
paying billions for crime and prisons instead of investing in medical education and services,
these are not sustainable.

We need to follow the visions of both Obama and Carson
and look into microlending and business/financial training
to replace welfare handouts and invest in empowering people to live and govern themselves sustainably.
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...

It's not either/or Moonglow
the ideal is to live and work sustainably
where you can both live your life to the fullest
and invest in sustainable wealth and growth.

Tax and spending into debt,
charging taxpayers for damages and waste from unresolved backlog and bureaucry,
paying billions for crime and prisons instead of investing in medical education and services,
these are not sustainable.

We need to follow the visions of both Obama and Carson
and look into microlending and business/financial training
to replace welfare handouts and invest in empowering people to live and govern themselves sustainably.
Yeah there is a balance and chasing a dollar to me is not living it's economic enslavement,yet many people value more in life than a dollar bill...I used to be one that had a desire to be a gold hunter yet after wasting forty years I realize all I missed in "surviving" to make a man richer by working for him...But I hold no grudges towards those that want wealth it is they who seem to look down on those that don't seek to have a monied master...
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...

It's not either/or Moonglow
the ideal is to live and work sustainably
where you can both live your life to the fullest
and invest in sustainable wealth and growth.

Tax and spending into debt,
charging taxpayers for damages and waste from unresolved backlog and bureaucry,
paying billions for crime and prisons instead of investing in medical education and services,
these are not sustainable.

We need to follow the visions of both Obama and Carson
and look into microlending and business/financial training
to replace welfare handouts and invest in empowering people to live and govern themselves sustainably.

Keeping foreign criminals out of this country will destroy the Ds MS13 and similar gangs are the GOTV core of the Ds. The reliance on non-citizens and non-living by the Ds goes back to Genocide Jackson, their founder.
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...

It's not either/or Moonglow
the ideal is to live and work sustainably
where you can both live your life to the fullest
and invest in sustainable wealth and growth.

Tax and spending into debt,
charging taxpayers for damages and waste from unresolved backlog and bureaucry,
paying billions for crime and prisons instead of investing in medical education and services,
these are not sustainable.

We need to follow the visions of both Obama and Carson
and look into microlending and business/financial training
to replace welfare handouts and invest in empowering people to live and govern themselves sustainably.

Keeping foreign criminals out of this country will destroy the Ds MS13 and similar gangs are the GOTV core of the Ds. The reliance on non-citizens and non-living by the Ds goes back to Genocide Jackson, their founder.
MS-13 started coming to the US during Reagan, yeah that guy that handed out amnesty to illegals, now what was you saying about the dem core?Reagan also allowed sanctuary cities when gov of California....Then Bush sr signed the bill to allow chain migration possible only to have the GOP led Congress give out amnesty for Panamanians and political refugee status to get in to the US and stay.....
The worst episode for me in my business during Bush jr when illegals were hired by monied folks to drive us out of business...But you keep on living with one blind eye and poor vision out of the other one, it should serve you well....

But yes keeping illegals and crime out of the US is a good thing....
Of course the liberal victims of welfare recipients, wont see an increase

There is way much more to life than accumulating wealth and working yer life away....Somer of actually value life enough to live it...

It's not either/or Moonglow
the ideal is to live and work sustainably
where you can both live your life to the fullest
and invest in sustainable wealth and growth.

Tax and spending into debt,
charging taxpayers for damages and waste from unresolved backlog and bureaucry,
paying billions for crime and prisons instead of investing in medical education and services,
these are not sustainable.

We need to follow the visions of both Obama and Carson
and look into microlending and business/financial training
to replace welfare handouts and invest in empowering people to live and govern themselves sustainably.

Keeping foreign criminals out of this country will destroy the Ds MS13 and similar gangs are the GOTV core of the Ds. The reliance on non-citizens and non-living by the Ds goes back to Genocide Jackson, their founder.

Dear william the wie
Did you see former CA Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal to
build prisons in Mexico? Instead of CA wasting biliions of tax dollars
incarcerating Mexican nationals, why not work out a deal with Mexico
to build military prisons, bases and teaching hospitals along the border on both sides.

Traffickers can either work or pay restitution by building or serving in school
and production facilities along the border to develop it sustainably and securely,
or the criminally ill addicts can receive rehab there while working toward longterm recovery
under supervision of military programs.

Why not create a system where all these criminals can be deported and detained,
not allowed to come right back in because there is no adequate law enforcement and security?

This would create jobs for both Vets, Dreamers and immigrant workers
seeking to work honestly and legally.

the only thing missing is uniting all sides in agreement on a global plan.
Even the Chinese can be involved in plans to create sustainable campus systems
to deal with criminal corrections and prevention, since one of their citizens was
caught running a billion dollar drug ring across the border. And their workers
can also benefit from turning sweatshop slave labor into campus jobs and housing.

for the campus concepts for turning public housing into sustainable
campuses to mentor people to get out of poverty and off welfare:

The expanded version of this campus plan to replicate
and develop across the border:

Media contest to pitch this plan for converting prisons and sweatshops
into schools to end oppression and slave labor worldwide:
Even though Latin American prisons reduce crowding by murderous riots you consider this a goodness thing?
Even though Latin American prisons reduce crowding by murderous riots you consider this a goodness thing?

Dear william the wie
If prisons are set up more sustainably for restitution and rehab
there are no riots or abuses because people are getting the helpl they need.
The Justice Fellowship and Prison Fellowship in Texas had so many
inmates join voluntarily they basically turned whole units into schools.
The Quakers have a secular nonprofit Alternatives to Violence Project (avpusa)
that stopped race violence between prison gangs, and teaches inmates to
lead training workshops in prisons internationally.

For the border, I would urge the Catholic church and Christian ministries
to provide support for effective programs in rehab and recovery for criminal
illness and addiction through Teaching Hospitals, while the Military oversees the security and trains police and govt leaders to manage the prisons and cities around them so there is no corruption.

Set it up as a campus system and both the church and state,
liberals and conservatives, law enforcement and criminals who owe restitution,
can all work together on solutions that benefit everyone regardless of background.
We did that once before and created the zeta cartel. I don't think repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome is a good idea.

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